Below you will see a few pictures of the aftermath of the tsunami.... you will see few traces of it today. Small reminders are still there and an occasional shake will wake up the remembrance of that day.
Often I think about the out pouring off all of my blogging friends, the packages that kept coming, the concern and love all of you had for myself and people you have never met. So once again I want to thank you for bringing light into the South Pacific when the light had been dimmed.
Oh my Barb, I remember it so well.
It's been a year already??? WOW! I feel like it was yesterday that I tool a box of supplies to my church for the container being shipped there.
Very strange indeed to have an earthquake on the anniversary of this event. Actually freaky.
Are you kidding, one year to the date!! That is soooo freaky! Glad it was not as bad as last year.
I didn't even know you then. Glad I do now! :0)
Sitting through an earthquake is MUCH scarier than any ride at an amusement park. A definite amount of fear with them....
Glad to hear that today's shaking wasn't the big one! We all have our nature's biggest hits that we deal with. Not fun to live through but better then the alternative (not living to tell about it). I am never suprised to hear that the quilters support each other through the rough times. I know of gals re-stocking a quilter who got burned out literally in California from the wild fires. I know I am aging stash for when I get the call to help another scrapper re-build.
Keep sharing your passion and skills and others will help fill in when the need arises. Count your blessing and share them with others!- be good cw
I am sure your smiling face made a lot of people see the sun that was only hidden by the tragedy.
Wow, I just can't believe it has been a year already. And that you had another tremor on the SAME DAY! Unbelievable. Thanks for the pictures.
It's been a year already? In some ways, it does not seem that long ago. I'm glad to hear that most of the evidence of it is gone.
The view from your porch is fantastic! It's going to be hard to leave.
Personally, I don't feel like I need a thank you, as you are the one that should be thanked. Quilters like to help and you provided us a trustworthy venue to be able to help those in AS under such a terrible disaster. I do appreciate your updates on what was happening, as well as the insights of the aftermath.
While I doubt that everyone in AS is back to pre-tsunami conditions, I do hope that things are better. And I hope that if you see ways that help is needed, you share such insights again.
I can't imagine how scary that must have been to live through! wOw....
Wow! Has it been a year already? I am always amazed at how people continue after things like this. Life goes on. Time heals all. Except for those little reminders, the memories that are awakened by a shaking earth. I wonder if I would be able to take things like this in stride and carry on.
What a sweet heart you are. I am glad that lovely land is recovering, though I know there will always be scars.
That is a scary coincidence, come home dear sister.
Wow, this past year went so fast. I remember the devastation and glad today's quake was a small one.
It is hard to believe a year has already gone by...and I'm sure everyone who contributed something after that event was happy to do so.....that's what we do in times of need.
Thanks for reminding me....I flipped out wondering how I would find you....and was so thrilled when I learned you were ok. Remember all those boxes....LOL....that seems like longer ago than just a year. You've had one busy year.
It must have been scary to feel a tremor again . I have only one experience of a quake 7.5 on the ricter scale , we felt tremors for days afterwards , I,m pleased your o.k --cottonreel
I sure do remember when this happened and how scary those days were when you were MIA. I can only imagine how much work it was to clean up and set the community right again. I also remember how you pitched in to help any way you could.
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