I got the nicest surprise in the mail Monday...you see these squares....they are Thimbleberries....oh my...did my heart skip a beat....almost had to have the paddles used on my heart.... These are from Karen from SEW MANY WAYS she said these are for my Thimbleberies sew days....how awesome is this???? If you are not familiar with her blog, I suggest you go over there now. She can make anything from the hardware department...I chuckle every time I go over there...totally amazed how clever she is and she never ceases to amaze me on her ability to create something from cheap things at the hardware dept, light boxes, jewelry...you name it...
This is all Mary's fault from Quilt Hollow....I curse her....she is always talking about schnibbles and how addicted she is to them....hers turn out so amazing....every day...I am telling you, she should sell drugs, she just makes it sooooo irrestible. Actually, she is one amazing person...go check out her blog, awesome schnibbles and quilting. Got the schnibble pattern from Quilt Taffy...they give fast service.
Love the Thimbleberries material. How nice was that for her to send it to you. I spotted that quilt taffy in picture with the pattern, bet that was tasty!
Barb you have just been getting some fabulous things. You know I have a passion for houses and your row of houses is just adorable. God I wish I had more time. I too like the Schnibbles but I do not want to get hooked.
I have been so tempted by Schnibbles, but so far have resisted. Love the Thimbleberries charms.
I love those little cottage blocks! So very cute. I'm so tempted, but my friend Helen makes them by the dozen as she loves that fiddley stuff.
I too love Karen at Sew Many Ways, but just cannot log into her file as my computer freezes, so I must shut it down everytime I try. I don't know why, but I do agree, she is so unbelievably creative and funny too!
The first row is lovely. Are your houses pieced? I couldn't tell.
Barb, I love your block, The giraffe is so cute. I have a hard time resizing blocks too.
Thanks for the link to Karen's blog -- I'm now a follower. Those Thimbleberries fabrics are lovely. Your houses are whimsical and adorable!
You just crack me up! Enjoy....trust in me it is an addiction...welcome to my world.
LOVE the little house blocks! I am a real sucker for house blocks...
The Thimbleberies is very cool!! Can't wait to see the outcome of that project...
I'm behind...the little giraffe is cute and the other purple quilt-OMG!! talk about HARD!!!
Welcome to the Schnibble addiction! I'm glad I joined the quilt along. They are so much fun to make and also very quick.
Your houses look great! It's fun to be able to use up blocks from other projects.
First of all, those fabric squares are DELICIOUS! What a great friend!!!
Second, I keep seeing Schnibbles everywhere too!!!! I am trying to be strong but see myself falling. You can bet you will see a schnibbles on my blog soon. LOL!
Cute houses Barb~ and great T-berries score! :-) Have fun with Sunday Best!
Lucky you-getting the Thimbleberries fabrics. Also like your row houses.
LOVE your row of houses, can't wait to see what is added! Blog friends are the best, very pretty fabric from Karen!
Hi Barb,
So happy the package arrived safe and sound...wouldn't want Thimbleberries lost in the postal service somewhere. Have fun with it on your Thimbleberries night. Thanks so much for the kind words about my blog, you're the best!!
Take care,
Isn't Karen over at Sew Many Ways just the sweetest? She definately is one of the most clever gals around! Love her Tool Time Tuesdays! What a generous gift! And there is the pattern to work it with....Quilt Hollow inspired. Have a great day.
Beautiful. I think I'm going to have to try a Schnibbles! So cute!
Just love the little house blocks. The Thimbleberies fabric is beautiful, my kind of colors/patterns. Must stay away from the site till my heart slows down.
Hooray for finding a great use for your houses. I love houses with trees :0).
Great mail call you had too!!
Love your row with those cute houses. I'm sure you will make a wonderful Schnibbles quilt. I am quite certain I have a Schnibbles pattern here somewhere and should get it out sometime soon....because, ummmmm...you know, I'm bored and have NO other projects to work on. LOL
The houses are cute!!! This should make an interesting round robin.
Barb , I just love your houses !
Those houses are adorable, it will be fun to watch them grow. I love those schnibbles patterns too. That Karen is so sweet, how kind of her to send the thimbleberries. Have a wonderful day.
Barb you are the kindest lady! Thank you for entering.
Everything is so beautiful here.
~Blessings, ~Melissa :)
Your houses are too cute! Can't wait to add to them. For several months I have been seeing the finished Schnibbles quilts on the net and I have been tempted to join in. There just doesn't seem to be enough time for all the things I want to do.
I love your row...I cant wait to get mine done when I get home! melinda
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