I am trying to finish this quilt before the movers come so I can give it to the receipent on Christmas.
I decided to go hog wild and just do free motion all over it. No stippling, no stitch in the ditch, no swirls (well some swirls).
So I have two rows done..... Can't really see can ya? Good...maybe it will hide the flaws. I didn't take the time to lay the quilt flat, it hit the floor and that was that...so that is why it has bubbles and waves like that.
Here is what the back will look like.....
Hummmm don't look too close. This quilt is also a no rip out quilt, totally a learning quilt. I am sure the young man that gets this quilt won't even notice how I practiced all over it.
Then my friend Krista is having a boy.....she will have five sons....I am so thrilled. So, I want to get this done before the movers come on Tuesday. You think I can do all of this and sort to?
I think I have my kitchen sorted through....and stove cleaned... I am almost ready....we will see if I have to scramble at the last minute.

I think it looks great but what I want to know is where you get all that energy!!!
I think you can , I think you can, chug chug!....wow woman, you are once again "on fire!" LOL.... Sandy
I have complete faith in you
Barb. You will get it all done and then som. Looks goos too.
Your quilting looks great to me! :0)
You are doing a fantastic job!
When do you move?
WOW!! The manly quilt looks great. Maybe I should send some of my quilt tops to you to practice on. The baby quilt is just adorable. The movers will be there Tuesday? So when will you be in VA?
How did you get a siggy line like that? That would be fun. Also I really, really like the fabrics pictured on Friday's post. I can see why you just couldn't leave them at the shop LOL
Great FMQ. You are doing a great job. I think you can finish the baby quilt for Krista before the movers come on Tuesday. It is going to be beautiful. Love those tropical ducks!
You're really ambitious! I don't have any doubt you'll get it done, though. Love the design you're using!
There is not a thing wrong with that...I love it! Very pretty quilting, and when it is washed, no one will ever be able to tell what you think is wrong now...wonderful!
I'm really impressed with your quilting! It looks fabulous! A great way to get better is to practice on big quilts! Your FMQ is much better than mine! You go Barb!
I'm rooting for you! Go, Barb, go!
Its all about setting a goal- I have every faith that you will finish it before you go- I think the quilting looks lovely-
Good luck with your projects and your move- hope all goes well.
It snowed here this week and the temperature has plummeted to -20C so it has been a cool couple of days.
A good time to tidy up and start the process of getting ready for Christmas.( Canadian Thanksgiving has already passed).
Warmest regards,
Such a lot going on.... where there's a will there's a way???
You have time to quilt too? You overwhelm me!!!! Good luck.
Wow you are brave! I still have two weeks before we leave and I'm making someone else do the quilting on my quilt I just finished. I'm just hoping to cut out some projects to work on when I get there.
Your practice looks better than some people's work. I love it.
I am glad you are moving and I am not. I dread moving. I am a packrat.
I think YOU can get it all done - I'd have to be committed to the local crazy house!
I think you're being too hard on yourself with the FMQing. I like the design you created. If we don't just go for it we don't progress in our skills. I know, I need to take my own advice!
Looks good to me Barb..You'll get it done!
I'm sure you will get it done. You are stubborn that way ;)
Go Barb Go! Your quilt looks great and will surely be loved by the lucky guy who gets it!
Good luck with the move!
I think the free motion quilting is great!!! And you are among friends girl......no reason to be critical....you put yourself out there and that is a good thing!!!
Barb , your quilting looks great to me. The person receiving it will be so pleased.
Barb, your quilting looks fabulous! Don't be so critical of yourself. I have confidence in you and I'm sure you can get it all done, you go girl! :^).
Barb, I have every confidence in the world that you will get both of those quilts finished by your goal, your house all sorted, and then some! And I think the free motion quilting on that "manly man" quilt looks great! You are amazing, woman!
Hey, Barb. This quilting is going to turn out just great. What a wonderful gift for the fifth little guy to come. Best wishes to Krista and family.
Your quilting looks great to me. Each time you do this, you are gaining confidence and will be even better next time. Practice makes perfect. You are doing a great job.
All I can say is that I wish my quilting looked as good as that.
So when are you actually moving? I presume you must have found somewhere to move into?
Barb, your quilting is just beautiful! I mean, really beautiful! I am really wowed by it! Good luck getting everything finished!
xo -El
Great job, Barb!
Barb, I aspire to be as good as your practice level!!
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