It is a quilter's heart that binds us all together. It is a quilter's heart that links us all through our blogging world.
How grateful I am to have spent the whole afternoon with two of the most amazing women. I met them through blogging but now we are not just a name on the computer...we are truly friends.

Jarre in the purple is from the blog
Fabric Artist, Judy from
Sew Fun Quilts. They went out of their way to come all the way to where I am staying. We had a wonderful lunch at the Red Robin...infact it was atleast an hour before we ordered our food, we were chatting so much.
Judy gave me these wonderful fat quarters....cats of course...look at her shirt, that woman loves cats...that is her signature...Love these Judy, thank you!!

Then Jarre, she makes these beautiful hair pins on her embroidery machine. These are so beautiful...I would hope that you go to her
etsy store and check them out..truly wonderful. Thanks them!!

Judy said that she didn't want to leave without taking me to a quilt heart jumped for pure joy....slobber started running down my mouth just at the thought of going fabric shopping. They suggested JoAnn's...quite a bit away from where we were...but that didn't matter to Judy..she didn't care...she was a woman on a mission. She wanted to make sure that I got to JoAnn's at any cost.
Now I am not responsible for what you see next. Jarre kept bringing me fabrics and well..somehow it ended up in my basket. I told her I was not going shopping with her anymore (only kidding of course)....

Notice once again my fabric choice...I was even wondering in JoAnn's why I am buying green, that is not even my favorite color, not that I have one but green has never been one to find it's way into my basket....but I looooooooooooooooooooove it...

Love the Polka dots....

Green fat quarters...yes, green again!!!
I can not remember when I had such a fun time, it is not often I go shopping with others, I am one that has spent most of my life shopping by myself or my husband sighing in the background....(he is good about taking me but it is not top on his list of fun)...
Thanks Judy and Jarre for the wonderful day....not only was it fun but the day was just beautiful outside....