So....I got my Bernina back from the shop. She has been ill since Samoa. Infact, I only got a good 3 years out of her. Not happy about that. They said she was dirty in the panel and the bobbin area (so I am embarrassed). That salt air did not agree with her and I believe she has to go back into convalescence.....she is still not well.
That being said....A friend was using my pfaff yesterday and so I was using the Bernina....thank heavens or I would not know she was not well.
I did see what Ricky Tims was talking about. Look below at this picture. As you can see, the first one is the stitches by Bernina (activa 230), the second is the Horizon (Janome), the third is the Pfaff ( 2058). Which one do you like best?
Bernina on the other hand for me is a chore as well. I do know that I need to get use to her and her wild ways. It also takes longer to blanket stitch (that is obvious), I could have had what I am doing in the pictures (you will have to wait until December 17th to find out what I am doing)....well...I could have had this done and quilted in the time it has taken me just to do the little bit I have done. be fair....Bernina decides when she is tired and she just stops sewing. So I turn her off...either go and do something else and come back or wait a few seconds and she will start up again. So...she needs more convalescence time. Really irritating when you want to get something done.
So....what do ya think? Any opinions out there?
Every since I met Judy from Sew Fun Quilts and her Sister, Fabricartist21, in San Antonio while still in Samoa, I have wanted a 300e and I have been searching ebay and hounding my dealer for good deals. Does anyone have a embroidery machine that they truly love, my mind can be changed!

Well, the Bernina does make a pretty blanket stitch, but I kinda like the way the Pfaff's blanket stitch looks. And do I hear you about troubled machines...remember my Viking?!
Good luck finding your 300e....I'll let you know if I hear of any good deals.
I'd be happy with any machine that did a blanket stitch. I have to do all mine by hand!
I am looking for an embroidery machine that won't cost an arm and leg. I just need one to do monograms and quilt labels. I know - it may be dumb to get one for just that but I WANT one! Even with a reduced price, I know I don't want a Bernina. Not my favorite machine though I know plenty of people that love them.
Can't you adjust the stitch spacing with any of your machines? I've never had one that I couldn't, including when doing the blanket stitch. Each machine may default to a certain number of stitches per inch for that stitch, but you can adjust that.
I can't speak for your machines. I love my old Janome for the many tasks it does and works faithfully no matter what the chore. The low line Brother is for back up - just piecing, which is jugs along happily. And the top end Brother is used just for quilting - they all have their jobs and do them so nicely for me.
Interesting!!! Your Bernina sounds pesky. Grrr. I have a Babylock BMP8 & love it.
I like the look of the Pfaff; but, it could be that it is in black which I do like. But, I agree that each machine has its niche.
I like the way the Pfaff looks, more even. I've never liked the blanket stitch on my Janome.
I like the stitching on the Pfaff. My Janome does a fairily good job, but I ususally hand blanket stich.
I have two Bernina's and they purr like kittens. It's too bad yours is being a rebel.
I have used the blanket stitch on my Babylock Espire and like how it does.
I like the bernina, but it sounds like she is difficult to work with, lol.
Viking has an okay blanket stitch, I still think the bernina is the best
I have both a Pfaff and a Bernina and as far as the look of both I think they both look fine but for ease of doing the stitch it is the Pfaff but that is likely because I use it more for that and love it. I do love my Bernina though and in the above samples I like the Bernina sample the best.
Well, since you asked...I have had two Berninas, 4 Janomes, a few Singer machines, several Elnas, a few unpopular names and a Pfaff. My Janomes were the work horses and would do just about anything. I have had the most trouble from my Bernina machines and will not have another one. They are very touchy and mine stops like yours too. Last night, she just kept on sewing and I had to turn her off. My Pfaff was used when I bought her and I take her to all the retreats. She has the best stitch of all my machines. I am considering a new embroidery machine but before I invest any more money into any machine, I will be talking to alot more dealers and doing alot more research. Some of the machines out there now are pricing their way out of the home sewers market. Good luck with your search. I vote for the Pfaff on your samples.
Haha -- you don't want my opinion -- I *love* blanket stitching by hand! That being said, the Pfaff and the Bernina's stitches both looked nice -- go with the easier one to deal with! :)
I'm sorry that your Bernina is giving you a hard time. I've been sewing on a Bernina for 7 years and I LOVE IT!!! I have a different model (Virtuosa 155) but she sews like a dream. Use whichever stitch is easiest for you.
I have a Pfaff and I haven't seen a blanket stitch that I've liked more than the one I get currently. did that make sense? lol
I guess I'm not a connoisseur....I like them all! I only have a Brother with pretty basic capabilities, but I'm happy with it! My sister gave it to me, bless her heart. One of these days I'm going to have the old Singer (in a cabinet, not a Featherweight) pampered and bring her home and try her out. I'd love to just do my piecing with her!
The Pfaff does make very pretty stitches and I do like the way the blanket stitch looks from the Bernina. However, my Janome makes a blanket stitch that looks like the Bernina.
I have no opinions other than I think you should always use what machine you like the result from the best. As for the result, that is a combination of process and finished product, in my opinion. It's kinda like deciding what constitutes a beautiful quilt. Each is different and each user of each machine is different. While machines should be a constant and work the same for everyone, it doesn't take into account each person's idiosyncrancies in stitching. Therefore, even though I tell you that Elna Xquisit has a relaxing rythym and has a pretty blanket stitch, that may not be the case for you. :)
I have a janome and love mine, I think my stitches are small and they are adjustable too- I'm pretty sure....
I must be totally not understanding - my Janome blanket stitch is adjustable. Both width and how close together the stitches are can be changed. Sometimes I make them tiny and sometimes large, depending on what I'm stitching. Is that what you meant? blessings, marlene
I have a Brother embroidery machine, and I also do most of my piecing on it as well. I love it!
That's too bad, Barb. I've had my Bernina for 10 years and I just love her! I've never had any problems that weren't my fault (not cleaning/servicing often enough). As long as I take care of her, she is wonderful to me. I hope your Bernina gets well soon ;)
I like the look of the Bernina best. The Pfaff has spots where the "tooth" stitch separates. Just my opinion. Struggling with the machine though would make a tremendous difference to me in what machine I decided to use.
I have a Janome 350E which is just a embroidery machine and I love it....I also have a Bernina to sew on and love it as well...
Interesting post Barb...especially because we are wanting to buy a machine that will blanket stitch...
Seems like there are so many different options and thoughts on this...
Its not easy making a decision...
I will put the question out on my fb and see what answers we receive
I loved the blanket stitching on the beautiful gift you sent me...what machine did you use for that?
So far I have only done hand blanket stitching...but it sure does take up a lot of time and I have so many new ideas!! So I think a machine may be on my Xmas wish list...
It's so long since I had a Janome that I couldn't remember what the stitch was like so I only know Bernina now. I hope you get yours sorted.
I actually like the Pfaff. When I do buttonhole embroidery by hand I like my stitches to be a bit apart. I'm sure the closer they are the better they hold down the applique but I like the look of a bit more space in between.
So far knock on wood, have not had any troubles with my Bernina in 8yrs. Now you do know you can adjust the stitch width and length also. Just like a straight stitch. I do this depending on fabric or thread I am using. I have a couple pals that use a Brother machine they bought years ago at Walmart that does a pretty blanket stitch too!
Great post. I'm surprised by the Janome stitch! It doesn't look that great. My Babylock Ellure makes a 5 strike blanket stitch that looks neat and tight like the Bernina.
I don't have an embroidery machine but I do have a Bernina and I absolutely love it! I'd like to upgrade to get more decorative stitches (never thought I would either) but that's my only complaint about mine. I took a machine embroidery class for doing it on a regular machine about 30 years ago and I still do that if I want to machine embroidery but it's all free-hand. Sorry, not much help here but I can certainly see how the salt air would ruin a machine. Trav just had to buy a new camera and they said that was the problem. We also had to get him new glasses halfway through his mission bz the hinges and screws ready for this....rusted out, the plastic frames cracked, and the glasses broke! The glasses technician blamed it on Hawaii! I couldn't believe it myself but it's a true story.
I have a Bernina 180E and 200E. Love both machines. The 200E embroidery interface is a little different but works well. These are my sewing work horses. :-)))
I had only sewn breifly with a Pfaff, and for most of my sewing life, I have sewn on a Bernina. I do like the more metal in the Bernina parts compared to Pfaff. I am not sure if that makes a difference, but as an engineer, I like the heft that comes with metal parts. :)
I have a Bernina, so that is what I use. I haven't done a lot of machine blanket stitch. I guess we use whatever feels right.
I like the look of the Bernina stitch best.
I have two Berninas and love them both. Best straight stitch of any machine. My 440 can embroider but I haven't had a chance to play. Hopefully your Bernina tech can get your machine sorted out for you.
Very interesting comparison of blanket stitches by different machines. I've not seen this before, nor had I heard Ricky's insights. Makes me think this could be a good blog day theme (for everyone to do a similar stitch on their machine).
While I do hope you get your Bernina fixed soon, I also want to recommend that you check out the new Bernina 500 series. I've not used them, but am hearing good things about them. Plus they have an option of doing machine embroidery too!
My Brother 200 does a neat blanket st,.
I've had 3 Bernina's in my 22 years of quilting. Love the first one and love the one I have now as they are both Quilter's Editions and work horses. The Artista with the embroidery stuff I hated.
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