I would like to thank my mother and sister Beverly for sending me a care package each month for the first year and a half I have been here.
A big thanks to my niece Jennifer and sister Jeanette for letting me play in their store and be a part of it's opening.
A huge feeling of gratitude towards all of you who have blogged with me, during the tsunami, during sad times, and the happy times of my life. For helping my stay here even more enjoyable.
All of your creativity is amazing and inspiring.
Last but not least to my AMAZING FRIENDS here in Amerika Samoa, it truly has been some of the best years of my life and I will carry your friendship with me forever.
Seeing this beautiful island just brings a warm since of Gratitude to our Father in Heaven for allowing me and you to enjoy the beauty life has to offer us.
Can you not see His hand in all things?
Does HE not whisper to you that He lives?
What an amazing 3 years....
During this time...one son goes to Iraq, then to Japan.
One son arrives from el Salvador and then leaves again for Hawaii for school.
We became empty nesters when my last son went on a mission to the West Indies for 2 years for our church.
One son just joined the army, so now I have two in.
And...whether any of you knew this or not, some of you did....you were there with me every step of the way....