I will not have time to answer your comments, so I am sorry. I appreicate all of you that have stopped by via my blog or email to check in on me. Most of you know that I am moving and as of now am in my new home with all our storage sitting around us. Our household items have not even left the port of Pago Harbor....I won't elaborate.
Least way, when I was in Texas this summer I purchased this free motion book, it has alot of tips and advice. One thing it said was that you don't need to go fast
(I have been caught....this lead foot of mine has a need for speed). She gives alot of other wonderful advice and designs.
Then...as I was looking at some of the quilt books(everything seems so new after 3 years)....infact, my husband was out in the cold with the movers, he comes in and goes "Are you having fun"....like I should be doing something else.
Okay....caught again.
I thought this book "A Super Quilter" was pretty awesome for a beginner and for someone who would like all the wonderful patterns it includes.
Maybe you know someone who would like these, or just want them for yourself...no matter, just leave a comment, remember, I probably won't respond but sure do appreciate you coming by for a visit.
So I am leaving you with this......
They say a picture is worth a thousand words......can you see my smile?
I did so some sewing on Mr. Big while waiting for the storage items.....and I have a confession.
After I changed the needle and threaded this puppy...it now purrs..... My husband said this is the quietest machine I have (doesn't he remember Mr. Pfaff....or have I forgotten)?
So...mayabe tonight I can catch up on some desired sewing therapy. I had wanted our air shipment to come in but apparently, it is still on the docks at Pago Harbor with the household items....I say, why not just send them together now...(oh..does that sound grumpy....sorry). This air shipment were items to keep a house running until our household stuff got here...Hummmmmm
My Go cutter and about 6 tops were in this air shipment.... no need crying...JoAnns is just a car drives away (see me smiling again)....HA!!!!!
I will chose a winner January 4th...this is the day my son goes back to basic...