So in the process I was talking to the Lady on the phone who purchased it
. She was wanting to know what I used the machine for. I told her quilting.
She said, "You don't sound OLD"
I thought to myself
People associate quilting with AGE?
I was not old when I started children were young.....
To be truthful, I don't consider myself old now....
It seems just yesterday I was graduating high school.
Getting married.
Next thing you know I had five kids and the oldest was graduating high school and then the youngest leaving the nest.
Where did the time just flew by and keeps flying by. Soon I will be as vintage as some of the fabrics I cling on to.
If you search this blog world you will find old and young will even find MEN!!!
I said it...MEN!!!! Quilting is not just a OLD WOMAN thing anymore.
I find the diversity to be very fun and have enjoyed the next time you walk by the mirror and see someone is just you growing into quilting!
Can't do a post without some here are some "OLD" ones from when I first started blogging...with the exception of one.
Amen and the same goes for knitting, crochet, weaving, and all other fiber hobbies!
Quilters aren't only old people anymore! I can think of several quilters with significant contribution to/impact on today's quilting who are "young" - for one Alissa Haight Carlton who started the Modern Quilt Guild (and casts for Project Runway). I don't consider myself old either but realize that some might. I love your "growing into quilting"!
What a fun post.I believe I am an old quilter but definitely don't feel that way.:)))
Hear hear !!! When I first started quilting a couple of years ago, I was almost embarased to tell people because of that reaction!! I have gotten over it now, though LOL (maybe because I am getting old???)
Still love those little Sun Bonnet cute!
I know what you mean. I just started quilting a few years ago but I certainly do not feel old.
I know your sentiments Barb. It is great that so many generations are so open to quilting and sewing now. As usual, your quilts are lovely.
Yup...I can SEW relate to this post!! :o)))
hahaha...interesting! I guess you could say there are a whole slew of young old people out there in this quilting world. People do get funny ideas about things.
Quilters never were just older women, but somehow that image still clings. Maybe because many people have that image of their grandmas quilting. and don't realize it wasn't just grandmas! Or maybe grandmas just had more time once their kids were grown! Great post!
Geez...I'm working on handquilting one of my quilts right now and I'm only 30. Does that make me old? LOL. The times have certainly changed and many people who are not into these arts just have no clue.
Love your quilts. You certainly know your quilting stuff. ;-)
Funny! I made a baby quilt for a guy at work and he wanted to know which on of the old ladies made it... LOL I laugh and told him this 34 year old did. He said he thought only old ladies did that stuff anymore. :)
I've been teaching the young girls at church how to quilt, they are really enjoying it.
Right on. You made me smile; Some of my fabric is aging right along with me, too.
Ha! You made me smile. I refuse to be old, but I don't think I had the time and patience when I was younger.
....of course we aren't old.... what a thought!!
So true, Barb!!! I remember going to my first guild meeting years ago and my husband asked me if I was the youngest one there. I think he had the same impression back then.
I'm thinking the same thing....I don't feel old. I think we're as young as we feel and I feel 35 again....LOL
I started quilting a little before that.
Take care my young friend!!
Yep, you are right. I have been quilting since high school back in the day when it wasn't the in thing to do like it is now. So that makes me a young starter but now an older quilter. I have learned a lot over the years, wish I could go back and use some of those things on the quilts I did then. Oh just keeps on marching forward.
Isn't it funny how many people think that. Quilters are getting younger and I was knitting in my 20's and sewing forever. Women years ago quilted before they got married so to have trunk full so I don't know where they got idea that quilters were old?
Yes, there ARE men that quilt, and I appreciate you saying it. Quilters are now a very diverse group. It amazes me to see some of the really young teens and even pre-teens who are starting to make quilts. The 20-30 crowd seems to be booming in the quilting world.
But I have to confess...I am old. LOL. I just don't act old most of the time.
Love this post, Barb! :)
We have several groups here that are "kids who quilt". Age 12 and under. They enter in shows and do amazing. I love their interest it the art!
You are not old by any means. And, even if one is old, it is more a matter of our 'quilt-abilities' than our age. Shame someone thinks of a quilter as old, or female, or XXX. True quilters know quilters come in both sexes, of all ages, of all weights and interests. I'm not upset, but wondering what rock these people have been living under. And, wondering what we (quilters) can do to increase awareness to the world about what quilter's might look like (e.g. threads all over), what ages and sexes we represent)...and most importantly how much fun we have and what they've been lacking in their life by not being a "quilter". We definitely need to ignite quilters on such a PR Campaign.
You are not old. You are one of the most young at heart people I know.
You preach it sister and I'll clap you on!!! It's amazing how many people look at me strange when I say I quilt! It's true that a lot of my friends are older, but there are several men in our guild and a lot of younger girls - more and more every month!
I believe I qualify as an "old quilter". Age is a state of mind not a state of being. I get to meet and see quilters all over the country and they come in all sizes and genders and interests. That being said, I will take my arthritis meds and run on down the road. Much to do today!!!
When I tell people I quilt they always seem to say "my grandmother quilted". Times have changed but peoples memories haven't.
Quilting keeps me young!
Sometimes too I think it has a lot to do where you live at ...I moved to the city as a young new wife...All the young ladies I knew and met thought I was weird cause all I wanted to do was sew.... They were too busy shopping, carting kids here and their and rideing their husbands military titles to pretend they were important. But just me and my trusty old ancient cheap machine sewing the days and nights away....And I always had older friends not young ones...And never more than 1 or 2 older sew freinds and and mostly online old freinds. It is only in the past few years I have met a couple of young women interested in wanting to sew and those that did sew....I had been raised a very rural farm girl. We didn't go to town and shop and do wasteful things. And quilting and sewing and crafting and bakeing and gardening & church activities was alll I knew that people did for fun....But I have all ways enjoyed my sew freinds and now I have them of all ages... I allways fit in with the older ladies and I never thought any different of them. I waas raised around lots of older ladies and those ladies taught us everything about cooking and sewing and canning and gardening and you name it....I allwasy looked up to them they were a scrouce and weatlth of knowledge and happy to help teach us younger ones that would take the time to want to learn.
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