My son saw me wearing this wristlet and said I was getting fancy....and I am thinking...
Why haven't I worn it before now???
All those pins laying on the table beside my machine because I was too lazy to get a pin cushion.
Hummmmmm...someone is not thinking over here.

I decided to take this class on Craftsy since it was 50% off.
I feel I am begin disloyal to Leah but thought maybe another take on machine quilting would be fun.
I am also taking a photography class, will let you know more after I take it for a while.
Then I am taking the surging class....and I sooooo love this one. Which class would you want to take?
I think I am having an issue....there is a certain color blue that I think is purple (I guess I am partially color blind). itself, it is purple, but in the mix of purple, it is blue.
Now....the quandary, do I let this piece stay in my quilt? Do I take it out? Will require a lot of work.