1. Don't forget to wash out your pen marks if you are using the green flair pens before you sew the squares together. It runs. It causes panic !!!!!
So I ran to the sink and started cleaning the green. Much to my surprise, there was not only one square running but several.... I wanted to cry....I loved this quilt....nurtured it.....kept up with it. Not all my squares did I use this green pen.
2. Do Not....what so ever put it in the washer. If the thought comes to put it in the washer in the moment of panic.....remember Barb said DO NOT PUT IT IN THE WASHER!!
I know, some of you are thinking...I already knew that...what a dufusssss....that is okay. You can not say anything about me that I hadn't already said to myself.
I had such a mess with the green running that I panicked, I ran and put it in the washer.
It only compounded the problem.
When it came out of the washer it had wads of threads....fraying.....What a mess. I spent some time on Friday morning trying to fix the tangled mess and mend any holes. So what you see is the end results. I still have to do a little more picking but for now, I am good....
Next is some more towels....
I am wearing this to church today!!!! Thanks Debi......I love it, notice the bling on it....

So did the green eventually come out? I haven't used the Flair pens. I mark embroidery with red (or any color that I'm using for emmbroidery) Micron fine line. It's permanent buy you are emroidering right on top of it. No worries about ink running.
You're doing such a good job on the birds BOM. I haven't done the Nov block yet.
Oh Barb!! I know how that moment of panic feels, so sorry!! But it looks great now, even when you click on it to make it larger. Good save!
Oh! What a panic! I would want to cry, too. Soo. . . Not putting it in the washer is because of the thread tails that ravel off, or because of the ink? Did the green all come out?
Hugs to you Sweetie.
♥ Gerry
Oh no! Sorry you had such a mess to deal with. I use the water soluble blue pen and take the little bit of color out as soon as I'm done with my stitching. Your quilt top looks wonderful though! And so do your towels! :0)
Love the towels and embroidery Barb. Evrything looks great!!
Glad you saved your quilt and I just love those cute towels.
Oh how heartbreaking. All that work. I am glad you were able to salvage it.
it sounds like you had a stressful week-end. It still looks pretty darn nice to me though!
Oh Barb you are definitely not a dufus. It all works out in the end and years from now when you are looking at that beautiful quilt you made you will be able to tell this story and laugh. Thanks for sharing. The tea towels are wonderful.
I would have been so depressed. I'm glad you were able to work it all out however. It really is lovely.
I am not the best at the stitcheries either but love doing it. I am better than when I first started them. I have never used the "green" pen but will remember to wash it out when the block is done. What a mess you had. I mark my stitcheries with a red or a brown pigma pen. But you have to draw carefully as they are permanent.
Oh Barb I'm so sorry :-(
Oh my, the green flair made my stomach drop up in knots. Looks like all is well now. The towels and scarf is so pretty.
ack Barb! I'm using a water pen too and the first block I washed out, I wrung it out and warped the block :(
Oh no Barb, (Such a heart/head ache) I've learned to trace the pattern on with pencil. Your stitching covers it up so you don't have to worry about marking pens. Even the disappearing pens sometimes need a little extra work to get them out. I'm not great with stitcheries either, but practice makes perfect right? I have noticed the more experienced stitchers make nice small stitches. Something I strive to do. Your quilt is just adorable, I wouldn't have noticed anything wrong if you hadn't told us.
It looks wonderful.It`s nice you save it.The towels are very cute.
So sorry about your stress. Hope everything turned out okay. Love your towels.
Oh that must have made for one bad day! I think it looks just perfect now. I am glad you were able to save it and just think, you will always have a story to tell about this quilt.
Sorry you had a heck of a time with pen marks. I think you did a wonderful job on your embroidery stitching. I've thought about doing something like that, but do not know if I have the patience to do it. LOL Maybe one day?
Thanks for sharing, and thanks for the tip!! ;)
Oh Barb -- your sweet little birds are so cute, too -- I bet it did cause a moment of panic! I'm glad you're able to still work with it. :)
Thanks for the info Barb. I have tons of stitchery that I need to finish into a project! Some I don't even remember what I used to mark the pattern. I did these when my hubby fished. It was relaxing to stitch on the boat. Wish we could still do it!
I hope you saved your project. It is beautiful. And you must have the prettiest towels around. I'll remember to stick with water based markers.
The moment of panic, when you can't think straight. Glad it all worked out in the end. I love that butterfly fabric, I have a few yards myself.
Oh Barb, I'm so happy your work was savable.
It looks great from here!!
Don't we all do those stupid things in a moment of panic. I have been using These Frixion pens by Pilot and they come out with just a touch of iron. I have hear that they can reappear if temp goes below zero degrees but that has never happened to me. Your quilt looks fine and I love the towels.
It looks fine to me and so adorable...I love the birdie!
I think it looks great too! I use Frixion pens and have had zero issues.
Oh my! I'm so sorry that happened! It looks wonderful! Did the green come out in the washer? Love your towels and scarf! Have a happy week!
Wow, I'm glad it worked out. I don't use the Flair pens. I've never even heard of them. I use Crayola Washable markers and they come out with washing after the quilting. They work great and you can press them too. Your birdy quilt is so cute! I'm collecting the patterns and I've only done two of them. I'm slow in embroidery...Your towels are so cute too. I'm glad everything worked out...
Oh no! I hope you are able to salvage the blocks. I just love these little birdie blocks!
Hi Barb. :)
I had a similar experience while quilting - I was removing some blue-pen lines with mists of water which caused the fabric color to bleed. I took a deep (totally panicked) breath, let the quilt dry, finished quilting it, bound it and then popped it into the washing machine with a couple of color catcher sheets and as I knew it would, the color was captured on those sheets of "pure magic" and the quilt came out perfectly. Typically, I do not try to remove markings as I stitch or quilt, not those that will wash out with cold water. Don't know if you've tried the Shout Color Catcher Sheets, if not I recommend using them to wash all quilts or pre-washing fabric. I am glad that your stitchery quilt was saved from the clutches of that horrid green flair pen - I had no idea this pen could be used for stitchery marking. Once you quilt and bind, this is going to be the treasure you hoped for...all done up so lovingly. Happy quilting! :-D
What beautiful projects you create. Inspirational. Very cute birds.
Oh noo, I bet you were in tears - I know I would have been. I hope it all came out in the end?
Oh, no! You need a hug! I have nightmares about something like that happening to me. I am going to put a note on my washing machine. Just hope I am in a sane frame of mind to read and comprehend it when needed. Love your fall towels!
:( that is not good...that quilt is so cute!
oh, Barb! I would've be upset too! That's a lot of work you put into it. I love that fabric.
Whew! What a story. I looks good now though as far as I can tell.
I love your bling scarf!
I hope it's okay now. Hugs. Sorry that happened.
Oh no! What a pain in the yo know what. I sure hope it works out when you put the last row on. It looks like it is in great shape now. Hang in there it will all work out.
Barb!! Nooooooo!!! I use Crayola Wasable makers the orange can sometimes give me trouble. When I did these blocks, I just used a regular pencil. The floss is wide enough to cover the lines. I am so glad you were able to fix it. I think it looks great!
Oh No!! That is so scary! I always worry about the threads running especially the reds. I've started using the Frixion pens for drawing the embroidery patterns but I haven't washed anything yet. It's supposed to "wash" out with the heat of an iron so only time will tell.
That would make me panic. Thanks for the tips. And I love the towels. Beautiful!
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