So now to the Samoan goodness......
I just had to go out and purchase some fabrics before I left....just had to...
Can't you just see my puppy dog eyes looking up to my husband when he sees the credit card bill.....with me saying "I just had too"!!
How could I resist....
Infact, now that I am back, there just might be another trip to the stores....because...."I just have too!"
I was like a hungry dog fighting for that last bone.... The store clerk was helping me, speakig to others in Samoan and laughing.....
Was I the context of their conversation? If I was, didn't stop me one lick!
You see that red fabric....I only wanted a few yards but as soon as she plopped it out on the mother's voice spoke to me....saying...."if you just buy two yards of that best know now, that fabric will be mine!!!!!"
Oh yes.....I know how to handle that voice and my mother too..... I got five yards....

Good job! So many pretties.
Gorgeous!!!!! Why is is we just can't get enough of these fabrics???? LOL, Sandy
I LOVE mine!
You are so funny! Gorgeous color and prints you have here. I can see why you needed to make one last fabric haul. This should all help the moving to a new place transition go ever so nicely - that and your mom will be very happy when she sees this red, so naturally hubs will want his favorite MIL to be happy and won't bat an eye lash over the bill! Right?
That's what I'm talking about Barb. Fabric is our friend!!!!
Oh I would have done the same thing. I love the yellow and that red, good idea to get extra!! I think you better get back and check to see if you missed anything!
I was wondering when you'd start loading up!
great fabrics Barb. Enjoy them.
Those are all such beautiful fabrics! I love the green one with the little turtle on it! :0)
Yummmy! I understand, "I have to".
Yep Mom loves her red. She can't get enough. We just love our material.
So pretty. The orange is my fav! Hope the house hunting is going good.
Oooh.. I see a blue flower lei print hiding at the bottom of that stack.. I need that!
Best buy up for the stash before you must say your final good bye right?
I really love the blues!! And the last ones!! I wouldn't turn down any of them, come to think of it.
You GO girl! You have to have those when you are back stateside!
Oh, I would have been right there with you, buying away and burning up that credit card! LOL!!! And of course you had to... you may never get back to American Samoa once you leave! Those are all beautiful fabrics, Barb, and who cares if the salesclerk and the other ladies were talking about you.... they were probably calling you a Saint for putting all that money in their pockets! :o)
Beautiful. I'd be buying bolts. And your DH is such a sweetie, I'm sure he'll understand. You may never have a chance to buy these fabrics again.
Yes, you did the right thing!
Gorgeous fabric choices. I would have done the same thing.
Fabric therapy...bliss!!!
I'm sure your husband will totally understand. You've got some gorgeous fabrics to add to all your other memories of your time there.
Of COURSE you had to get those fabrics! I would have loved to have been right there with ya snapping up some of that Samoan yumminess!
You found some great fabrics! I love them all but the last 3 look so nice together.
So many beautiful blues--I love the colors.
Hey, you are going to move from there so I say, BUY IT ALL.
The fabrics are wonderful. I love them all. Good job.
Has your husband seen the fabric? Once he has, I'm sure he will know you just had too!!
You have to buy it up before you leave, you can quilt beautiful memories with that fabric. When do you leave? Did you find a house?
Gorgeous fabric! I love the ones in the last picture. Although all of them are super pretty!
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