The quilt below belongs to a gal (nine months pregnant) that comes to my home to sew with the sewing group. She came last time and no one else showed up. So she had the material for the nine patch and I had the material for the triangles. She did the nine patches that day but as I was going to explain how to do the triangles, she said, I am just going to leave it here. So here it has been. No sewing group lately, so Saturday, I decided to finish it up. Hope she likes it. It is really bright but they say babies like bright. I get real frustrated when my things don't turn out perfect....and this is far from prefect....


It is a small sewing kit.

David needed a small sewing kit for when he leaves for the West Indes, so my mother mailed him one many, many, many weeks ago and it has not come in. So once again, necessity has taken over and this is what I came up with. There are things I would change, things I would do different and make it look nicer but....I don't have to make another one, soooooooo....this one will do.