I have so much to do and no desire to do any of it....soooooo I started purging.
This whole room blew up in a matter of minutes.....oh...it feels good to purge.
I am not even looking back. I check it once...not twice, just once...gone...and I will not say what has hit the garbage.....I might be stoned to death.
Look at my desk? sheweeeee and yes, gotta have a little chocolate snack to help the purging process.
A whole garbage sack full of scraps....gone!!! No, not to the dump but to a place that will use them... I still have that one basket full of scraps....
Some of you might be the receipent of my purges. If it didn't cost so much, I know that alot more of you would be on the receiving end.
Nothing feels better than a good purge. I have been hauling some of this stuff around for years......gone!!
My husband is getting real antsy to get off this island....so he is making me antsy. He has been known to make miracles happen as far as moving goes...so I am going to be ready. Either way, the movers will love me...well...not really but compared to what it could have been to what it is now....yes....they should love me.
As of now, we are looking at Seattle, Washington, Sacramento,and Monteray, Calif, Virginia may be an option for later (who knows...don't you just love not knowing)?
Sometimes it feels good to go through things and get rid of everything except for what you really want.
To me, it sounds like you could end up anywhere and that where you end up could change more than once.
Barb, I bet that your donation bag will come in handy to the recipients. I bet you feel good purging and getting ready for your move. It will be good.
You will need some of that purge back before long. I gave a piece of fabric away, forgot about doing that and looked for days for that fabric before I remembered. Hubby needs to tell them DFW.
I am voting for Seattle. We could play occasionally.
I hope you find out soon. I hate being in limbo like you are now. Good luck to you both.
Good for you Barb! Nothing like a good purge to get the creative juices flowing! Clears the clutter and the mind.
Girl, I have had the urge to purge since Sunday. I am going to set aside a full weekend and do what you just did. You are making antsy to want to start now. LOL
All the places you may end up are lovely (of course, I would prefer Texas, but that's life.) Purging possessions feels EXCELLENT! Everytime we visit my father-in-law's house, we come home and clean out a closet. He's such a pack-rat that it makes his house really icky to visit.
Happy purging,
Susan in Texas
Hey, you sound like me!! But I will admit, I pakced the fabric and put most in storage!! I tried to de-stash and decided to do that as I un-packed because i just do not have time right now!!
You know I think it would be fun, not knowing where you will be making new friends again. You have some wonderful friends on your beautiful island now. What a fun future!
You are good to purge thats for sure Barb and I know who ever gets that bag of goodies will be over the moon :)
Seattle, Seattle, Seattle, then I can drive the four hours, to meet you! We could shop for new fabric....cause by then you are going to new a new stash!
Oh boy!! You have been busy!
I so need to do that and I'm not even moving. It will be fun where ever you go. How exciting.
I so need to do that and I'm not even moving. It will be fun where ever you go. How exciting.
It always feels SOOOO good to purge .... especially when you can send your stuff to others who will LOVE it.
I think purging is really good for the soul. I do it twice a year...in the Spring and in the Fall. And you are going to make lots of people happy with your scraps and purged items!
I hope that where ever you end up, you are happy and feel at home. That's the important thing!
Seattle! Really? We could have an actual Thimbleberries Sew Day live and in person! :-) I haven't unpacked my sewing stuff yet, but I am yearning to get back to sewing, so I doubt I do any purging like I thought I would. ;-) Right now I feel like just slinging everything on a shelf and getting my table cleared off LOL :-)
good for you...that show "hoarders: keeps me in line.......
Nice to do for others my dear friend. You are a good person and sharing. That's what life is all about. You couldn't ask for anything better than that in a person.
Happy quilting!
I love how many random things get done when you have a to do list a mile long. I once had a professor who told us he assigned papers because he knew we would get our apartments clean that way as we put off writing that paper. I'm sure you'll be glad for the purge when you have to pack and unpack everything soon. Hope you find out where you are moving to soon. I can't imagine not knowing for as long as you have been waiting.
I think moving house is always a great way to clear out stuff. Every time we moved we would find boxes in the loft unpacked from when we moved in, so I would just clear those boxes straight to the charity shops as we obviously did't need what was in them! DH is a hoarder though, so that had to be done when he wasn't around!
Purging is such a good thing! I need to do some of that myself now that the kids are back in school. When I try to get rid of things with them around, they just want to keep it all! LOL
How fun it would be if you moved to Seattle. We could actually meet in person!! It would be a bit of shock weather wise but you would get use to it and it is such a pretty city.
looks like you are getting in gear to move....
You'll be so welcomed wherever you go- but for selfish reasons, I hope it is near me!! Actually just being on the same continent will be cool...and you can ALWAYS come out for a visit- ;) Sandy
I did the purge this past weekend. Oh it feels so gooooooodddddd!!
I did not see Toledo on that list!!
Purging is good too. I did a lot of that way back when I cleaned out this room to paint and fix up. Yes felt good! I gave away and donated a lot very little went to trash. Sometimes we just have to 'move on'. Okay Virginia later...gives me more time to get the guest room ready....;-)
Exactly what I need to do but I need to find the time to do it.... Monteray is a beautiful place...
Good for you- when I start purging I just can't part with things. Guess I'll have to have someone do it for me. A friend let her daughters clean her sewing room and they took things. If she doesn't miss it by a certain date they get to keep what they took. Good luck with your move.
Oh My Goodness, all those options. I'm guessing you are used to this type of life but it does seem a bit complicated/confusing. What an adventure though! Are you still enjoying this life or are you ready to settle down in one place? That would probably feel weird to you.
Purging feels great. You get rid of the "clutter" and your area looks so clean and fresh. That is until you go on another shopping spree and fill it back up again lol.
p.s. My zippers arrived. Thanks!
Barb I try note the word try to have a good purge of my office/sewing room about once a year, I don't know how it keeps filling up with stuff (okay yes I do LOL) Good for you!
Seattle is closer than Virgina so that is good. I hope everything comes together soon for you so you can feel settled HUGS Carin
I absolutely love Monteray, CA. It would be someplace I would love to revisit! I have been to Seattle lots as I lived in Spokane for 5 years...rains a lot!
Monterey! I'll come visit! My aunt in in Salinas. I love Monterey, ocean, beautiful weather, and a silk factory where you can buy their remnants.
I note that all those places have winters...quilt shop hops are a perfect winter activity...they take your mind off the chill in the air, and now you can snuggle under the quilts you've made, rather than spread them out on the sand at the beach :)
It is good to purge and declutter once in awhile. It feels so liberating. Sorry to hear that hubby is getting antsy. I would probably get that way too. I hate moving. Anywhere on the mainland would be alright, except that you still wouldn't be close enough to me to get together. Too bad.
I LOVE cleaning out. And, I find that I usually do it when life feels a little out of control. It is a way of saying that I am in charge of some little part of the world, I guess. Wherever you go it will be closer than Samoa.
Oh my gosh! I just had a big purge too! Yes indeed, it's so freeing!
Ok..now onto the move...Seattle!!!!!! Oh how I loooooooove Seattle! I would move there tomorrow if I could (I live in NC). I've been there 3 times and have loved it each time. Such a great place, so much to do, who cares about the rain..we're quilters! hee,hee,hee.
xx, shell
Thought I would come back and see how you're doing. I see that you're still busy. Good luck, my dear on your organizing. It's a job, but is so nice when done.
Hapy Quilting!
I applaud you in purging that is something I'm not good at I'm so afraid I will need it someday.
I hope your move goes smoothly.
I too did some purging last week. I am not comfortable with clutter and all the scraps hanging all over my shelves was bugging me. I put them all in a big box until I decide what to do with them.
Sacramento, huh? That's not far from me... :-)
I have purged many a time and it really is fun.Sounds like you are getting organized girl!
Hi Barb and all of your readers! Do you of any of your followers remember a recent blog, (?) showing a quilt block that had been tinted with a color pencil,and then she gave directions and described different pencils to use, some kind of medium and ironing the result....seems like I was here, and found her site! Sandy
Good for you Barb! You've inspired the rest of us. I know how you feel on those days when you have so much to do and not an ounce of strength to do anything.
I am so impressed by all the blogs you are apart of!
Not knowing would just about drive me nuts!! Besides the fact I hate moving.
Moved a lot 1975-1981, and been in this house since 1985.
So you know I have a ton of purging to do! hehe
I am sure your scraps will be greatly appreciated, you always use the prettiest fabrics.
Let us know where you will be landing and when!
Love to do that and don't do it often enough.....boo hoo! I was hoping you could come back to Texas.
Good for you Barb for organizing and purging. Good luck with your destination, it sounds like all the places you named are nice. Seattle is a beautiful place and I've been there a lot. I know they have lots of great quilt shops, a bonus! I hope you have a better day today!
As long as you didn't get rid of the chocolate! I like Monterey -- but if you move there -- I'll be visiting a lot!
Barb, I need to do this so bad and have such a hard time letting go. Can't wait to hear about your new adventure and where ya might land. Good to catch up on all you've been doing.
I am in the middle of purging too..what a glorious mess I can make in a few minutes!! Hope all your moving process goes very smoothly.
Love your post. Your are really smart not to look a second time at what you decided to toss. I did and took it right back upstairs in the sewing room....and there it all sits. And, I love your idea of mailing some of it away. I had thought of doing that....anonymously. What fun.
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