I am not going to the Post Office any time soon, maybe the last week in Feb....but if you would like one of the three of these panel, just leave a comment. I have many more that I am getting rid of....but for now....
Do you want these?


or theses?
Oh I have so many things to do now...but I love the second set of cheater panels! I'll take them if you don't have any other use for them! Thanks! :0)
I like to use individual ones to make myself sweatshirts.....so I'd like one of Panel #3. I wear a lot of blue......so that one would look really good on a blue sweatshirt. I used to be able to find these here but haven't seen them in awhile.
I'd love the first set to combine with some other blocks. Btw what do you mean by cheater panels?
I saw the thumbnail pic and thought that you'd been mighty busy piecing! What cool panels!
We really need to get a group together to do some spring cleaning giveaway/exchanges. I have a couple of packages that I'm shipping off ths afternoon with goodies from my stash!
Barb, I absolutely love purple, would appreciate one of the last 2 or 1 of the 1st. You are sooo sweet and generous
I have so many things to do, I'm not going to say yes but I will say, why not use those and create some quillows to give away or sell? They'd be good for the pocket fabric. :)
Well, see, that didn't take so very long to rid your stash of these really neat blocks.
Perhaps we all should do something similar. No doubt we'd all be back in the very same state that we started.
When I referred to one of those as a "cheater panel" one time, one of my fellow Blanketeers gently corrected me, "It's called convenience cloth, Dear." lol I think they're lovely. 8)
Happy stitching,
What a sweet thing for you to do Barb. I don't need any but I did want to say hello!
Hope all is well and all stays well there. Did I see something about a hurricane?
I like all of them!, it's hard to see panels here...
Hi Barb, I'm having issues with my default email so I couldn't contact you privately. I just saw on the news that Pago Pago was in for some pretty rough weather tonight. Just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and praying that you are safe. No need to enter me in the giveaway. Just wanted to wish you well.
I like cheater cloths. The first one is nice. I'm all set with panels at the moment though...unless you show something later on that catches my eye lol.
Have a great weekend!!
Oh, I love purples. Those are fabulous Barb. You can send some my way if you want to.
I don't need any of them, but I love cheater panels. I used to use them very often, but since my skills have advanced some, I like creating my own. I have some stuffed somewhere.
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