Here is my new best friend.....a hemostat
AS I was taking my online class for my serger,one of the supplies was a hemostat.
I am thinking....what!!!
Do I need a license to use one?
I AIN'T no surgeon...
I AIN"T Got NO College education.
So what they hey....when I was in JoAnn's I purchased one (used a coupon...didn't need an education to figure out coupons are the way to go).
OH MY stinking total gosh!!
This thing is the best for helping you pull out those tough stitches (Yes, now you know why I needed the cadburys).
I use it to help me thread my needles...yes the tweezers are great but this thing has jaws like the devil himself.
Interesting. I'll have to pick up a pair and try.
That is so funny Barb! I had to click in and read what in the world could hemostats have to do with quilting, but now I get it! Of course I had no problem figuring out what Cadbury eggs had to do with quilting! :)
When my son fell off his bike and split his chin open, we took him to the emergency room where they stitched him up nicely, and then the doctor gave Sean the hemostat he had used! I thought that was pretty cool! I wasn't sure what we would do with it, but now I know to put it away in my quilting tool box!
I love my hemostats. I found them in my mom's sewing stuff that I inherited and it was a few years before I figured out what they actually were, but I wouldn't give them up now!
I bought one at a flea market a few years ago and it does come in handy when I am turning something right side out too.
I use the hemostats for applique when I do the freezer paper technique. It gets those itty bitty pieces so well. It's also good for turning tubular things. Love them.
Hmmm. Makes you think. Some tools that we quilters use are multi-purpose.
Believe it or not, I've had mine for years. The darn things come in handy in "SEW" many ways.
I use hemostats for pulling thick threads through my crazy quilting when you cannot pull it through the normal way.
They are great for when you are quilt/ sewi nng throiugh layers to pull the needle through. They make short ones too.
Hum...who would have thought, well I'll just have to go get some.
With all the tangled messes I get into I'm sure I'll be in love with them in no time
Ha ha.. a pair of those have been on my "I need this" list for a while.
I have some of the disposable ones from when I was working and use them ALL the time - in the sewing room and in the kitchen.
I have a pair in my sewing room as well and use them all the time! Great tool!
I'd better get me some of those...would have helped me last night! LOL
I have seen them at Harbor Freight. I'll grab them up next time I go in the the hubby! Thanks, Barb!!
Wow, and to think they are in JoAnns. I never would have looked there!
Two of my favourite things! but we only get '3-packs' here in the UK not 5!!
I use my forceps all the time - I do upholstery as well and they are invaluable.
I love my hemostats (and caramel). I use them alot when making stuffed animals (for turning). I also use them around the house. They work great to grip things where it is hard to get your fingers into a tight spot.
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