Tuesday, March 1, 2016


                                                      Click for Options

                              As you can see we are celebrating International Craft Month.

                      What I would like to do is share a few, fast, easy, and free craft ideas.

                                                               Simple Blanket

The first picture you see is just a simple blanket.  You can make any size you like.  I just happened to have a piece of satin laying around which I serged for my grandbaby.  I kept saying one day I was going to make him a blanket.

The day came.  Hancocks is having an excellent sale on fleece.  I purchased a yard of fleece for 2.50.

Got my satin and cut the fleece to match. 

 Right sides together, sew all the way around.

Leave an opening.

Pull through

Top stitch 

Quilt as desired.

Now my little one has a softie when he comes to my house.

Potato Bags

Microwave bowl potholders

                                                             you can find the pattern here

                                     These bowls are so wonderful, we use ours all of the time.


                                                      (7) Name: 'Quilting : Muffin Dish Towel and Hot Pad

                                                          you can find the pattern here:

                                                      (7) Name: 'Quilting : Apple Applique Hot Pad and Kitchen Towel
                                                       you can find this pattern here:

As Quiltshop Gal would say!!!

"I hope you find time to sew and create today!!"

Here are all of the blogs that are participating in this Blog Hop.  I can't wait to see all the creative inspiration today.  Thanks Quiltshop Gal for letting me be a part of this hop!

Marian  - Seams to be Sew: http://www.seamstobesew.com
Patty – Elm Street Quilts: www.elmstreetquilts.com
Cheryl – Cheryl’s Teapots2Quilting: http://cherylsteapots2quilting.blogspot.com/
Barb –Bejeweled Quilts by Barb: www.bejeweledquilts.blogspot.com
Vanda – Quilt in Piece:  http://chittenden.co.za
Julie – Pink Doxies: www.pinkdoxies.com
      Carol – Fun Threads Designs: www.funthreads.blogspot.com 
Carole – >From My Carolina Home: www.frommycarolinahome.com
Darlene – QuiltShopGal: www.quiltshopgal.com
There are a lot of fun prizes, if you would like to see what is offered please visit QuiltShopGa

lThere are 21 prizes to giveaway and everyone can enter by simply visiting one or all of the blogs.  


beaquilter said...

great crafty things that are quick and easy and USE fabric :)

Solitude said...

Thank you for sharing all the wonderful projects today. I love all of them. vanda@chittenden.co.za

Darlington Delights said...

Satin & Fleece. I don't know that I would have thought to put them together myself, but it makes sense. Thanks for sharing.

quilter said...

Thanks for all the ideas!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Thanks for the links. I would never have thought to put satin and fleece together, but I don't know why. Years ago I used to sleep in fleece backed satin pjs.

MissPat said...

What a lot of great ideas. Thanks for the links.

Joyce Carter said...

Thank you for all the great links. I am getting a new grandson in May so I am loving the way you made the blanket. Thank you for sharing.

KaHolly said...

I have been meaning to make some microwave bowls! Thanks for the nudge, and the link, and this great post, and for just being you!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I've made several of the satin and flannel blankets before. Kids love them. I have a kit (pattern included) for the fabric bowls, I just don't remember where I put it. Thanks!

Julie said...

You've shown such simple ideas that require just the minimum skills. Wonderful ideas to get someone on the stairs to sewing, and THINKING about making. As it goes, one thing always leads to the next, if we have success, and we're off on a creative journey. I'll keep these ideas in mind this spring as we try to bring on some more folks into our sewing circle.

QuiltShopGal said...

Super fun and inspirational post. I've not worked with satin in years, but sure like the look of it. You've inspired me to give it a try. Thank you for sharing and helping to kick off our Celebration of International Craft Month. I couldn't do this without your help.


Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

I have wanted to make one of those microwave bowl holders, thanks for the links.

Pam McDonald said...

I have half a dozen of those microwave bowls, they are awesome when stuff is hot and you need to set that bowl or cup in something now! Thanks for the link, I need to make up some more of those.

Unknown said...

Great ideas!

TheEclecticAbuela said...

Sometimes those simple blankets are just the right thing!

Ellen said...

Always looking for simple and cuddly blankets.

IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Oh I have that apple wall hanging in my kitchen and love it! Thanks for the links to so many fun projects.

Anonymous said...

You've given me some great ideas! Thanks.

Donna W said...

Thanks for all of the great ideas. I know I will be making some of them.

Sarah J said...

My MIL makes oversized baby blankets the same way but usually with 2 layers of flannel- they are the best baby gifts! I really want to try one with a satin side now- thanks!

works4me said...

Such an easy way to make a fun and cozy blanket.

cjmont said...

i made the microwave bowls for Christmas and everyone loved them, me too!

RevTrudy said...

Thanks for the ideas. I have some satin in my stash and was wondering what I would ever do with it other than use in a crazy quilt - know I know.

LA Paylor said...

very nice
LeeAnna at not afraid of color

Quilting Tangent said...

Interesting projects.

Lori Smanski said...

your projects are wonderful. thanks for sharing where the patterns are. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

Gene Black said...

I have made a few of those bowl cozies and I love to use them when I am eating a bowl of soup or oatmeal. I can heat the bowl in it -in the microwave- and no burned fingers.

Susan said...

I have never thought of putting satin and fleece together to make a blanket. Does sound like it would be very soft. Maybe I will make me a lap quilt with fleece and satin.

Lori Smanski said...

quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...


Marian said...

Awesome projects, I want to try the bowl.. love the idea, and so fun to take as a gift to friends when they have you for dinner.

mumbird3 said...

Cute ideas!!! Love the bowl!

Lisa England said...

Thanks for sharing all these fun ideas! National Craft Month sounds like my kind of month!

abeullah said...

the bowl one is on my todo list

claire ross said...

Love your cute pot holder x

Laura said...

Thanks for all the ideas. I made some microwave bowls as gifts for christmas. Now to make a couple for me.

Krista Wells said...

I've been meaning to make some of those microwave bowl potholders. Thanks for the link.

rrjane011749 said...

Love the microwave bowls!

Joanne G said...

Thanks for being a part of a great giveaway! jvermunt(at)shaw(dot)ca

Betsy said...

I love all your ideas Barb. The bowl is definitely my favorite

Sandra Walker said...

Wonderfully imaginative creations.

Janie said...

I enjoy these types of projects in between my bigger ones. Thank you for sharing.

Jocelyn said...

Great ideas! Thanks!

Terry said...

I'm going to be making the new grandbaby a snuggly minke blanket and I'm doing it just like the first one you showed here. It's gonna love it! :0)

Lisa J. said...

Thanks for all these great craft ideas.

Dody said...

Thank you for all the ideas. They would make great gifts too!

Can't Stop Stitchin said...

thanks for sharing

Doris Rice, The Quilting Queen said...

Great shares. Thank you.

Susan said...

Lots of good ideas there for the 1 Item for Christmas group! Thanks for sharing those. Thanks, also, for all the hard work you did to make this craft month blog hop a success! I've enjoyed reading about so many crafty things!

Siouxzq64@gmail.com said...

Your little blankies are cute, but the towels are my favorite.

Peggy said...

I worked on a quilt today.

Emily C said...

Very cool. Love handy items.

Pamela said...

These would make such fun quick gifts! Thanks for sharing!

Cloud 9 said...

I would never have thought to put satin and fleece together. You don't say if you ran into problems doing the top stitching or quilting. I would think there could be a lot of sliding around going on.

Donna said...

I love the apple applique! Thank you for sharing!
donnalee1953 (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

I enjoy mixing textures also.

Unknown said...

You are so kind to share all these quilt crafts with us. Thank you for a chance to win . Happy Quilting :)

GranChris said...

I love these bowls. They are great for cold stuff too like ice cream.

Dana Gaffney said...

Cute projects, I really like the microwave bowls.

Patty said...

Mircowave bowls are a great idea

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning-oh I love all your projects-and they are useful too

sop.hie.s said...

Love those pot holders :-)

Unknown said...

I am loving all your ideas. Thank you

Rebecca said...

yes, need blankies around my house, thank you for the quick way to make one!

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Great tutorials! I've pinned some of them for later.

Anna brown said...

Ty for your tutorials the bowl cozies are one of the best things i have ever made ...Been whipping them up for 4 years now....lmao all my mess ups are in my kitchen cupboard ...But yaaaa we love them... happyness04431@yahoo.com

jrsay said...

What beautiful ways to be able to use your fabrics everyday. You have get instructions and make it look very easy. Would be sew much fun to become lucky winner!

Vicki in MN said...

I seriously need to make one of those bowls!

Brenda said...

Excellent idea to use satin with fleece...both are appealing to the senses and cuddling! Your other ideas are great suggestions also. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Those potato bags and microwave bowl pot holders are an awesome idea! Thank you for sharing the tutorials!

Please click on the delaineelliott above for m email link.

Unknown said...

My family loves to bowl holders too!

Lisa said...

I need to make bowl holders! Thank you for great links!

Barb said...

I did not have any problems at all. I had it pinned very good before I even sewed one stitch

Barb said...

I did not have any problems at all. I had it pinned very good before I even sewed one stitch

teachpany said...

Great ideas. I need to make bowl holders.

Nancy in IN said...

I love my microwave dish holder.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

I don't know how I functioned in my kitchen without my microwave bowl holder--a brilliant idea!

Quilter Bridget said...

Thanks for participating in the mini blog-hop! I love discovering new blogs (like yours!). You have a lot on your blog to explore!

Rose Santuci-Sofranko said...

Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us, and thank you for this wonderful giveaway! Thanks and God bless! ILuvTheEucharist (at) aol.com

Annmarie said...

Thanks for those very ;useful projects. They'll make great spur of the moment gifts!

Susan said...

I made my sisters and nieces the microwave bowls for Christmas presents. They are all loving them!

The Victorian Girl said...

Great projects! I think the microwave bowls would really be handy. kellam.susan@yahoo.com

vicki said...

Thanks for the links, now I know what to do with some new fabric I just got! Yippee! vickise at gmail dot com

lauraluvsloons said...

I love getting ideas for some crafty sewing. Thanks

lauraluvsloons said...

I love getting ideas for some crafty sewing. Thanks

Nancy said...

Potato bags! I'll have to try those.
--Nancy. (ndmessier @ aol.com, joyforgrace.blogspot.com)

vshaw said...

Like the potato bags especially! Can't be much easier than that!! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Love the potato bag idea and I would like to make some microwave bowls too - yours look great.
perry94022 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Wow, so many links, so little time! Thank you for sharing!

Lindah said...

Thanks for sharing!

Kathy E. said...

I have been wanting to make a few microwave bowl potholders and now that you've offered the pattern, it's going to the top of my list! thank you!

Rachell said...

I love links to tutorials. There's alwYs weddings and baby showers, and I love to make handmade gifts.

Mom C said...

Microwave bowl potholders, never even thought about how handy they would be. Absolutely gotta try them. Thanks.

Seacoast Quilter said...

Thank you so much for the microwave bowl potholder idea. So obvious, yet I never gave it a thought.

Unknown said...

The microwave bowl potholder is a great idea, I always have to be tricky trying to slide my bowl onto a regular one, so clever.

Marit Johanne said...

Thank you for many nice ideas and links!

Unknown said...

This is a great idea. Thanks

JANET said...

Your blanket idea sounds so soft to cuddle under!

sisylyn2 said...

Such a lovely idea baskets and potholder

Carol J said...

Great ideas here, but I love the microwave bowl potholders! Thank you for sharing these ideas with us :)