Wednesday, March 23, 2016


You ask why?

Because I am getting ready to cut into these awesome Island Batik Fabrics...that is why!

If only you can see these up close and would cry too.

These are from the Lavish Collection....  Oh my stinking just doesn't get any better than this but it hurts oooooo so bad to have to cut them.

Next month we are having an April Showers Island Batik Hop.

Can you guess what I am going to make?

Leave a comment and I will send you some Island Batik happiness!  Don't know what to send yet, but I will send you something fun rest assured.

Now on an even brighter note....I am getting a second grandson today, just waiting for the arrival as we speak.

Just a reminder - Wendy Sheppard's Book hop is still going sure to go by, you can win her book and some awesome fabric from Island Batik (have to go to their blog to enter that one).

Monday, March 14 – Island Batik Intro
Tuesday, March 15 – The Fit Quilter
Wednesday, March 16 – Pamela Quilts 
Thursday, March 17 – MooseStash Quilting
Friday, March 18 –  Bejeweled Quilts
Monday, March 21 –  One Quilting Circle
Tuesday, March 22 –  BeaQuilter
Wednesday, March 23 – Freemotion by the River and KISSed Quilts 
Thursday, March 24 – Mary Mack Made Mine
Friday, March 25 – Lemon Tree Snippets

Saturday, March 19, 2016


Actually this is a pin

Look at it real close

Look at it again!

Now imagine this in your foot!


Well....this was what was in my foot.  It happened Tuesday afternoon.  It was almost an inch long.

I thought I could get it out myself.

I soaked the foot

I used the ointment that is suppose to draw it out.

I walked around on the side of my foot for days.

This is where my stubborness comes in.  I just knew I could get it out.

My husband even tried to dig it out.  We used a numbing spray.

Finally this old goat gave up and went to the Dr.


Now don't go and say that about me.

Not very nice.

I have to tell you that I just figured it was like a splinter and you know how it festers up and just shoots out.  Well...I guess all that soaking kept it from festering.

Needless to say an hour on the table....who knows how many numbing shots later
It finally came out.

My poor husband.  The first round of shots to the foot almost had me throwing up, I don't believe I felt that kind of pain in a long time.

The second round of shots had me squeezing my husband's hand and sleeve.  Oh my stinking gosh...could it hurt anymore?

Finally after the third round of shots, a scalpel, and the determination of the doctor it came out.

He said he if could not get it out he was going to send me somewhere where 
 it would be surgically removed...I thought that was what he was doing.

So....I was very grateful the ordeal was over and Life is good.

This barefoot gal is now going to wear shoes in her sewing room....don't ever want to go through that again!!!!!

Friday, March 18, 2016

"QUILTS & PROJECTS" By Wendy Sheppard with a book giveaway, Island Batik Fabrics

I have been a fan of Wendy Sheppard's since the very first day Quilt Shop Gal told me about her.
She has a fun informative blog "Ivory Springs."

Here is her lastest book.  Each blog in this hop will be giving one way.

You can purchase a copy at Landauer, Amazon or a pdf copy Here:

Here is the line up for the hop so if you have missed a few days you can always go back and check the blogs out and try your hand at winning this fabulous book.  Island Batik is giving away  a batik bundle but you need to go there to enter that giveaway.

Monday, March 14 – Island Batik Intro
Tuesday, March 15 – The Fit Quilter
Wednesday, March 16 – Pamela Quilts 
Thursday, March 17 – MooseStash Quilting
Friday, March 18 –  Bejeweled Quilts
Monday, March 21 –  One Quilting Circle
Tuesday, March 22 –  BeaQuilter
Wednesday, March 23 – Freemotion by the River and KISSed Quilts 
Thursday, March 24 – Mary Mack Made Mine
Friday, March 25 – Lemon Tree Snippets
As you can see all of us are using our fabulous Island Batik Fabrics and we are recreating her patterns.
I just have to tell you that I fell in love with Wendy's book right off.  Her directions are so easy to understand, the book itself is bright and inviting.  Using these fabulous Island Batik Fabrics is just the cat's meow.
It has just been in the last few years that I have wanted table placemats for my table instead of table cloths.

                                               HERE IS WENDY'S PLACE MAT DESIGN

She gives you two color ways.

Don't you just love them?

Here is mine!

                                             I used Caribbean Splash from Island Batik.

                                    I truly enjoyed these awesome fabrics and this fun design.

                                My son andH is wife came to dinner Sunday and I just had to use them.

I did make the little runner to go in the middle which is on the post here!





So Check out Wendy's book and hop on over there to Island Batik to find the nearest store near you or online store that sells these fabulous fabrics!

Just leave a comment to win her book.

Saturday, March 12, 2016


I was asked what type of foot I use for FMQ.

When I had my Janome I used this foot.  In fact I have a Janome I purchased at a garage sell that is sitting waiting for me to play on.

I had a foot similar to the one above for my Pfaff but the bottom part was plastic but since I have a need for speed (nothing like the wind in your hair).....I broke mine I am ashamed to say.

I was too cheap to buy another one.

So I went to my trusty manual and found I could use the embroidery foot.  It is plastic too so it should be wary of me.

I have been using this foot for over a year now and I love it.  The only problem is sometimes I can't see what I am doing.  I need to get an open toe foot.

Now that being said.

I won  this Insul-Bright from The Warm Company (store).  Here they are on facebook.

It truly is easy to sew and I love my table runners to be made with this so I can sit hot stuff on them and not have to worry about the table or have several pot holders to find.

I made this little runner from Caribbean Splash by Island Batik.

I say little because it is only about ten inches wide and 32 inches long. I used orphan blocks and orphan binding.  Waste not want not...right???

I like my runners for my dining room to be thin and long that way the runner will not be crowded or over come by table mats.

So what type of foot do you use when free motion quilting?

Friday, March 11, 2016


Here is my pfaff.  Those who have been part of my blog from the beginning know that I have gone from a Bernina, Janome, pfaff, Janome, and back to a Pfaff.

I started out doing meandering on my Bernina even doing a king size quilt.

I had a Pfaff midarm in San Antonio, and now I have this Bailey Home Quilter.

I have found that I do not like to quilt on my longarm.  I don't mind doing meandering, swirls etc but nothing intricate.  I feel I do not have enough control.  I need a stiffer arm.  I felt the same with my mid arm.  I do like the long arm when I want something done in a hurry.

In fact, I am not much of an intricate quilter.  I have too much nervous energy and want it done and want it done now.  I tend to get bored.....I think I have issues with my mind wandering and my self wandering from project to project.

That being said, I was asked how I did the FMQ on this piece for Wendy's hop next week.


I did this on my pfaff that you see above.  I did not use any gadgets or devices.

It is far from perfect but I am happy with it.

You will see below how I formed the circles.

I took freezer paper, took a small plate and drew around it.

Then I placed the shiny side down and ironed it onto the fabric. 

Next was just taking my foot and sewing next to the circle.  Then I just put my foot next to the sewn circle and went around the inside.

Then I found a smaller circle and did the same thing and an even smaller circle for the center.
After that was done I just filled in the spaces with what ever took my fancy. 

I have to say I had a fun time doing this, and come next Friday you will see that I did this six times.  I even said to myself that I was surprised I stuck with it for so long and if I could do this six times then I could do this on a quilt.  So maybe I am getting more patience?  

Who knows but I do enjoy the process and I do enjoy doing these things on my domestic machine.  Now the pfaff above has a longer neck but like I said, I have done king size quilts with just the regular neck.

So what do you prefer to do?  Use a longarm?  Or do you find the comfort of your domestic machine?

I always thought free motion quilting was just that, you guiding the machine to get a desired effect.  I don't know if you will call it free motion when you have the machine doing all the work, the program ones?  I don't know...any thought?

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Wendy has made a fabulous Quilting book.  The Island Batik Ambassadors are redoing her designs in awesome batiks.

I am excited to show you mine...

Here is a sneak peak

I thought this would be so fun to practice my FMQ and it is.

Here is the line up for next week.

Monday, March 14 – Island Batik Intro
Tuesday, March 15 – The Fit Quilter
Wednesday, March 16 – Pamela Quilts 
Thursday, March 17 – MooseStash Quilting
Friday, March 18 –  Bejeweled Quilts
Monday, March 21 –  One Quilting Circle
Tuesday, March 22 –  BeaQuilter
Wednesday, March 23 – Freemotion by the River and KISSed Quilts 
Thursday, March 24 – Mary Mack Made Mine
Friday, March 25 – Lemon Tree Snippets

I hope you join us, each blog  will be giving one book to give do come by.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


In October my sister sent me some Moda 2 1/2" precut squares.  Along with it came this pattern.  For the life of me I can not find the pattern.
I made this immediately but didn't bind it until yesterday (why?  I don't know).  I did not use the small heart pattern given, I was lazy and just used my Accuquilt Go cutter for the hearts.

Anyways, when was deciding what mini to do for this month....  I found my fabrics and decided to make the above pattern.  Don't you just love these Island Batik precut fabrics ( Twenty - 5" strips the width of the fabric)


Here is my version.  There is no border like the above mini, and the squares are 3" instead of 2 1/2" to make more room for the hearts.  The hearts were made by using my Accuquilt Go cutter with blanket stitch around them.

 Have a fantastic day and do look at my sidebar and check out the other ambassadors for their March mini madness.  They are not all posting today but will be posting sporadically during the month.

Monday, March 7, 2016

March Mini Madness with the Island Batik Ambassadors

What a wonderful Planes, trains, and automobiles blog hop Island Batik sponsored.  A big shout out goes to all of you who came by and entered both giveaways.  I was not able to answer your emails but so glad that you came by.

your wall hanging is just wonderful. i love that you added the geckos. so cute. thanks for sharing about the tracing paper. thanks for the give a way. the pouch is so cute. i love to visit where there is family or friends. if it is just my husband and myself, someplace that is warm and sunny and quiet.
quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

                                               Click for Options

This month is Mini Madness which means each Island Batik Ambassador is going to show you a mini they have created from Island Batik Fabrics.

Let me show you what I will be using:


Island Batik Precuts

                              Here they are out of the I hear an OHHHHH YESSSS!!!

                                       These precuts are TWENTY  5" wide cut from selvage to selvage.

Stay tuned...more to come.

Sally has already posted her mini, so hop on over there and check it out.

Here are the other ambassadors who will be showing their Island Batik mini's randomly during the month in case you are wanting to check in and see what they have done.  I know you will not be disappointed!

Patricia - Lemon Tree Snippets
Anna -  Ark Angel Creations
Jessica - Desert Bloom Quilting
Connie -  Freemotion by the River
Tina - Quilting Affection
Barbara - Stone Cottage
Pam - For Quilts Sake
Maria - Maria's Quilt Scraps
Jeanette - Inchworm Fabrics
Connie - Kauffman Designs
Joan - Moose Stash Quilting
Solie -  Toolon  Tilkkupja
Bea - Beaquilter
Christine - Made in scraps
Maryellen - Mary Mack's blog
Adele - The Fit Quilter
Tracy - Sew Supportive
Marlene - Kissed Quilts
Vicki - Vicki's Crafts & Quilts - her mini is going up tomorrow
Nan - Purrfect spots blog
Pamela - Pamela Quilts
Linda - One Quilting Circle
Nancy - Patchwork Breeze
Suzy - Adventurous Applique and Quilting

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


                                                      Click for Options

                              As you can see we are celebrating International Craft Month.

                      What I would like to do is share a few, fast, easy, and free craft ideas.

                                                               Simple Blanket

The first picture you see is just a simple blanket.  You can make any size you like.  I just happened to have a piece of satin laying around which I serged for my grandbaby.  I kept saying one day I was going to make him a blanket.

The day came.  Hancocks is having an excellent sale on fleece.  I purchased a yard of fleece for 2.50.

Got my satin and cut the fleece to match. 

 Right sides together, sew all the way around.

Leave an opening.

Pull through

Top stitch 

Quilt as desired.

Now my little one has a softie when he comes to my house.

Potato Bags

Microwave bowl potholders

                                                             you can find the pattern here

                                     These bowls are so wonderful, we use ours all of the time.


                                                      (7) Name: 'Quilting : Muffin Dish Towel and Hot Pad

                                                          you can find the pattern here:

                                                      (7) Name: 'Quilting : Apple Applique Hot Pad and Kitchen Towel
                                                       you can find this pattern here:

As Quiltshop Gal would say!!!

"I hope you find time to sew and create today!!"

Here are all of the blogs that are participating in this Blog Hop.  I can't wait to see all the creative inspiration today.  Thanks Quiltshop Gal for letting me be a part of this hop!

Marian  - Seams to be Sew:
Patty – Elm Street Quilts:
Cheryl – Cheryl’s Teapots2Quilting:
Barb –Bejeweled Quilts by Barb:
Vanda – Quilt in Piece:
Julie – Pink Doxies:
      Carol – Fun Threads Designs: 
Carole – >From My Carolina Home:
Darlene – QuiltShopGal:
There are a lot of fun prizes, if you would like to see what is offered please visit QuiltShopGa

lThere are 21 prizes to giveaway and everyone can enter by simply visiting one or all of the blogs.