So why is it that some of you can sew and your room still looks like Better Homes and Gardens? I didn't show you my floor.....
So lets talk about this....I have my machine, a project on the machine, my water bottle (I have to make myself drink anything)...I have a book to read while blogging, a to be project under some mailing list (if I put it away it will never be) computer, camera, to do list, notes to high heaven, material to list in my store, another project and then behind the computer...all the stuff I dont know what to do with but don't want to put it away where I can not find it.
On the floor are two baskets full of material that I am constantly pulling out of the sheves, a pile of unfinished projects, cub scout projects and the list goes on. do some of you do it? I want to be neat and orderly. The rest of my house is not this way...well....not completely...only when I pull out the ironing board and material, cutting board and you see where I am going.....
So maybe Miss Piggy fits for me? If the name fits wear it!!! So you see where I root around...I do clean it at times and my husband comes in and smiles and says...."This won't last long" and he is right.....
Sometimes I think chaos encourages creativity! Other times I seem to be able to get more done when I can actually see the top of my sewing table. I say do whatever works for you! :0)
we are all different and we all do things diufferently. Hey its your stuff and as long as you know where things are and can find them thats all that matters. You should see my house! Hubby and I my dtr and 2 GC.The house is never dirty but at times it does get cluttered and messy, hey we live here and enjoy it. Just enjoy yourself and do what makes you happy, the house will be here long after we aRE GONE.
No, not offensive at all, just strangely familiar. I use tubs from work, and try to contain all the pieces/supplies for my current project in one tub, then try to cut up scraps and sort colors back into their bins before the next project. But I usually have several projects gong at a time! sigh....
A messy house is a sign of a creative mind. Or something like that. My sewing room always looks as if a tornado has hit it. But I'm like you. If I put things away, I know I will never find them again!
Ha! I'm with you! My sewing space is always a mess!
I'll never show my sewing mess, er room. I make such a mess, and since no one lives upstairs, it just seems to overflow!
G'morn, Barb ~ IF you are happy with your room, then it is perfect! and that is all that matters.
Besides, with all the gorgeous creations you make, I love your room the way it is ... full of color, creativeness & warmth.
Have a beautiful week!
TTFN, Hugs ~ Marydon
Well if you want answers from us OCD people, you might want to restate the opening of your post! LOL - I almost didn't read but like watching a train wreck, I couldn't turn away.
I can't really help you, except to say that I get overwhelmed or feel like a disaster waiting to happen if my workspace is messy. It stems from how I've learned to keep my space at my job organized as well. If I lose things, or have to take time to search for them, it's another delay in the process I want to move quickly and that frustrates me.
Does it get out of hand like you've described in yours (although I wouldn't really say yours is out of hand)? Soemtimes and when it does, when it interferes with what I'm trying to do, well, that's when I clean it up and remember, for a short time at least, not to let it get that way in the first place.
A cluttered desk is the sign of a creative mind. So live with it. At least you don't have a boss nagging you! Cuz you are the boss of you.
Girl! Your room looks neat compared to mine when I am working. I keep the door closed on the weekends when I get to go in there and it takes me a good hour to clean it up on Sunday night. I can barely walk in mine when I am creating.
To an extent I suspect we are all Miss Piggy while in the midst of creating quilty goodness ~ I clean up when I can't find something in the mess - but only after digging around for a bit first, lol. It's just gonna get messy again, right?
Creativity is messy...don't fight it!
Mine is a disaster when I am working in it too, but every once in awhile I just HAVE to get organized.
Hey! Did you post my sewing room? I always work from piles! I don't think it can look any other way when your creating, only when the project is done.
Then, hopefully, you put some stuff away before you start the nest, because, you know, then you can't get clearance for your 18 inch ruler to cut the next patches.
I'm right there with you, Barb!
lol You should see my dining table! It has turned really cold again so my upstairs sewing room is very cold. I am starting a quilt so I brought everything I needed down to the dining table. I looked around the house this morning and felt bummed. It was so nice and clean when I had company two weeks ago! Dash has his piles of toys every where and I have my crochet on the couch where I do it every evening. So join the rest of us, the majority, in the 'I am working' mode! :D
.... LOL ..... you are not alone!
Looks fine to me!!! I tend to make piles and just move them from one place to another!
I'm definitely not in the neat category. My sewing room is a mess. Every time I start to clean it up I get distracted and start a new project.
Barb, it actually looks pretty good to me.
I , like you have piles. To be quilted pile, the quilted pile, the binding pile,the finish me pile, etc...
I do make it a point os straightening up before I leave the room just so I do not get frustrated when entering. I can't imagine having a better ,homes and garden sewing room. Does not seem right.
Honey....let me tell you...there is NO "Better Homes and Gardens" sewing room in THIS house. I do have a few very organized closets and cabinets with sewing stuff in them, BUT......I pull stuff out frequently and it doesn't go back in there quickly, so...the clutter builds and builds and....every once in awhile, I clean it up...but not very often!!!
Oh Barb, that's nothing. You should see my sewing room. It's so tiny and crowded - sewing machine, serger, laptop, cutting mat, bookshelves, dresser of fabric, three baskets/Rubbermaid containers of fabric, scrapbooking supplies, ironing board - and I swear the room is only about 6' x 10'. Not kidding. I wouldn't even dare take a photo and post it. Too embarrassing. You have NOTHING to worry about, believe me.
And, anyway, who cares? You can't create without making some kind of mess!
Well Barb: being so clever creating, your juices flow the way you want them to.
We are all so very different aren't we? I tend to be fairly tidy when I sew, maybe it's because I'm in a confined basement area...but then I don't have as many projects on the go as many do.
I'm a one at a time pretty much.
Cute post.
Barb, I don't see anything wrong with your sewing looks a great deal like mine.....I have found that the smaller the space I have to sew, the better I work! LOL
We must be cut from the same cloth because my sewing area makes your's look tidy.
Well, I just finished a project and had all nice and neat and then started another one and wow, I guess I am messy,, I try to stay picked up but just getting it finished I seem to have stuff all over?? Not sure what I am,, really messy or really messy!!!!!!!!!!
I tend to get pretty messy when working on a project...and sometimes it does get to me. I just take a clean up the mess break once in a while when I can't stand it anymore...but even after I clean up, there are still piles of fabric, patterns, threads, etc. laying around ready to use
Looks fine to me Barb...just like any room where creating is happening..
Mine is like that a lot these days..I just clean up when i can't stand it any longer..
Julia ♥
I'm so with Jane (Jane's Fabric & Quilts) on this one...I'm a big one for tidying up, by just moving the pile of craftiness to another spot...but not actually putting it away! Some of my friends are not only shocked, but amazed when they see the tiny amount of physical working space around my machine and are amazed I even manage to reach the switch to turn the machine I also agree with a few of the others about a cluttered desk/house/workspace being the sign of a creative mind....hee hee hee I can always make an excuse for my messiness. Hugs Naomi
My sewing area is very disorganized as well. And that's the way I like it. Even if it's stacked high to the ceiling...I know where things are when I need them. I've always heard "a clean house is a sign of bordem"
Long answer:
If we call you Miss Piggy, then I am Mr Piggy, cause it sure looks like my house! For just a minute I wondered if you broke in and took a picture..but then I realized that I don't have that particular blue fabric....nor do I have the bendy light on the side of my machine.
My theory is "If my 'mess' bothers you, the world outside my door is plenty big enough for you to find somewhere else to be!"
(oops, I think I got all crazy and honest there!)
Short answer: it looks fine to me.
I LOVE to be organized...but when I'm working on a project (several usually) it looks like a bomb went off. I should take a picture of it right now. Ughh
Take care,
It doesn't look THAT bad....well maybe a little but you are creating and need a certain atmosphere to do it. When it gets bad enough you will clean it up so you can make another mess :0)
I identify mine as organized chaos. Pretty much sums up my entire!
Well if you ever find a way to keep it perfect and work at the same time I sure hope you share!!!
I wish I could learn to put things back!!
My DH shakes his head and was so nice at one time... hahaha!
It is MINE ALL MINE so I can do as I will in it( unless company coming then I clean up like a mad woman)!!!!
Looks perfectly fine to me! My room is a MESS!
As this lady who taught Stretch and Sew Club back 25 or more years ago once said in class this 85-93 year old lady was in one of her classes once and told her honey I've lived a long life and I've learned it's just going to get messed up/ dusty again...
I clean it, I destroy it, I clean it, I destroy it. I work better when I am not thinking about how messy it is and I do love it when it is clean and tidy but all I have to do is cut a couple of strips and it looks like a tornado come through the room!
if I posted a picture of my room when I am "on a whirl" you would be is like the killer fabric meets godzillas foot prints.......
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