Today my third son, Amos, left for Iraq. The only way I get through these boys and their adventures is to tell myself "They Chose to do this." Silly I know but it sure helps.
He called yesterday to say good-bye. Won't have contact with him for about four days.
I have another son doing who knows what in the Philipines.
So in honor of their service, my worriness and the service of my own Father and my husband's Father, I am having a giveaway.
Won't you join me?
I am giving away POSH POSIES.....can you guess where I got it? If you guessed "I Have a Notion" you are right! It has everything you need to complete the wall hanging. Tomorrow, I just might add something else...who knows??
Have a wonderful Memorial Day.....
I say..."Let's Bring our Boys and girls home!!!!!"
In the mean time "God Bless America and our MEN and WOMEN!!!"
Just leave a comment, I will chose a winner when he makes contact with us. Thanks!