Thursday, August 27, 2015


Thanks Katie from Island Batik for arranging this fun hop.

It truly has been a hot summer and in the country.  When I think of country I think of Baskets.

My fabric is from the melon grouping.  This round topper shows all the beautiful fabrics.

  I have to confess, I did not like it until I put the binding on.  I have found that a lot of times I feel that way about an item but when that binding goes on....the transformation happens.

Since I started this months ago, it sat unfinished until two night ago.  It was not the fabrics, I love love the fabrics especially the lime green (I know some of you are surprised....smiling)

Here it is at another angle.  Did I tell you how much I love Island Batik Fabrics? 

Did I tell you that baskets are my most favorite thing?

We can't stop there.....  Why not a quilt???  Here it is laying on the floor.  I was so happy that it does not wave.

 Did I tell you I just finished this last night?  Boy, I am full of confessions.  I have had nothing but machine trouble.  Notice the post before this one and you will see why.  The top also was done months ago and just sat around waiting for me to fix my machines.

Here it is on my wall rod.  It is way to long....I am sad, I wanted to leave it up for a spell but it drags the ground and truly is way to big for my wall.  Oh well...there could be worst things in this world.

These pictures do not do the quilt justice.

Here is my little companion on the week-ends, grand dog sitting.  He would just sit and watch me.

I am offering Forty 5" squares.  They will not be these exact squares but they will be a variety of Island Batik Fabrics. Just leave a comment

Now the fun truly begins....Island Batik is giving away two Batik Bundles...just use the rafflecopter below.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


What wonderful answers to "WHAT THIS IS"

I have never in my whole life seen this in a machine.  I always thought it was a fuzz in my machine and have tried for a long time to get it out.

Friday night I was having trouble with my machine thread and figured this fuzz was the reason.
Turned off my machine 



Tried different methods.

Almost screamed

Then out it came....AHHHHH


why was my heart beating like I did something wrong?

I emailed a few people and they had no clue

So the next morning I called a Pfaff dealership.

All I can say is OOOOPPPPPSSS

and are you kidding me...that is suppose to be in my machine???


Well...I ain't neber!!!!

She said to bring it in to her and she would put it back in....that I should not be operating the machine without it.

WHAT!!!!  She is over an hour away.

I don't know how much she was going to charge me but...she wanted 119.00 to 150.00 to clean the machine and she could not guarantee when I could get it back.

Me without my machine is me without chocolate.  Yes, I do have my embroidery machine that sews......but this is my machine.  Oh well...some of you will understand and well..some of you will just roll your eyes.


I am thinking.

I can put it back in

How hard would it be...right????

Get a few tools....don't work (what do I know about tools?)

So....I bat my eyelashes at my husband and what do you know....

He is enlisted in my dirty detail.  Not too happy about it but enlisted non the less.

He finds the right tool and hands it to me.

I am shocked.

He wanted me to open this heart is racing a mile a minute.

Thoughts like.....what if I break it?

What if I touch the wrong thing and mess it all up?

A ton of "What ifs"

So....bat my eyelashes a little more, do a little whinning
and the man is enlisted again.

Once again he is not happy but at least he is taking screws out with my help of course....(smiling here)

Once we get the top open.  He leaves me.....WHAT!!!!!

Oh I look inside, start cleaning with my little brush.

Decide where this little lint catcher was (there are tell tell signs see lint fragments from me ripping it out...ooopsss).  You all understand....I was a gal on a mission and was not going to stop until succeeded.  Oh well..that is water under the bridge.

Get some gorrilla glue.  First I fit it in there to see how it goes.  Then I get the glue...this puppy is not going anywhere.

After much fanagaling it is in....I pat it down with my tweezers (trust me this is not an easy space to work in).  Wait a few minutes to see if it will stay....take a few up and down motions with the needle....  It is still engaged....


Oil the machine.

Close the lid and put the screws back in.

We are back in business!!!!

Crisis Averted!

So Ladies and Gents....if you see this in your machine pfaff creative vision 4.0 DO NOT...I REPEAT...DO NOT PULL IT OUT!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2015


Do any of you know what this is?

Take a wild stab at it.

It came out of my machine.

I will let you all answer and then I will explain my OOOOOPPSSSS

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


I just deleted my blog list.....hands on head.....

So if you would like to be on my blog list...please comment.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Today is an OH MY GOSH!!! DAy!!!

My husband and I have joined the world of the "Smart phone".  I know some of you are saying it is about time.  I am still kicking and screaming.  I had a "dumb phone" and well....I was not even smart enough to use it.

To be honest, I am just not a phone person.  I hate talking on them and well....I can take them or leave them.  My "dumb phone" was kept in my purse in the kitchen drawer and was only taken out when I left the house.

So I am trying to get use to this new phone and having to put all my passwords in it for my gmail, hotmail, facebook, and yahoo has been an "OH MY GOSH" moment or moments.  I have had to reset so many passwords.  I even wrote them down but

OH MY STINKING GOSH!!!  I got the one for google all wrong and had to reset it to get into my blog.

But............I guess if that is the least of my worries I am doing good.

Here are some more little blankets.

Do I hear an "Oh My Gosh?"  
In the future you will hear more about these little quilts and blankets.  Some fun things happening over here at Bejeweled Quilts.

My brother and his wife make these wooden bowls....oh yes....when I got them


When he made a visit down here a few months back he filled up his pick up with a bunch of logs from our property and sent these as a thank you.  I just love them.

Don't forget about the Island Batik "Summer in the Country" blog hop

8/18 – KISSed Quilts – Part 1
8/19 – Kauffman Designs
8/20 – Adele Mogavero
8/21 – MooseStash Quilting
8/22 – Pamela Quilts
8/23 – Freemotion by the River
8/24 – The Patchwork Pearl
8/25 – Fun Threads Designs
8/26 – For Quilts Sake
8/27 – Lemon Tree Snippets
8/28 – Bejeweled Quilts
8/29 – Tamarinis
8/30 – KISSed Quilts – Part 2
8/31 – Beaquilter
9/1 – Purrfect Spots Designs
9/2 – Maria Michaels Designs
9/3 – Mary Mack Made Mine
9/4 – Made In Scraps
9/5 – Happy Cottage Quilter

Monday, August 17, 2015


8/17 – Island Batik  IS FIRST OUT OF THE GATE.....Hope you hop on over and take a look.

8/18 – KISSed Quilts – Part 1
8/19 – Kauffman Designs
8/20 – Adele Mogavero
8/21 – MooseStash Quilting
8/22 – Pamela Quilts
8/23 – Freemotion by the River
8/24 – The Patchwork Pearl
8/25 – Fun Threads Designs
8/26 – For Quilts Sake
8/27 – Lemon Tree Snippets
8/28 – Bejeweled Quilts
8/29 – Tamarinis
8/30 – KISSed Quilts – Part 2
8/31 – Beaquilter
9/1 – Purrfect Spots Designs
9/2 – Maria Michaels Designs
9/3 – Mary Mack Made Mine
9/4 – Made In Scraps
9/5 – Happy Cottage Quilter

Friday, August 7, 2015


                                                A FUN CHRISTMAS RUNNER!!!

I just love Island Batik Fabrics.  You can even use your scraps.  I doesn't take much to make this little runner.

Here is another one!

It is so much fun trying to use the accuquilt go dies in different ways.

I think this would be fun as a wedding runner as well.  Maybe even have the names embroidered on the ribbon on each side.

How about some cute covers for your composition notebook?

It is hotter than hatties here in Texas....suppose to get up to 105 this week-end.  No fun going outside.