Friday, September 29, 2017


 I was asked to make a green quilt for "either or" baby....they didn't want to know the sex.  For me, it is much more fun personalizing it so I was not to thrilled.

                                        This is what I came up with.

                                                             Notice the diagram below.

                                                             Do the Math!!!


The whole time I was cutting my fabrics I kept thinking that something is wrong with the measurements.  Heaven forbid if I stop what I am doing and actually calculate!

So when it came time to guessed it, I had to go and chop off a half of an inch.

It pays to make a sample block but in this case no harm was done.

In an effort to give this person an option I did up this panel really quick (which I love)....but they chose the first one.  Oh I have a baby quilt to giveaway.

Right now I have that one special quilt on the longarm....things are  not going good.

This is my blog, I can whine if I want to.

For one, I was up at 2:30 this morning so I decided to start quilting it.  Yesterday I ironed and installed the quilt on the frame before my mother's Dr. appointment and then after and before our grandson came.

The thread keeps breaking which my last quilt I did not have an issue using Aurfil threads...I don't have a color for this quilt in that brand.  

Also.....This quilt was given to me 20 years ago, it was partially done.  I hadn't a clue what I was doing when I put it you hear me sobbing me when I tell you that at some point I wanted to throw it away.  If it was not so special I would have.

the saga continues................

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


I took this picture below on May 2nd of this year.  The reason I am telling you this is because I had no clue as to what the theme was at that time for the Sept Island Batik Blog Hop.

So in May for some reason I had all of this energy which happens once every blue moon.

I had a hankering to use my Accuquilt Go School House die, I have have it for a while now.  Yes...hankering...haven't you ever had one?
 I remember going to my sewing room is the day that  am going to use this school House die.  I always loved the red and white ones but for some reason I went to my Island Batik scraps.  

If any of you know me, I do more thinking than actually doing so for me to just jump in and decide on something is amazing and to decide on such a big venture.

As I was contemplating the scraps my mind went to the the fabrics that were set aside for Septembers Hop, Solstic!

Aurifil thread #4012 was perfect for blanket stitching around the schools...ummm ummm good.

Hummmmm I said to my self and that was that, what you see below is what I came up with and in just a short time I had this part done.

It laid in wait for quite a while.  Me trying to decide what to do for the borders.

This is what I came up with, just checker board border.

Laid it all out on the bed and then labeled the top and sides.

Then for months every thing just sat....and sat....and sat.

Til Sept came and I knew I had to get in gear.

102"  x 114"

                                                            This is all that was left.
                                       I decided to make a note pad cover like this one below.
                                        I won it off Marylin's blog many years ago.

I loved it so much that I took those left over scraps and made me one.  Once again...too much thinking going on.  I couldn't decide if I wanted the pin holder or my name embroidered on it.....

So...I did nothing. Now I wish I had done something.  Oh well...think long thing wrong.

   Here is the inside.  I just used the note pad that Marylin sent and as you can see, I design in it

                                         I had one school house block left so I made myself a mini wall hanging. sorry it is crooked

So for my giveaway I am giving away what you see here.  Over 100 - 5" squares which spans the time of about 3 years worth of Island Batik fabric.  Ummmmmm Ummmmm goodness.

Then the designer of this "Note Pad" is Robin Gallagher

She was sweet enough to send me a pattern to give  away as well. Talk about one creative person....she definitely is.  Thanks Robin.

Just leave me a comment for my giveaway and use the rafflecopter for Island Batiks...thanks !!

Then Island Batik is giving away three gorgeous fat quarter bundles at the end of the hop! Three different winners will be randomly selected to win bundles from the Captain’s AnchorBatiks Go Retro, and Abalone collections. Enter by using the Rafflecopter widget below. There are many ways to enter!

Then if you want and have the time go by and check out the creativity of the other Island Batik ambassadors and enter their giveaways....want to be inspired....this is the place to get it!!!


Tuesday, September 5 – Country Dozen
Cheryl Lynch Quilts • Inspired Layers
Wednesday, September 6 – Bonsai
Little Bunny Quilts
Thursday, September 7 – Sakura
Masterpiece Quilting


Monday, September 11 – Fresh Pick’ins
KISSed Quilts
Tuesday, September 12 – Lotus Blooms
Kathys Kwilts and More
Wednesday, September 13 – Olivera
Moose Stash Quilting • Vicki’s Crafts and Quilting
Thursday, September 14 – Rise & Shine
Den Syende Himmel • Sally’s Quilting Corner
Friday, September 15 – Diner Days
Ark Angel Creations • The Quilt Rambler


Monday, September 18 – Seas the Day
KISSed Quilts • Whispers of Yore • Needle & Foot
Tuesday, September 19 – Vineyard
The Inquiring Quilter • Inchworm Fabrics
Wednesday, September 20 – Abalone
PamelaQuilts • Yellow Cat Quilts
Friday, September 22 – Captain’s Anchor
Purrfect Spots Designs • Beaquilter


Tuesday, September 26 – Lobster Bake
Seams to be Sew
Wednesday, September 27 – Solstice
Bejeweled Quilts • heARTs Creations
Thursday, September 28 – Sour Apple
Seams Like a Dream • Kauffman Designs
Friday, September 29 – Zen
Lizard Creek Quilting • Quilt’n Party

Big Shout out goes to Katie and Elizabeth from Island Batik, for this awesome hop and the awesome fabrics.

Thursday, September 21, 2017


As I have mentioned before, I started this quilt in America Samoa.  I am guessing it is about nine years, thought it was ten ....

I use my Accuquilt Go cutter for the flowers and vine.

I had thought I would give this to one of my sons but now that I have it finished and have enjoyed looking at all of the squares.....  I think NOT!!!  

It has been so fun as I was sewing seeing all of the fabrics I have used over the years.

I decided since I posted this and a nudge from a comment that I would enter this in the 


This quilt is very near and dear to my heart.  I was close to one of my friends mother.  Even after  I was married and had my first two kids we would go and visit  my friends mother and father.  They were grandparents to my oldest two sons and later the whole brood.
My friend's mother, Sue passed away about twenty years ago.  When my friend saw that I was trying my hand at quilting she gave me some UFO's of Sue's.  This is one of them.  Unfortunately, I did not know too much about quilting so my seams were a little wider than hers but it still turned out nice.

So.....making a short story long, I am going to finish this for my oldest son for Christmas (hopefully).

Monday, September 18, 2017


This is actually not a very good picture of this quilt against the pink walls.

For the life of me I couldn't think of the technique for this quilt....a senior moment I guess.  I had to ask a friend, Gene, what they were and when he told me I had to slap my silly of me.

                                                                   here are some close ups...

I just love this quilt.

It was given to me by a sweet friend in Lampasas (passed away about two years ago).  I told her to give it to her daughters but she said they would not appreciate it like I would.

It hung in my house in Lampasas and has since been folded in my closet and each time I saw it I would day I am going to hang you back up.

Today was the day!!!!  In my pink  I have five sons and have never had a girly I do and when they visit...I hear no complaints.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


This week I have been working on my Island Batik project for this months blog hop.
If you want the line up, just see the post below this one or go here:  That way you can sign up for the giveway.
Notice the Aurfil thread?  It matches but I decided to go with dark brown for the front....and I am worried I will not have enough.  It takes a lot of thread to do a king size quilt....hummm  should have thought of that.

This is my backing which is 108" fabric, got it from Marshalls but I had to extend it 10 inches on the top and sides.  Try ironing it....

Took me a evening to iron and get it on the longarm.
Looks like I am crooked here....ignore that.

I have been working on this mostly at night.  My mother has been taking a good portion of my days lately.

Next I want to show you the most fun thing I ordered.

Messy bobbing...usually there are threads everywhere!!!

                                            Not any more with these Tulips Bobbin Clamps

Do I sound like a commercial (smiling) trust me, there is nothing in it for me but happiness.

I love them.....