Why am I so agressive?
This is why......It will be mine!!! All mine!!! If not, I am coming after anyone who wins this...you hear me...MINE!!!

I know you all want it...I know...because I have seen your blogs...it is plastered all over blogland....and that makes me very unhappy...so will you all quit it
...I tell you it is mine....
So since I have seen all of your post, you are on my choke out list....you think it was bad with my son.....I call it CHOKE OUT TIME!!!
If there was a way to delete all of your comments, I would do it. Maybe I can bribe Kelly? Hummmm that is a thought.... chocolate maybe? A day at the spa? I will think on that but for now...will all of you just quit it!!!!
Kelly is makine me mad....go see why over at I have a Notion, she knows I want it....and she put it out there for anyone to win it...shame on you Kelly, I thought we were BFF....what is up with that?
So my suggestion to all of you since I am going to win this is to go to her store and buy one yourself....
take yourself out of the running....
and run over to her store.....NOW...(aren't you afraid?)....you should be.
don't forget about my giveaway below....
Oh one more thing...just so you know, you can have your own AccuQuilt go in a matter of days, Kelly is awesome and ships immediately and well....she will make sure you are totally satisfied and happy even after you receive your items....so..why wait for the giveaway...just order it today. THIS MESSAGE WILL BE APPROVED BY KELLY WHEN SHE READS IT.....
She has had a month long of giveaways...it will end March 15th....so hop on over...
Sorry, Barb, I knew I would win it as soon as I saw it!!! I might let you borrow it when I win it!!!!
Dear Greedy Monger ! ! !
Thank you very much, gal, I just added my name to the giveaway.
Oh, yes, save your Choke-Out for somebody else because since you are in traveling mode you can stop in here in mid-Missouri any time to use my new winnings of this AccuQuilt Go!!
Love ♥♥♥♥ ya,
Gerry in mid-MO
You have the talent to smell fabric from a distance and the fact that you are a greedy monger, leaves me to fear what life would be like if I won this AccuQuilt Go at Kelly's delightful giveaway party. If I do win, you can have it. I bequeath it to you (only if I win). Promise!
LOL you crack me up!!
Just for that I'm going to go post a message on Kelly's blog!!
I triple black dog dare ya to come here!! LOL we could have fun!
And I dare you TWICE as much as Tango to come HERE for that machine if I win. I'd get you so distracted with all the fun we'd have that you'd end up being happy that I won the machine....and, of course, I'd let you come here as often as you want (and stay as long as you want) so you could use that machine!!!
hehe, just because I'm on posting hiatus with only enough energy to browse blogs at the end of a long day packing, I can tell you, I hope it really does become yours, all yours and you can count me out of the competition!
Phew, I feel safe now! :D Good luck
Just so you know, I entered....no-one else has a chance..so sorry, but I WILL WIN. LOL
Well my dear....this is exactly why I'm not doing the drawing for the giveaways....it always twists me into pieces because I want everyone to have one....I feel bad at sporting events because one team wins and the other looses....I'm a total weenie I sware. I'll send you mine to use for awhile if you like!!! Postage is only around 25.00 or so bucks....I'll pay to ship it one way if you pay to ship it back....will that help? Then I guess I'll never get it back because some smarty pants (Gene) will read this and then want you to send it to him!!!
Darlene did put in the request that if her name is drawn you would get it....so that gives you 22 chances at winning!!! Dang girl....that's not to shabby. Perhaps you can talk a few of your other homies into giving their entries to you too!!!
Big Hugs :)
Nay chance! It's mine!!
Hi Barb - thanks for the mention for the blog candy - good luck !
looks like a great thing to win.
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