I don’t know about any of you but Sunday comes and Sunday goes. Why I mention Sunday? That is the only day I know for sure is Sunday, during the week it is “What day is it?”
I kept meaning to show more pictures of my attic finds, this ironing board is one of them. My eyes popped out of their head when I saw this. The cover was so rotten and nasty that it had to be
thrown away.

We are having company today through the week-end. A young family and four kids. Oh yes, all you grandmas out there…eat your hearts out!!! I am a gonna have me some babies in my house.
I call them my kids but have never met them. My son mentioned that fact. The young man is a friend of my sons from way way back, he is brining his wife whom I have met through facebook. I feel like I know her and well….
I made 3 quillows and one self binding blanket. I am ashamed to say that I did a terrible job on the self binding quilt.

There has been so much going on this week that just getting these made has been a triumph. So my reasoning is the baby is only going to pee, poop,and throw up on it. Gross huh??? sorry (not really).
I went and brought lots of fruit, fruit drinks with little sugar in it, animal crackers, and anything else I could think of. Here I was in the store looking at labels trying to get healthy snacks I can spoil them on.
Maybe one or two of you are wondering why I didn’t make the baby a quillow. I did have the fabric but…I read that babies might get their heads caught in the pillow so I opted out of making him one.
Now is confession time. I didn’t have any children fabrics so I went with my husband and we chose the children's fabric. I told him that I could probably find backing fabric in my fabrics.
Oh my stinking gosh, WHAT WAS I THINKING? I wish I had just purchased some backing fabric. Hunting through boxes, bags, drawers….what a frustration. In all that frustration I found the backing fabrics in the fabrics purchased before New Years. Didn’t have to go far but made a mountain out of a mole hill here.
So……………………. old old Bejeweled purchased some fabric. Hand is slapped and I am back on track.
Now it will be a mad dash cleaning up this house and getting it somewhat baby proofed.