On the way out, I gave my dentist a call to make an appointment to fix the bridge he just put in my mouth (I now have mouth bling).
No worries.
Went to the movies with the boys that night so I shut off my phone.
Next day I get up and there is a message on my computer from my husband. Apparently, the Dr. wanted to see me at 9:00 a.m. on Monday. Wow....that was fast..., so fast, something must be seriously wrong....
my mind starts racing.... I will tell you all that I have a very vivid imagination....so by about thirty minutes into all of this I decide I should make a will.
You ask a will...yes....who is going to take care of Mr. Pfaff?
What about Daddy Pfaff?
What about my stash (this is not all of it)? Who will get my stuff.
You guessed it, by this time I already have my husband remarried.
She is not getting my stash.
That hussie is not touching anything in my sewing room.
She won't want my jewelry, those were tokens of love from my husband.....and yes, he loved me first....I am the mother of his children.
Not unless he marries some young thing and decides to have another family (shame on him, doesn't he know he is tooo old).
Well....so you see what worry and stress can do.
So....I didn't get to talk to my husband until later that day and he asked.
Did you switch Dr. appointments? I said, I didnt' have a Dr. Appointment....and he said you had one at 4:00 p.m on MOnday and they want to switch it to 9:00 a.m.
A light bulb moment.....ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that is not Dr. that was a Dentist appointment.
So now....who is going to get the man's tools? His truck? Do you think he will let my next husband have them or do you think he should make a will....???
That is hysterical...I can't stop laughing. We really need to meet!
ROFL!! This is what happens when we jump to conclusion! :0)
Hey, that gave me a good laugh and I really needed it.
LOL oh girl that was good!! Your mind travels too fast! Do you have psych appt penciled in? :-o Just teasing!! :-))
Girl, you so crazy!
I was all ready to foster Daddy Pfaff. And of course he would have needed some stash from his old home to keep him company.....
You are just too funny. I need to meet youand have some laughs
OMG that is hysterical...oh how we can make out minds go and go and go!
Girl I'm glad someone besides me does that sort of jumping to conclusions and worrying!!!
Hope your tummy scan was ok!!!
Prayers for you!!!
I just picked myself up off the floor from laughing! I really shouldn't laugh though because some times my mind works a little like that, too!
Anyway, your machine & fabric are acclimated to a tropical climate, so I think out of kindness I will volunteer to watch them here in Hawaii!
god you are too funny .
Oh...I would have been doing the same kind of worrying AND the same kind of planning in my mind!!! SOOOOO funny!!!
Too funny! You sure get a lot of exercise jumping to conclusions!
You sound like you have the same worry disorder that my husband has. I'm exactly the opposite. I don't worry about anything until I have all the facts, then I don't really worry, I just try to figure out how to fix it. Loved your story, though. It gave me a good laugh.
I had a similar thing happen when we were on a trip. I had a mammogram on a Tuesday and we left on Thursday. Usually I receive a letter in the mail about the mammogram, so when DH received a message from my doctor's office on Friday and they said it was about the mammogram and I should call back on Monday, you can bet what I thought about all weekend. I have never had them call me that fast, so I was sure it was bad news! I called first thing on Monday and they said my mammogram was fine! Why couldn't they have said that in the message?!?!? Our minds do dream up the worst possible scenario, don't they?
That was so funny and I did enjoy reading your thoughts...hehehehe still laughing :) hugs Vicki
So funny Barb..I needed a good laugh to start the day!
I would have been the same...worry warts that's me !
Julia ♥
My goodness, girlfriend!! Take a deep, DEEP breath LOL
PS You can let that breath out now ;o)
Ha! That was too funny and yes he now needs a will,LOL!
LOVE IT!! (not that you were scared but the dramatic change in theme...)
You are soooooooo funny!!!!! :o)
Thanks for the great laugh - I needed it today!
Oh Barb, too funny!
You are certifible after all!!! Love it! Funny how men just don't think the same way we do.....he thought nothing of it, didn't he? Too funny, glad you are ok and that you are keeping your stash, after all you could take it with you...yes, that is what I said. :) Line the casket...silly!!!
hahahah you are to funny Barb!
Loved the post!
Rip... Snort...ha ha... can't stop laughing that hussy keep her away from Daddy Pfaff.
Rip... Snort... Ha Ha... can't stop laughing you must keep that little hussy away from Daddy Pfaff.
That was so funny. I had a real bad day today and you sure did know how to make me laugh. Thanks I really did need it.
BArb- oh my oh my - how did you not want to throttle the man- you must love him a lot... I do understand this story all too well...
It did make me giggle..
Hope all went well with your tummy results.
Take care,
OMG...you are a hoot!! Love it...great sense of humor!!!
Oh my goodness, you are so funny! hIlArIoUs! I was honestly chuckling out loud.
Oh Barb, you make me laugh, but what is really scary is that I think the same way!! Man, we need to calm down!!!
Oh Dear we do have a problem here don't we
Haa Ha I love your posts
Always give me a smile
Barb...it's all good girlfriend. I do the same thing all the time. I think it is called the mid life thing....
We went to cub scout camp. I saw a lake and the first thing I thought was one of the kids will drown....then Zach was sitting on a wooden fence....I thought...when he falls he is going to break a bone and we'll be in the hospital all night long....it goes on and on.
I think we need a month of pamering at one of those fancy retreats..and Gene can pick up our tabs...LOL
I have had days like that too. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face tonight.
Oh Barb, you tickle me this morning with how your mind just races from one extreme to the next. LOL, I can relate as I do the same thing.
OMGosh!! You are too funny!!
You are too funny! Thanks for the morning giggles!
-we think alike!! You're a hoot!!
You are hilarious but honestly those are important things to think about. Maybe I should make a list of who would get what. My aunt had a friend that died last summer. When she was in the hospital she called a quilting friend in and told her to give everything to then she called her kids in and planned her funeral!
Barb, you are FUNNY! What a terrific piece of writing to start my day. Thanks! (Don't we do things just like that and let our minds run away with us.)
That is too funny Barb. Glad you are okay. On the other hand I will be happy to take in part of your stash or Daddy Pfaff should you not survive your dental appt.
Oh No!!....now you've put ideas in my head.....female child...that's it ..she should get my stuff....she's got stuff of her own.....to they have an adoption plan for stuff....??!!
Loved it!!!
ROFLMAO!!!! Oh Barb, your poor poor hubby :0)
Men!! LOL! You are so funny!
No fair. My ribs are still hurting from all the coughing and you go and make me laugh so hard they hurt worse...but at least it was a good hurt.
Really had me going..too funny!
LMBO @ That hussie is not touching anything in my sewing room. Too funny!
You do have a vivid imaginations, thanks for the laugh today :)
So funny!! But so true!!! I am glad to read all the other commmets - so we know we are not alone with our OVER imaginative minds!!!Hope the sonogram turned out ok!
Funny!!! Too funny!! I needed one today - and march over to this site http://excusemewhatwasthat.blogspot.com/
for a chance to win some brownies from Vermont Brownie Company - she is a funny writer blogger too!
Teri Dingler
You are so funny! I agree, that hussy does not deserve your stash.
Love it!!
haha, i was ready to fly down and get the babies (machines)
Oh Barb! What a funny post. I'm still chuckling.
Barb, you are so funny, thanks for the laughs today.. Hope the dental work goes okay..
Funny, funny..now you must continue this type of thinking and sharing, just to amuse us! We're going to be expecting it all the time now.
Barb, I am laughing my bunns off. You are sooooo funny. My imagination was running along your own for a minute.....I love how you've turned you demise into hubby's......ROFLMAO!!!
I laughed out loud when I got to the part about the hussy not getting your fabric.....lol!
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