I am having such troubles commenting on some of your blogs....I am also having trouble getting in and out of my blog. I know it will take time for all of this to be fixed but please know that I have come by..... Thanks to those of you who have sought me out in emails to comment on my post.
I hate to do post without pictures. This is one of 11 crystals goblets that I purchased (12) before I was married. I had the dishes to match. Unfortunately, the dishes have not made it this far. Eleven of the 12 goblets have made it. One thanksgiving I decided to give my children a lesson on etiquette.....have them use the fine crystal. Well...needless to say one child (will not mention names but it is the same child that pulled my very nice singer sewing machine off the counter) must have watched a James Bond movie or something to where they threw their glasses in the fireplace because when he finished drinking....the crystal went flying...... I just felt that was a lesson learned. We continued to bring out the crystal on Holidays until the matching set of dishes became obsolete.
Oh how I can relate! One morning I asked my son to toss his toast crumbs to the birds, next thing I heard was crash!! He had taken his whole plate to toss the crumbs off of and with his buttery little fingers a saucer from my brand new dish set was flung down the front stairs!! Oops!
ROFL, boys do make life interesting!! I was having problems commenting the other day but things seem to be ok now. I ended up signing out of my account and then signing back in and it seemed to do the trick.
Oh, no!! Wow, if somebody threw one of my crystal glasses (on purpose), I'd be irate! What a story. :D
"Chicken Scratch" - - - Now, that brings fun memories of excitedly shopping with Grandma for the supplies and then sitting by her side at work, happily working away at my own chicken scratch piece.
I am not really familiar with Chicken Scratch, but it looks pretty in that post. I wish I had some ready to take on my trip tomorrow. I like to do hand work while riding in the car.
I'm sorry you are having trouble with blogger. I think chicken scratch is beautiful! Hope we see more.
I could write a book about Christmas mishaps! But they are so fun to remember.
Very pretty tiny embroidery!
That's too funny...don't you love what kids do? Of course, it's not too funny while it's happening but it sure makes for good memories. You don't remember too many things when they act good but you can sure remember everything when they don't.
I have an old book on chicken scratch and it's funny cuz I just pulled it out and looked at it this week. It brought back a great memory of a sweet friend that's no longer with us. She tried to teach a group of us how to do it. She had as much luck teaching us that as I had teaching her to quilt...I need a new apron, I might just pull it out and try again.
My crystal had hte same demise, Gorham crystal no less. My Noritake 12 piece place setting china has faired a little better. I do love dishes and I wanted my good china to be used. I actually made some quilted table toppers for my kitchen. They're at the quilter's and I'm excited to set a pretty table again when they come back! I'll be posting Monday on my friend's quilt shop. I'm so happy to have had a small part in helping her. Now I'll have to go check out that tutorial. I've had the same blogger issues but hopefully they're fixed now.
Wasn't that annoying with blogger during the sms giveaways???? It was so frustrating I just stopped blog hopping thinking it was a setting on my computer..come to find out it's with blogger...oh well. Now, off to see what chicken scratch is all about...
Well now I do remembe doing chicken scratch super early in my marriage...30yrs ago? Don't think I finished it or if I did it is long gone, but you know, if someone wanted to do a 'scratch along' (hint hint) I'd be interested in making some blocks for a quilt or something....I have to go online and look for a refresher course....
Chicken Scratch quilting is very big here & it is very hard to get patterns anymore. Thanks for the tute. I will definitely be using it!
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