Yep, gave up the Huston idea.
Too much happening around wonder I am gray plate is full...will someone come and take something off of it?????

Life is certainly an adventure....and I am still young enough to enjoy the let the fun begin!!!
Yes, we were looking forward to being near family (alot of family), that is a disappointment. We did have our hopes up for Huston but you know, ya just gotta roll with the punches.....
So any guesses where we will end up?
Australia??? Is it for your husbands work. What does he do?
Well if I were the one moving to California, I would love to be in the Bay area. San Francisco is one of my favorite cites :0)
Do you already know and you are just trying to see if one of US can guess correctly? Or are we ALL just guessing now...including you?? LOL As long as you end up near some good quilt shops, I'm sure you will adjust....and even CA is easier for family visits than where you are now, right?
Just wild guessing here!
Thinking it will take your stash and machines a while to catch up to you though.
Hope where ever it is you will enjoy the new adventure!
Who knows where you will end up, but if there are any chocolate covered macadamia nuts on your plate I will be glad to make the sacrifice and help out as I can.
I'm sure you'll be happy wherevery you end up. Love that cartoon! LOL
Wherever you land and set up home it will be an adenture!! You will do so much good and make tons of friends and teach some folks a thing or two. Looking forward to having you nearer!! Hugs, Marie
When I was growing up, we NEVER knew where we were going until about a month before! It was kind of fun, though, to not know....
I'm guessing you'll end up somewhere in the mid-west :)
Hmmm California you say? Do you know the way to San Jose? 8)
Susan in Texas
BTW Cartoon was hilarious!
No, but you could move to Iowa! Any other bases close to Houston that would make you closer to family than California?
NO idea, Barb, but I know you will make the best of wherever it is.
Gee Barb how about the Wash DC area, then we would be close enough to meet. The cartoon is too funny!
I am sure you will florish no matter where you end up. Being stateside will be much better though. Here's to hoping you end up closer to Texas though.
I'm not going to try to guess where you'll be going, but I'm very curious. Sorry about Houston.
xo -E
My guess is you will end up just where you were meant to be!
Where ever it is, you will do great! Wish I could go back and see Samoa again. I've enjoyed your photos!
Hey how about Atlanta....
Lubbock TX is a great place!
Hey, California can be a great place for your family & friends to come visit.
Keep me posted on when & where. I definitely think we need to have a welcome back to the US party for you!
Barb, I think California sounds good..we would love to have you here...
Being in California wouldn't be so far from Texas but not quite the same as being near your family. I hope that it gets settled for you both soon. It must be hard to wait and wonder. I am sure you will be creating some wonderful quilts where ever you are.
Hang in there.
Warmest regards,
Why not Washington, then we could visit one another all the time! Sewing, crafting, taking walks.....anything goes...what do you think?
I don't know, but come to Dallas!
If not California then how about Oregon or Washington state where you can still be very close to the ocean?
I have no idea where you will end up next but I'm sure you will make the best of it! As long as it doesn't snow....
I don't know where you'll end up, but, just to help you out, I'll take anything off your plate that has chocolate on or in it. How's that for friendship?
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