Ran around with my husband....took a long nap and began work on these.....(28)
Only have one totally done! You can get the pattern in the link below this post.
How fun is this? I am going to work a little on them today and do some other stitching. After I got my fill of these last night, the first pictures shows you how far I had gotten to. Do you just ever say....I can't just do this another minute? So I started on some other projects that have been in the works for a while. Trust me, these are fun but sometimes I just get the itching to move on.
So today....work on my Santa's a little and make my rounds to this and that. Husband is gone for three days....
My son told my husband. Dad....now that you are leaving this house is going to go to pot. Mom will have her sewing stuff all over the place. I never realized that I was a creature of habit....but let the mess commence!!!
cute Santa
get out a laundry basket and before your DH comes home again go around putting all the sewing stuff in it from the other rooms!
The santa's are adorable...sew away my dear, wish I was sewing with you.
Your Santa is so cute! Have fun making them! :0)
That is so cute, Barb. I think I need to make a few. Glad to see you back in the saddle again.
Very cute! And what a silly son. ;D
I'm sure you miss your son, but so happy that he was able to come back home for a visit. What a special time!
Love your Santa Ornaments. I've never seen anything like this. Very creative.
Hi Barb must have been fun having your son home? How long was he with you? I know that it is never long enough by any time is better then non.
Have fun sewing while hubby gone, no meals to make etc. The Santa's are really cute. I am just finishing the things for my Santa Swap and ready to be mailed by end of week. This was a big accomplishment for me. Now I can make some fun things for Christmas for my family. I am trying to make them all a fun pillow case to match their personality or hobby. I would love to have a week of sewing, my daughter and family were suppose to be leaving for Ecuador Dec for three months so I thought I would have lots of sewing time not having Jonah three days a week, but plans changed. Have a wonderful day. Sandra
very cute, I tend to go overboard and make a ton when I like a pattern, trying to cut back on that and just share patterns- lol
Love the little Santas
Absolutely ADORABLE! I've gotta try one...
very cute santa!
That Santa is way too cute! Now I have to make some. Thanks for the link.
Love your little Santa! Am I missing the link?
Glad you had a nice visit with your son! These are a pattern from an older Eleanor Burns quilt book. Made a lot many years ago as gift tags! Yours are cute! Yes sewing same thing over and over can get tiring. Happy Mess Making!!
Enjoy your stitching and quiet time. The Santa's are super cute.
Check your schedule, girlie, I'm thinking we should have a get together something this month. Maybe you Barb and I can do a little sew-in or maybe we can just meet up for dinner a Friday night. I'll be in touch. :D
How cute is that!! And how come is it that these guys know us so well ;-)
This Santa ornament is darling. You mentioned there was a link to the pattern. For some reason I can't seem to locate the link. Can you point me in the right direction. :) Am I already on Christmas overload!?!!
You are making 28 Santa's? You are ambitious. lol They are cute and I hope to make some. hmmm, other projects? I hope we get to see those soon.
Cute Santa! I love a good quilty mess! I saw a cute saying on a mug yesterday, at our guild's potluck Christmas dinner. It said, I'm a quilter. My house is in pieces!
Now tell me that is not paper piecing lol
totally gotta do that lol
I love those little beady eyes. So cute.
Oh Barb.. your Santa is lovely.... now I have a question.. what paper do you use?
Good luck with your big pile... I do the same.. do all of one colour, then the next etc....
Very cute Santa....is your husband leaving too?
28 Santa's must be for your girl's. You can do it!!! Out of mess creations are born!
Have fun. Sounds like you have free rein of the house for a few days. No one but yourself to please.
Cute, cute, cute!!! You always work on the most adorable projects. :)
The Santa is sweet..enjoy the hohoho's!
Those are cute as can be.
The Santa is sweet! I knew you would get your grove back.
Good to know, Barb.... and tomorrow is THIMBLEBERRIES SEW DAY!
I remembered this time!!!! :-D
Sweet Santa! I can see how with 28 of them that you'd be distracted by other things. Enjoy your three days!
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