I think these awesome Island Batik Fabrics is what catches the eye the most. Did I tell you they hardly fray? Great GREAT for applique. They also iron up real pretty.
Now I had mentioned that my sister lost everything in the Baton Rouge Flood. Her house is now gutted.

She just found out that her insurance will not pay for the contents of her home....long story but the story is not over yet.
The sad part is and this is where I am appealing to us quilters. She spent her whole life gathering and accumulating material, threads, a wonderful quilting machine, commerical embroidery machine...the list goes on in hopes that when she retired (which she did in Jan) that she could do a home business with these items. Not any more.....all gone. My heart goes out to her. I started a GOFUNDME account for her. I know that actually this will be cheaper than gathering up tools and supplies to send to her because postage is expensive but if you would like to help....that would be super. If not, just a prayer and warm thoughts would be great.
Thanks for listening to me and have a fabulous week-end.