No sewing,
No reading,
Just a lot of baking.....I tried taking the calories out of everything that went into my mouth but it didn't work (thank heavens for elastic pants.....HA!!!!)
I had a son come from Japan on Monday, he leaves tomorrow morning. It is never any easier saying good-bye.
Oh while I was having my hiatus, I kept thinking....
I want to do something with these awesome Fabrics gifted from, Cyndi , Cut Up and Sew,
Thanks Cyndi!!
I want to make some of these picture frames. I have this on my fridge with a picture in it. Debi, Quilting with Debi sent this and you can get the pattern here. It would be great for people who have family or friends in nursing homes... So you would think I would have gotten in gear and made a few while I had the time....NOPE!!!! When the lazies sets in...they set in....I was afraid it would set in for the winter.
You can get the pattern here
So as you can see....I have some great plans, some you can see and some you can not. The party is over and now it is time to get down to business....

Sorry to hear you have the lazies but I bet you have enjoyed visiting with your son. What a darling pattern of Santa. I think I need to make some of those but since I too have the lazies I have put it on my list for next year. The fabrics from Cyndi are so pretty.
great fabrics can't wait to see what you make.
I'm not familiar with the pens, will have to check that out.
cute santa!
Hi Barb
I think we all get those lazy blues. The nice thing is they pass. Have a great Sunday!!
It's OK to have a case of the lazies once in a while.
Well you know...we all get kinda lazy over the Thanksgiving holiday. It's the tryptophan in those turkeys! :o) Love the fabrics and all of the projects you are GOING to tackle. I saw those cute Santas on Fiona's blog, too. Love them! And those fabric photo frames are too cute! Can't wait to see how many of those you whip up. Have fun!!
I like the frame idea. Thanks for sharing!
Sometimes I get lazy too Barb, lately I've been too busy with work to get any quilting done. Boo Hoo!! Your fabric squares are so cute, can't wait to see how your project turns out. I'm anxious to see how those pens work out, or erase. Please let us know. Happy stitching!
Oh Girl......i've had a bad case of the lazies, too...!! and i've got two more twin size quilts to finish before Christmas....maybe i better get off my a**..... ;)
Glad you too a needed that! It must have been wonderful having your son home!
I hate when the lazies hit lol. It seems to always happen this time of the year. The to do list gets longer and not many things get checked off.
I was playing with my frixion pens last night. I am so far behind on my embroidery BOMs that I traced out 9 blocks. I did get 1.75 blocks done so that is a step in the right direction. Now if only a little elf or two would come by and finish the rest of the things on my list.
Hey, Barb, we just blame it on the changing of the seasons.
Think I'll give the frames a shot.
btw DD#2 and I bought the 8.5" rag Go! die.
gads, finished it's 5.5"
What a darling picture frame idea, Barb. Have not seen this before. Alas, I am not a sewer but love it.
Oh, how lucky your son is in Japan. Such a beautiful place to live, too. Bidding is hard, but you'll see each other soon again. Hope you all had a beautiful holiday together.
Have a beautiful week ~
I have those days too, when you want to sew, but just can't decide what to sew. You will snap out of it when the right project comes along.
Haha.. you have lots of plans and I'm glad you like the Santa's... those fabrics are will have such fun playing with them... when you finish the baking!! I do know how hard it is saying Bye ... all the best for a safe trip back for your son....
Enjoy your time with you son, Barb, and then you can get busy with those darling ideas.
Well it sounds like you want to get busy. Too much Thanksgiving I guess. I am sure it was great to see your son. I know when my son was in South Korea I did not get to see him very often.
Do you think you'll do a review of the Frixion pens? I'll be interested to see how they work out for you.
We can't be productive every minute of the day. Sometimes we need some time to just "veg".
You may not have been a sewing animal this week but I can bet you will make up for is soon enough.
I agree with everyone, you are just in thinking mode right now. Soon you will be creating a storm. I love those pens. It is so much easier to iron off a marking instead of washing one off. Great fabrics Cyndi sent you. She is always so giving.
Good to see you had a couple of the boys with you last week! Hope you had a super Thanksgiving!
You lazy? Never! Thanks for the links.
Aw, just blame it on the turkey....they say there is something in it that makes us want to nap. :) And you can say that you are coming up with creative projects in your drowsy time! LOL So happy for you that one of your boys was home. That is my prayer - hope it will be answered sooner than later! :)
Geez Barb, it must be contagious - I've been feeling awfully lazy too! I had to laugh at your fabrics from Cyndi, Jenny sent me the same fat quarter bundle - what will you make? I have no clue yet. Something special!
Love the frame Debi made you, they're really easy....the cutting takes the longest...well, for me anyway, I always cut something wrong. Use the glue stick to hold the ribbon in place, it really helps.
And you will LOVE the Frixion pens! I just used mine tonight. I traced my design, ironed on my Shape-Flex for the back of it [and watched the design disappear], then stuck it in a baggie and put it in the freezer. It came right back, and I'm about to start stitching. My favorite tool!
You sew and create at such an extreme pace it's no wonder the lazies have hit once in awhile :) Love the frames and the santa, thanks for sharing!
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