You all know how much I just love Kelly and her she is not paying me to say this....truly....I mean really....
Then Susan from Quixotic Craftersent me this adorable pin cushion from one of her giveaways.... isn't it cute? Thanks Susan!!
Now....I know, I always think things are about me but for once...and I mean once I am going to think about someone or something else.
My poor Go cutter has been cutting this fabric for a few days now. I felt so badly for it, it was huffing and puffing and kept telling me it was tired and I finally cleaned up my mess and gave it a rest.
One stack is 14 inches high and the other is 6 inches high...doesn't look like much in the picture.
I really wanted to have that box of scraps all Go cutted up but....
well...I am giving it a much deserved rest.
Trust me when I tell you that the box is still full...
yes.....I made a mistake and turned the lights out the other guessed it....more scraps in the morning....
what is up with that?
There should be a law against scrap breeding...