Monday, May 30, 2011


I know I said I would end this giveaway when my son Amos made contact. Well...he said it would be about four days but.....he emailed me today from of ending the giveaway I am going to add a Samoan Jelly Roll....of course, the jelly roll I do will be different than the picture....yep...haven't done it yet but will...just leave a comment on this post. If you have commented once and would like to again, please do, that will give you two chances.

Today my third son, Amos, left for Iraq. The only way I get through these boys and their adventures is to tell myself "They Chose to do this." Silly I know but it sure helps.

He called yesterday to say good-bye. Won't have contact with him for about four days.

I have another son doing who knows what in the Philipines.

So in honor of their service, my worriness and the service of my own Father and my husband's Father, I am having a giveaway.

Won't you join me?

I am giving away POSH POSIES.....can you guess where I got it? If you guessed "I Have a Notion" you are right! It has everything you need to complete the wall hanging. Tomorrow, I just might add something else...who knows??

Have a wonderful Memorial Day.....

I say..."Let's Bring our Boys and girls home!!!!!"

In the mean time "God Bless America and our MEN and WOMEN!!!"

Just leave a comment, I will chose a winner when he makes contact with us. Thanks!



Wacky Woman said...

It is hard when our men are deployed. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way Barb.

Lynette said...

Yes!! Let's bring them home! My hubby's had his share of deployments out there. You really do go into a whole different mode of "no news is good news". And you stop watching CNN and regular news. Better Iraq and Philippines right now than Afghanistan. :)

Mary L. said...

I know too well the worries in your heart. Your sons are always in my prayers and this one will be even more so in the coming months.

Jean said...

I think it would be so hard to deal with them going into a war zone. You are an amazing woman so they must be amazing too!

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

Amen! God bless our soliers and our country!

Yvette said...

God Bless your son. I pray he has an uneventful tour and is home soon.

Crispy said...

I will keep your son in my prayers Barb!! I too wish they would send all the boys & girls home!!

Crispy (don't include me in the drawing for the usual reasons :0) )

Peach Rainbow said...

Hope your sons will call you soon!
Thank you for the lovely giveaway - only hope it is open internationally :D

onlymehere said...

I honestly didn't realize that you had one leaving for Iraq and one in the Philippines. My gosh you must be proud of your boys. We pray for our servicemen and women every day and now I can remember your boys too. I have other friends with sons and daughters serving and my Brianna's husband will be deployed when he graduates from college next year. I agree on bringing them home, if we could just have peace in the world so it could be feasible. Maybe everyone should blog bz I think bloggers are some of the kindest and most unselfish people I've ever met.

Rachel said...

Wow, Barb. You must be so proud and sad at the same time. I can't imagine!

JustCindy said...

I will be praying for you and Amos. I don't know why our kids can't just lead boring lives.

Susan said...

The only thing that got me through my son's deployments was that I kept telling myself that God would watch over him in Iraq just the same as He would in the United States AND that I knew that it was what he really wanted to do and he was happy doing it. God bless your son and all of the young men and women who are so willing to give so much for the rest of us!

Dana Gaffney said...

And God bless you Barb, I don't know how you stand the worry. Yes, let's bring them all home safe.

Shelina said...

It is hard enough to have a child leave home, much less so far away, and for military duty. I hope it is uneventful and short.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Thank you Barb for being a service Mom! I know it is just a hard a job as being a wife to a military career man. ((hugs)) I agree~ they all need to come home.
What a cute giveaway! Hope you have a good weekend and your DS calls when he can. Keeping him in my T&P's too.

Mary said...

I agree, it is fime to bring them home! You and your family are always in my prayers. Family should not have to be in harms way. Take care!

Deanne said...

Hope you hear from your son soon. Some how our children never understand why we worry until they have their first child!

Suzanne said...

My Mom use to say "He's where he is suppose to be, so I will just be content" when my Dad was off with the Air Force.

Deb said...

I've never had to say goodbye to my two sons, but as a mom I can identify with your worry and sadness. I hope you can connect with your sons very soon so that will ease your mind. Thank you for such a nice giveaway.

Lee said...

Blessing to your sons and to all who serve and have served! Thank you.

ooglebloops said...

Prayers and good thoughts - it takes special kinds of boys to do what yours are doing - and a very special mom backing them up.
Enter me please, it looks like something that will get me sewing!!LOL

Robin Quilts, etc. said...

God Bless you and your family. It is such an honorable thing your boys are doing. God Bless America!.

Sunnybec said...

If only no one had to do what your sons are doing what a wonderful place this would be. We can only pray that one day everyone will live in peace. Hugs Linda x

Kimbuckjr said...

Hi Miss Barbara! Gosh, I can't even imagine being the mother or a child who has devoted their life to protecting America's FREEDOM! The red, white, & blue quilt you have picture above is absolutely beautiful. WOW! You are so talented. I dabble in quilting, but have never made a GORGEOUS quilt, such as the one you have made, above. Gosh, it's beautiful!
Have you ever heard of Soldiers' Angels? I signed up for Soldiers' Angels 9 years ago and ever since I have adopted several service men & women. I send them care packages of all kinds of goodies from home. I also write letters and send them little doo-dads to let them know they are missed and in my prayers 24/7. I think everyone should be a Soldiers' Angel.
Anyway, I would love to WIN this giveaway. Please enter me into your giveaway. Thank you VERY much!
Hang in there and keep smiling!
God Bless you and yours -

Diane H said...

God Bless your boys and all who serve. Thanks, Barb.

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

It's so hard when the kids grow up and go off and do their own thing. It's so much harder when they chose to serve their country. It takes a special person and a very understanding family to live the life of a Soldier. God Bless them all!!

polly said...

you & your family will be in my thoughts! happy memorial day to all

Sheila said...

I agree with you bring them home, I think they have given enough already . I hope your son has a safe deployment and returns home soon .All the best to him and his troop mates .

Tangos Treasures said...

Keeping all our service people in my prayers!! I wish they would send them all home too!!!

Anonymous said...

I have so much respect for the men and women who put their lives in danger out there. Part of our army is in Afghanistan and soon police men will follow to teach their police. Another dangerous place to be.
My son was in the UN, I was so glad his contract ended! I know, very selfish, but I'm only a mum :-))
Dutch hugs

Tudy said...

We really have to honor all those that serve this country now and over the years. Please enter me in your giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your willingness to allow yours sons to serve. I recognize that families here make sacrifices too! I am thankful for the freedom that we owe to men and women, past - present - future!

My brother is active Army, but recruits, so is safe at home at present. Those who are on the lines, are in my thoughts and prayers.

God bless you too!

Needled Mom said...

You have raised some wonderful, selfless sons, Barb. We appreciate their service that allows us to enjoy the freedoms that we do. I will be keeping Amos in my prayers in a special way.

GerryART said...

Both of your sons are in my heart.

Our friends just spent three months in the Philippines - her family lives there and she lives in Arizona where our friend met and married her. Second marriages for both after losing spouses.


Gene Black said...

Barb, I know that you have mixed feelings about Amos leaving. You are both proud of him for serving and apprehensive about his safety.
I salute Amos, and I salute you also Barb. Tell the guys I said thanks.

The posies look like fun. Count me in.

Doina said...

God Bless your son!

Twisted Quilts said...

My father was a fighter pilot in WW2. My husband was in Vietnam for a year. But I agree with you, bring these brave men and women home! Good luck to you and to your son.

Jocelyn said...

Oh Barb, this looks so wonderful. What a special things to do to honor your boys. They are certainly appreciated for their time in the military. My daughter left last Wednesday on a missions trip to SE Asia. So I know the goodbyes are hard. But the blessings of the Lord are with them.

Vicki ♥ said...

I pray your son stays safe Barb and it would be good to have all this rot in Iraq over and done with. Such a worry for those who are left home. Hugs Vicki xx

Quiltin' Sandy said...

May God protect your sons and all of your family. Hugs, Sandy.

BubzRugz said...

Lots of thoughts and love to you and your family.. it's not easy....

sewfunquilts said...

Wonderful giveaway, Barb. Thanks to your family for our freedoms today. hugs.

quiltmom anna said...

Sending you warm thoughts and prayers for your son's safe journey. What a nice way to honor the ones who serve their country so that we all can be safe. Thank you for your generosity and kindness towards others. Our world is better for it.
A very nice giveaway too.

vivian said...

That's not silly-that's what gets me through it! Hope the time passes quickly for you and him!

Lori said...

I thank him for his a member of the Veteran's of Foreign Wars..Ladies Aux...I have seen and learned so much of what our brave troops do....They honor us as do you for your selflessness...

Terry said...

Thanks to your young men and to every one who serves our country! And thanks for the giveaway too! :0)

Lynn said...

My Dad was on submarines in the Navy = gone a lot and out of contact for weeks at a time. My husband was in the Army = gone a lot but he could usually call once a week. My brother-in-law is in the Air Force and will soon be deployed to an action area some where - it changes almost daily.

Safe travels for Amos and peace of mind to you!

Mystica said...

My prayers with you and your family. I can just imagine your feelings.

Thank you for sharing at this very emotional time.


Deborah in Atlanta said...

I'll keep you and yours in my prayers. I worked as a civilian for the Army from 1975-2008. From 2001-2008, I was in Germany, Kosovo, Bosnia and Bulgaria. I considered it a great honor to work side-by-side with many of those angels in uniform as they deployed to many locations. God bless them. And God bless all of you, their family here and abroad who support them.

Emily said...

You are a strong lady and you son is awesome!!!!

Mary Grace McNamara said...

We always pray for all our service men and women during Mass. God bless them all.

Thanks for the wonderful giveaway too! Will be waiting to hear the good news that you have been in contact soon.


Shari said...

Parents worry about their children no matter what they choose to do... all we can do is love them and give them back to God - they will be in His hands and His will will be done. We just pray that His will is the same as ours - a long and happy life for them...

Michelle said...

God Bless our Men & Women!

Ivory Spring said...

Prayers for your son to be safe wherever he is! Happy Memorial Day!

Tammy said...

Thank you to your two sons on this Memorial Day. I will keep them in my prayers. My son did a 15 month deployment in Afghanistan in 2007-2008. I put my trust in God and my son made it back home, not un scarred mind you, but he's mending as time goes by. Thanks for offering the giveaway. Remember, "the will of God will never take you where the grace of God cannot protect you."

QuiltSue said...

Never having been in that position, I can only imagine how hard it must be to watch your sons or daughters go into war. I'm thinking of you.

leslieanne said...

Bless your heart! You must be proud of your soldier boys. How nice of younto host a giveaway now. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi Barb....I'm not here for the giveaway but was just checking on your blog and the happenings. We are also a military family and have many deployments under "our belts"....wishing your son all the best for a safe return. God Bless America.

StacyB said...

Many Prayers with you and your family. Thank You

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh Barb, Thank you to your boys, you, your husband and the countless other Mommy's, Daddy's and children in this world who help "us" We are so thankful. xxx

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

Just when you think the kids won't contact you they send a surprise email or a quick phone call. My Dad always said "I hates kids" whenever we did something that was smart or that made him smile or bring a tear to his eye.

Love your Samoan jelly rolls. I know the perfect pattern for one of your "delicious" jelly rolls ;)

AverettLadyNana said...

I can't imagine the emotions you are dealing with...sadness your sons are away, proud they are serving our wonderful country, just on and one. I send prayers for their safe return...We are so very thankful for their service to our God and Country!!! May God keep them in the protection of his loving arms!!!

Peach Rainbow said...

Wishing your sons a safe return SOON!

Anonymous said...

Deployments are hard for everyone. Prayers to your family and all the other families out there. thanks for the giveaway.

hetty said...

I know you must be proud and worried at the same time. My positive thoughts go out to you.

Gene Black said...

Second comment, I would love the jelly roll too.

Happy memorial day!

Brenda said...

Glad to see that you have heard from your son. I bet that made your Memorial Day a little brighter!! :) My well wishes to your family and boys for their service to this wonderful country of ours!

Dresden Quilter said...

You are in my thoughts. You are an amazing mom. Thanks for the giveaway.

Barb said...

This comment is for Sandi Anderson, she is not able to comment....

Barb said...

Hi Barb,
I'm so glad to see others are having the same issue. I'm sure it will get fixed soon. In the meantime........I wanted to say that your giveaway is lovely! And how generous! Plus.....please give my thanks to your sons for serving in the armed forces. I appreciate and am very grateful for every man and woman who has served our country in the past and those who are serving now!!!

szkornelia said...

I hope your son will be back safe.
Thanks for the nice giveaway.

Vivian said...

My thoughts on this Memorial Day are with you and your brave sons and with all mother and fathers who have children in harm's way, or who are serving in the military in any way, shape, or form. We owe so much to every one.
Thank you for your generosity in offering the giveaway, Barb.

Donna said...

I'm proud of your sons! May God bless!

Karen said...

I hope your sons stay safe!

Jeni said...

sending prayers your way Barb...we need our ausie boys home to....another died...last week sad

PaTcHwOrK jEnN said...

Praying for your boys!

mkjmc said...

Praying your boys remain safe, My brother is on his fourth deployment to Afghanistan. Prayers are with you as well and thank them for their service to this country~

Jeanne said...

It is difficult to be a Mom of a serviceman or servicewoman. Thank you to your children for their service. My son, daughter and son-in-law all served in Operation Desert Storm, so I can understand your feelings. Prayers for a safe return.

tpott said...

God bless all our service men and women! Lets keep them in our prayers. You must be so proud of them. ;>

Marcia W. said...

We will pray for your Boys to return safe and sound to you.

Marcia W. said...

We have prayed for the return of your Boys to you after this deployment so you can hug them again in person.

Mystica said...

Glad your son contacted you. My heart is with you.

Patty said...

I pray they will all come home soon and all the service men and women will be safe.

onlymehere said...

So happy you already heard! The jelly roll sounds like a wonderful addition!

quiltmom anna said...

I am so glad to hear that you have heard from Amos- May he feel the strength of love and support for him from afar...
With best wishes,

The Samoan jelly roll sounds so exotic- Thanks for the opportunity to win something beautiful and giving something beautiful to others when you are already giving so much.

Warmest regards,

Melissa ;-) said...

What good boys you have Barb. I know you are proud of them!

Margarita said...

Boys will be Boys Barb, they are all the same.
Would love to be in your giveaway

Barb said...

Hi Barb! First off, I'm very happy to hear that you heard from your son. I pray for all your boys and for every one of our men and women who serve our country. I think we need to bring them home asap.
Also, I was wondering if you could add me to your giveaway. I've tried to enter a few times now and Blogger is apparently unhappy with me for some reason. Keep going round and round with the signin. If you can't I understand I just though it was worth a shot.=)
Thanks! Have a wonderful rest of the day!
Sandy N

This is for Sandy who emailed me and was not able to comment.

antique quilter said...

You should be so proud of your sons.
Serving in the military during these times is just so honorable. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it , feeling safe is so important as I live close to NYC and still remember 9/11 if it was yesterday.
I will keep you and your family in my thoughts.
stay strong.
Samoan Jelly Roll would be so fun to work with and make a little quilt
thanks for such a great giveaway

Diane H said...

Glad you heard from your dear son, Barb.

Susan In Texas said...

God bless our men and women in uniform; may they all come home safely and soon!

Susan in Texas

West Michigan Quilter said...

I was too emotional to leave a comment after reading your post and then seeing all the TV specials to honor our men and women in service. God bless them all and bring them back to us safe and soon.

quiltsbylee said...

Nice giveaway. Will keep your boys in my prayers.

sewfunquilts said...

Love you, Barb, and just now noticed your new red/white/blue quilt picture for your banner. Clever girl, you are.

Let's bring our service people home from overseas! It's definitely more excuses.

Arlette said...

Talofa, Barb! Hope life's well on the island. The I Am Roses flowers that you commented about are made from paper that was made from the bark of the mulberry tree. They're not real flowers that have been preserved. They are fun to work with though! I will keep you and your sons in my prayers. A mom's worry can be pretty heavy at times, especially during these trying times. Take care!

Laurel H. said...

Please enter me in the giveaway. And, many thanks to the men of your family (and you too!) for the sacrifice of service they have made.

Laurel H. said...

And, you said I could leave 2 comments for two chances? :)

Kim D. said...

Barb, my thoughts and prayers are with your boys. I really appreciate the sacrifices of all of our young men and women in the military. Thank your boys for us for their service.
What a fun giveaway, those samoan fabrics are gorgeous. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree, Barb, it is time for them all to come home! Thanks for the chance to win!
Jacque in SC

corina said...

You must be very proud of your sons! Wishing them a safe return.

Lisa England said...

Blessings to your sons and to your family. A big thank you to them for serving our country and to you for enduring their absence.

Erzebat said...

your sons will come home safe and sound. the grannies promise! (mauh) Liz

robin said...

May they all come home safe.

Anonymous said...

that must be very worrying, I wish for you all that they come home save,
greetings Judith

Madame Purl said...

Bless you're whole family.

Frog Quilter said...

You are a strong women to stay so positive with 5 sons all serving their country. Oooooh Rahhhh.

Carolyn said...

Thank you and your sons and all of the other selfless men and women who help keep us safe at night. As the mother of a son I can't even imagine how you must feel. I would imagine many mixed emotions. Pride, worry, love, etc. Just know that there is a family in Texas that prays for our soldiers and their families and is VERY thankful! HUGS to you, dear one.

MBRA518 said...

Thank you to your sons for their service, wishing them a safe return!

Constance said...

My oldest son came back from Afghanistan in March. His wife & 2 yr old daughter stayed with us while he was gone. That was good for all of us.
My dh retired last year, so that's a relief!

Semper Fi!

Betsy said...

Barb, your boys are in my prayers everyday.Having served, I know exactly what you mean.

Deb said...

My only two nephews are in the U.S. Army my prayers are with them as well as you and yours!

SewCalGal said...

I think the most difficult job is being a mother, especially when there is a war and your children are off fighting. What a great way to celebrate hearing from Amos. You, Vance and all your wonderful sons are in my prayers. May they all be safe and return home soon.


kbzelazny said...

I am sending good thoughts your way! Thanks so much for the great giveaway!