She actually, came up with this design (even though this design is out there) in her head and over the phone we did the dimensions of each square. She is sharp as a tack and a natural at quiting. This is one amazing gal and this quilt is absoutely beautiful when you see it up close.

it's awesome! She did a great job putting it together.
Love the colors!
Isn't it great to introduce someone to something new that they like to do? I'm sure you are a very good teacher, too. You are always so positive and enthusiastic.
Really nice, love the colors too. I just made a tote in those similar colors.Great job..
Very nicely done. Love the quilt.
her work is really good, but then look who she has for a teacher!
The colors of the fabrics are lovely together. Quilting with a friend, in person or over the phone, is unbeatable.
Very cool! Four patches are fun to sew and always look so wonderful! :)
What a wonderful thing you did, teaching and mentoring...and the finished quilt is so pretty!
Barb , you are so right. A new quilter has been born.
There is always room for another quilter!
Your friend did a great job on her quilt! I love the colors :)
They look lovely, Barb, and it's always nice to see new quilters. It doesn't look like there's going to be a lull in enthusiasm for quilting anytime soon, like there was in the 60's and 70's. I have a favor to ask, though, could you possibly make your pictures a bit larger please? These are practically thumbnail sized and they don't enlarge when you click on them. My old eyes need nice big pictures to truly appreciate your lovely quilts. 8)
excellent. We need to keep the quilting thread going into the coming generations.
With a teacher like you, I"m not surprised she did a good job. I know you usually make your photos large, so these small ones are an exception, but I did find myself wishing I could see the quilt larger than this!
Looks great.
She did a great job! So did you in helping her!
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