Oh yes, you guessed it, today was a free day and off I went to scout this out. Sure enough
"Bonny's Sewing & Fabric". They just opened in April. They have classes....they have machines....some fabrics.....
Look what I walked away with.....go ahead and laugh to yourself. I know, I said I never would do another screen bag.....I couldn't help myself....it is orange!!!
Now...you will find on your right a poll about Accuquilt, do you prefer to use the Go cutter for applique or for piecing?
I hope you all stopped off at Pat's, Silver Thimble Talk, for the Pick Four blog hop...the link is on the right as well...just click and you will be transported there.
That's it? I can't believe you went to a quilt shop and walked out with two items. You must have some great self control. ;)
You're funny!
Is Stafford near to Manassas? We come down a couple times a year...I'm just wondering if there's a place for me to visit now? =)
I just started using Best Press and am totally sold on the product. I don't think I will use another starch again.
We have 4, count that 4 quilting stores in our city, although one is closing. And I found another quilting store 10 mins. away. Now those 3 that remain open, they are all very close to my home...tad bit dangerous. Hope yours isn't quite as dangerous as mine have turned out to be, lol. Hugs
I was worried about that bit of shaking, but glad to know the reason for it. I can relax now.
Ha, ha...ha, you had got the tote bag addiction...I sent it over your way! They are so addicting!
I can't believe I was with quilt friends yesterday and went to two quilt shops and I FORGOT to buy Best Press! At least you remembered. What's with the orange?
I'm so excited you found a new shop!!!!! Woo Hoo!
Fun post , I love best press and I should restock as I just used up the last of it yesterday . You have got to love orange :-0
Stop jumping; Mother Nature is already shaking things up. I love and completely understand that you can get excited about locating a quilt shop. Something tells me they'll be seeing more of you:)
Orange screen. SCOOOOORRRE!
I loved your screen bag so I'm anxious to see what you do with the orange. I love Best Press. I even use it on the rare occasion that I iron clothing.
A new store Yippee!!!!
Oooh.. I love Best Press too. I bought 2 quarts the last time I went "crazy in Alabama" and did an online shopping spree.
A quilt shop.....I wish we had more over here in the UK! Enjoy!!!
I LOVE Best Press - so much nicer than starch or sizing!
did you say orange? lol that press stuff..love that ..we don't get it here...I am always thinking how can I make that lol
Love new store finds, and I hope you don't jump up and down during this hurricane. One natural disaster at a time, please. ;)
What no fabrics purchased? Have fun w/the screen. I've used Best Press ever since it has been around and would not use anything else.......it's wonderful! I buy the big refill size now.
I suppose you have something to do with that hurricane too.....too much excitement going on there Barb!!! I love Best Press too....it is incredible. Did you know two gallons fit in a large flat rate shipping box? That's how much people like it...LOL.
Have fun and stay safe!!!
One little piece of mesh? That's all you came away with? What happened to our Barb???? Is the shop going to bring in more fabric? They should since it sounds like they wouldn't have a lot of completion.
Oh man, I felt that tremor down here in Texas, you must have been really excited!!! I'm so glad you have a shop in your town. I've never seen orange screen, did they bring it out special for Halloween? I'm going to make one of those screen bags, I just haven't gotten round to it yet! I LOVE Best Press. I have a hard time finding it but I went into Hancock Fabrics here in our town and they are now carrying it. I like this better than starch and spray sizing plus the smell is great!
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