I know....you all are saying
"So you have scraps"
WE ALL HAVE SCRAPS!!! What quilter doesn't have scraps!!
WE ARE SICK OF HEARIN (the missing G was on purpose) ABOUT IT!!
Okay...Okay!!! I get it...okay!!
and here is what I am doing about it....

I cut some rag squares with the Go cutter and the rag die....sandwiched them...and waaaaaalaaaa....a complete canvas for practicing free motion quilting.
At first, I was just doing random stitching and then thought, I have to have a plan...learn something if I am trying to free motion. Free motion is not just random sewing.
So my plan was to learn to sew over a previous line without making it look so stitchy in the middle......and that is where this design was born. I am sure I didn't create it but this is what was born in my free motion process.

What a great way to use scraps, learn a technique and then.....create a quilt for Project Linus.
This is for the contest over at
Lady Bug Studios, it will be ending soon....none tooo soon for me (said with a tired smile).

I say this with all sincerity, I will be so happy if my sister wins, but I will also be sad....and you say why? I see how hard Greg is working, I have had some great conversations with Brooke over emails, I want him to win too. I will be happy for Greg is he wins and I will be sad for my sister is she loses...so.... we will just say that the real winners are the ones that will be recieving all the pillowcases and quilts. So best of luck Greg, you have some wonderful friends that have been cheering you on, what a blessing.
My sister also has had some wonderful friends but what has been the most fun was seeing our family of quilters come together and help my sister out....that is the sweetest thing I can think of. We all have lived so far away from each other. I created that Quilter's Corner blog so we could all post what we do and stay in touch that way....but this contest has been amazing for the sheer fact that when the going gets tough....you will always always have family watching your back.
Thanks to my mother and sisters, and nieces who have helped...to my wonderful friends that have rallied around my sister (to those amazing ones that are annonymous, doing something and not caring if they get the credit...what a selfless act...a big hug for you). Don't you all just feel the LOVE!!!