This is a picture of his front entrance....believe me, I am making full use of every square inch of the space downstairs....
Remember the stand I had the machine on from a before post. Well....It was way to high to sew on...I did it but I really want to see better, so it is now my cutting board. This is one side of his couch. Notice, I do have a few projects in the works, an Orange Slice quilt and some towel swap...(don't look too close my towel swapping friends).
This is my suitcase and "STUFF" on the other side of his couch.... It will be very intereting to see if I can fit everything in my suitcase come Monday (yes, going home on Monday). That trash bag, is stuff I am leaving behind...(lucky son)
This is his I did clean a little, I just couldn't take it..
This is where I am sewing now, on the dinningroom chair... I can see better this way. I have even been know (in my younger years) to sew on the floor, legs crossed and the one foot on the pedal...yes, it can be done, not now...too many years have come and gone.
Why am I showing you this? Well....Tonya and Pat showed their sewing space and I got such a kick out of it.... Gene is not brave enough.... You chicken Gene??? I am calling you out!!! Show your space for "I Have a Notion" giveaway. SHOW YOUR SPACE GENE!!! BAk Bak...!!
Kelly is giving away an AccuQuilt Go cutter.....and well...maybe she will enter my sister's name, Jeanette, in my place. So if you have not gone...go over and check out the many ways you can receive extra enteries. I have enjoyed seeing those post about their space.
I will be giving away an Accuquilt go in June....don't know when, just depends on when I get mine and get things done.....just stay tuned!!
My son will be so glad when I am gone...but rest assured, I will leave his space better than when I arrived.
Is it comfortable sewing that way on a chair? Doesn't hurt your back? Believe me I'd suffer through a little back pain if that was the only way to sew.
You are always putting a smile on my face, Barb. Thanks for sharing.
Very good use of your son's space. You better put that bag of stuff into something else otherwise it might land in the trash.
Bet he misses that mess faster than he thinks. More importantly he will miss having you around.
Oh he will miss you for sure! If I sat on the floor someone would have to help me up..LOL :)~
When you gotta sew you gotta sew! I had the sewing machine on one tote and was sitting on another before I got the desk and hutch in my sewing room. I'm still sitting on two totes to sew because I don't have a chair yet. I'm sure you leaving Monday will be bitter sweet for your son.
r u glad to be going home? I bet you will be missed.
Fun Fun at least you had a sewing area. Good for you.
you've made good use out of that space....i soooo hope I win Kelly's, then I could save yours for someone else, cause I know I'd win yours. haha........but my luck is not so good right now, i'm kinda bummed, but anywho.....great space.
You are so cute, Barb.
Have a lovely week.
TTFN ~Marydon
Looks more like Tropical Storm Barb hit town. I hear 'she' leaves sewing detritus in her wake!
I love seeing your mess. It makes me feel better about mine but there is no way I am showing it to the world!! You are a brave girl!
You do find the most innovative ways to quilt and sew. I could not sit on the floor and sew unless you did not expect me to ever get up all the floor again LOL.
I am sure your son is enjoying having you with him.
Thanks for the links and sharing your current sewing space.. You have such a great attitude- when there is a will there is a way they say...
It is just a little mess and I am sure he has enjoyed having you there.
Yup...he will miss you because I suspect you might have been providing him with some delicious meals in recent weeks! I did find your sewing space amusing there! hehehe Just think...when you get back to AS, you will feel like you are in a HUGE banquet hall when you sew as compared to your cramped space now!!! LOL
Oh, yes....meant to add that you might be right...Gene might be chicken OR he might be acting gentlemanly by not posting his sewing mess (I mean space) as he'd not want to lessen the chances for Tonya and me to win the cutter!!!
LOL. My luggage was over the limit coming back from Hawaii, but the airline didn't charge me this year. Lucky me! I hope you can make it on the airlines with all your stuff and not have any problems. Have a good flight back to AS. I'm sure your son will miss you dearly!
I've had a sewing area like that not too long ago. I bet your hubby is happy that you will be home soon.
Hi are fairly close to where I live. I'm about 80 miles northeast of College Station. I know you visisted the quilt shop there...hehehehehe....that's probably why your suitcase will be very hard to close.
I'm so glad it was a quilter made tornado and not a real one....does your son have "Visiting Quilter Disaster" coverage on his home insurance policy? LOL
It looks like a very pretty table now Barb! Love it! *Smiles*
You have motivated me to show my sewing area...It can be a bit disorganized, but in this case, that may score points for me.
Loved your photos...a bit of a disaster area, but very funny!
I like the sound of the orange slice quilt , I wear orange sew orange fabric , grow orange flowers
Yep Iv,e sewn in strange places , even with the machine on my knees like a lap top--cottonreel
Will you be glad to get home? Will there be a party????!!! When do you need my addy to send me the AccuCut GO?!
Barb,Thanks for sharing this. You always make me smile. This is a "temporary" mess made up for by delicious meals and the joy of a "Moms" visit. Safe trip home to hubby and new toy!!
We always tease about what we will do to our son's apt now that he is out on his own. You the same things he has done to us. Leave tv and lights on, leave milk out, shoes and clothing ont he floor, perhaps toothpaste in the sink with no flushing of the toilet. Just the other day we visited him...we were good.
LOL...I'm cracking up. Thanks for the tour. Now when you get home you have to post that one too...LOL
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