Thanks to all of you for entering!
I can not begin to tell you how much I love my Beam n Read. Just recently my husband and I went to Texas to help a son move. Before I went I packed my bags and made sure this was among my necessities. In fact, it rode in the front seat with me, in the glove box.

Reached in the glove box and pulled out my Beam N Read......turned off the overhead light. My husband was happy but more impressed with the Beam N Read and how useful it was. He was also impressed with me for remembering to bring it.....(I just smiled)...
I can not tell you how many times I used it that week while traveling, I wish I had kept count because I was wearing the glove box out.
Here are just some useful ways to use it,
----at night in bed, not wanting to disturb your partner while reading
----I use it while sewing, sometimes at my machine for added light and when my machine light it not working.
----when looking for something in the closet, in my case bedroom (has no overhead lights)
----while doing hand work such as knitting, crocheting, embroidery, bindings, hand quilting etc.
----under the hood of a car
----hands free light, so you can use both hand free
There are just so many ways, it even has a magnifying lens, a red light to help your eyes adjust to the dark......adjustable strap.
You can buy them at Kellys "I Have a Notion", fast dependable service...that is her middle name.
So what do you need to do to win?
Just tell me who you would like to gift the Beam N Read light to and why, no names are necessary. That is it. Winner will be announced on the 7th. Be sure to go by SewCal's for her giveaway today as well.
I will post on my sidebar the other bloggers and when they will be giving a Beam N Read away.
Good luck and thanks so much for coming by. Big Thanks to Bob the Marketing Director of Beam N Read for this wonderful giveaway.
I would love to gift a set to my mom who has trouble seeing to read without really good light...she reads in bed and it keeps my dad up at night.....
Hummm, I have a friend who is always complaining that there isn't enough light by her longarm. Her husband seems to think a 20 watt lightbulb should be sufficient. She just rolled her eyes at me when I bought her a ball cap with 5 little lights on the bill! Guess I wasn't much help. hahahaha Maybe this would be better! :-)
I would gift it to my bff who is a stitcher!
My son is a voracious reader and tends to sneak in some extra time in a not so well lit space.
Thank you for the chance,
I would keep it for myself! I love to read in bed.
For my daughter who is a nurse in Melbourne. This will be so useful for her.
I'd love to give my DH one of these lights. Then I'd be able to use it to read in bed or to embroider in the evenings without disturbing him. Aren't I generous?
Those are very reasonably priced. I would gift one to someone who loves to read and has not found a good enough light that she can see at night.
I'd like to keep it for myself, because it sounds so useful! But I'd give mine to my daughter because she loves to read in bed! :0)
I would love to gift this to my mom. Her aging eyes are making it harder for her to read and I know that some extra light and the magnifying lens would certainly help. (She loves to read - it is from her that I got my love of reading.)
I would like to gift one of these to me! I quite often have to get out a torch and I think this would be much better than a torch. Seems to be more versatile.Hugs Vicki x
Would it be wrong to give it to myself? lol. I've been doing alot of reading in bed and the big overhead light is just too bright late at night or early in the morning.
What a wonderful invention! I can think of several ways I could use this myself. I'll be watching for your give-away.
My grandma would love one of these to have by her bed. She reads and works lots of puzzles!
This would go to my husband. He restores old MGs (English sports car)in our garage and is always complaining that he can't see in those dark places. He'd love it and if I don't win I think I'll be ordering one!
I would love to give the Beam N Read to my daughter who loves reading in bed at night. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your great giveaway.
I would have to say I would gift it to me!! I can't fall asleep at night without the tv on, and reading is out of the question, since my husband has to get up for work in the morning! Instead of lying there staring at the ceiling, waiting for sleep to come- I could use this to read (under the blankets, if necessary!LOL )I can fall asleep quite quickly reading!!!
I' love to gift a Beam-n-read to my Aunt Vicky. She's 89 and I think it would make a difference in her life. She likes to read and crochet and at 89 it would be a great help. ;-> Toni Anne
Is it selfish to want to gift it to me? It has been on my 'want' list for too long and will go on my Christmas wish list.
It will surely benefit my DH so he is not so bothered by my light when I stitch or read late. Thanks!
I absolutely LOVE mine. I find that I am grabbing it all of the time. It was my go to light this summer while camping to see the bears rummaging through the campsite!!
I would gift it to my almost 90 year old and paraplegic mom. I think she would find it beneficial to carry on her wheelchair.
I need one of these for myself but I would gift it to my mom. She could really use this when she helps me sew bindings on my quilts.
Thank you for the chance to win the Beam 'N Read. I would use it exactly as your have done, plus during power outages which are quite frequent here during the winter.
I'd love one of these. We do a lot of driving, and though my hubby will let me drive with the interior lights on so I car read or do hand work, I know it bothers him. And really, it's not enough light! I'm really excited to see this -- especially after your review of it! Thank you! :)
We just drove 23 hours (and the return journey for a total of 46 hours) with my 2 avid readers!! They would have loved one of these as we drove long after it got dark!!!
Wonderful giveaway, Barb. When I read Kelly's review of it a while back, I really wanted one. I would give it to my sister.
I would give it to my son. He is is a huge reader and we do lots of long car trips.
Great giveaway....I would give it to my sister but then I would borrow it a lot! Jan
I'd give it to my husband. Or rather Santa would leave it in my husband's stocking this year. He could use it in the camper for a variety of tasks.
IU would give it to my husband since winter is coming on, and it's pretty dark to read in our living room.
I would gift it to me! My husband likes things dark, I like them brighter. With this, I could have enough light to read or sew by, and he could not have to deal with an entirely bright room.
My sister would love one of these - so would I actually!!
My daughter is in a community band and sometimes needs more light on her music. This sounds like it would be perfect for her.
I would give it to my husband so he could use it for working on his electronic projects (and I could use it for reading in bed). Thanks for the giveaway.
My Mom just can't get enough light when she is doing her hand work. She is visiting me now and says I just don't have enough light for her. So this is a very timely giveaway. Thanks for sharing.
I would give it to my daughter because she travels all the time.
Just last night my mother was bemoaning the fact that she couldn't see to sew at night. I think gifting her the beam-n-sew (notice name change) could be a solution to this, as well as her hand quilting while listening to TV. Thanks for the chance Barb!
My grandson would love one for when he stays over. He is quite the reader and only in 2nd grade!!
I would give this to my mother. Just the other day she was saying she needed better light for doing hand work.
I want one of these !! but IF I win , I would give it to my sister , so she can see better when sewing for others !
OK, Barb, you've gotten to know me for a while...I probably could NOT fool you....I'll be totally honest --- I WANT ONE!!! But in the best of all possible worlds I would be completely altruistic and give it to my mom in law, so she could see better at all hours. At 89 she resists wearing her glasses, so maybe this would help her see better!!
I would gift it to my mom:)
ho-ho! should i win it, i would give it to myself for my unripe cataract eyes.
This light would be a good present for my mother.
I would give it to myself, because I bought one for my bff for her birthday, and she LOVES it!
My sister, bless her heart, struggles with close work and this would be perfect for her! blessings, marlene
I'd love to win & gift this to myself. My eyesight has challenges & this would be a great help. Thanks for the chance to win.
I would like to give it to my daughter who loves to read in bed. I can see her light on from my bed room and it bothers me in the night.
what a great idea!
I would gift it to my husband, then use it whenever he's not looking :)
I would love to get one of these for myself. I have had to come up with alternative ways to do things as my eyes aren't doing so great. I have bookmarked I Have A Notion for future reference. Looks like a very useful tool.
Will I sound selfish if I say I'd love to win it for me?? My eyes just aren't what they used to be and so the night time reading has dropped considerably over the years and I miss reading a good book in the comfort of my own bed :) Barb.
I would love one for myself, but I would definitely want to give one to my best friend. She is a foster/adoptive mom of special needs kids, and sometimes needs to keep the lights dim to calm the kids.
I would gift this to my daughter. She loves to read in bed while hubby sleeps.
I've been pining for a Beam n Read myself; maybe I'll get one for Christmas. My elderly neighbor loves to read and one would be great for her.
I would keep this for myself as I am older and its harder for me to see when I read my books. I also like to sew to and this would be really helpful for me then to.
amhengst at verizon dot net
I would like to gift this Beam N Read to my husband to use with our Kindle at night! Thanks! Kd ~
Hello Barb,
Sounds fantastic,just what I need to stitch or read with. Happy days.
Glad it worked so many ways for you! I would use mine for reading in bed--DH bought me a book light but it flops over and is h-e-a-v-y on paperbacks. I'd also use it for sewing at my machine or handwork. Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love to give my sister a beam and read. She loves to cross stitch and read in bed. And there is never enough light. I know she would love one.
This would be a great Christmas gift for my son, who likes to work on his motorcycles and truck and works in a dark garage behind his house. ( Of course, I could really use one, too, for hand work LOL) Thanks for the chance to win.
To my wonderful Husband! He is a wood carver and this would help his old eyes especially since I "borrowed" the good light for my sewing area! Thanks for the chance.
I would give it to my cross stitching niece for Christmas!She does beautiful work but seems to be having more trouble seeing in evenings so sets her lil ott lamp on the sofa arm! Oh My!
I would gift it to my 10 year old daughter who loves to read at night but can never seem to get her bedside lamp to quite the right position! Thank you for the great giveaway!
I would gift this to my daughter. She used to do a lot of beading, but her craft area is quite dark. I think if she had a great light with a magnifier, she might get back to making beautiful jewelry.
I'd love to see if this would help my mother who at 85 is having trouble with her eyesight.
Thanks for a chance, Barb.
I would love to win the Beam n Read for me.. selfish I know, but those needle holes aren't getting any easier to see, and I don't have a good light where I stitch. I also love to read my nook in bed on occasion and DH is sleeping I hate to think I might be disturbing him but the lamp isn't really throwing the best light on my Nook, and it doesn't have it's own lighting.
I'm gonna keep this baby for myself if I win it. My old eyes have gotten worse and worse year after year. I'm keeping the glasses updated, but additional light would be awesome. Just AWESOME. So yep, I'd love to win! And I guess I'm selfish or stingy, cuz I'll keep it for me.
I would definitely gift this light to... the quilter and book reader in our family (ahem, me!) I know that it would make everyone very happy in my family (especially me!)hehehe
I would gift the Beam N Read to my mentor Connie - she's taught me everything I know about quilting! She's 86 & can be found every evening hand quilting in her rocking chair (and SQUINTING!) Would love to get her more light.
I would gift it to my DH whose eyes are growing dim and who needs a bright light to be able to see anything close up - especially reading in bed at night :)
I would offer it to my daughter who has just had a baby, of course if she did not want it I would keep it for myself
I would love this light as i love to read in bed at night,thankyou for a chance to win this wonderful prize.
Hey, I don't think I POSTED here, SURE I'd love another gadget, I often go with my husband to friend's house to watch UFC ( not interested) and I bring a quilt and binding, so this would be great for that!
I would love to win this light - I do a lot of cross stitching and it would be perfect.
I would love to win this light for myself. I have more and more trouble seeing by my sewing machine and it would be neat to have. Thanks!
I'd give it to my husband and that way I could borrow it when I need it too...
I would love to win the light and give it to my daughter. It is her birthday today and I love finding neat gifts for her. Thanks,
What a great giveaway. I'd love to give the light to my husband. We don't have a light in our pantry and so he has difficulty searching for anything! PS I could use it too!
My daughter also likes to read in bed, as some others have said. So I'd give it to her!
I would give it to my husband!
I'd gift it to my hubby so he could read in bed and I could still sleep!!
I would gift it to my dear little grandson...he is only 5 and has an insatiable appetite for that...thank you for the opportunity :)
I would love to give a Beam n Read to myself. I try to get the hand sewing on bindings on my quilts done after my little bits are in bed and I surely need the extra light to help.
I'd give it to my mother who'll be turning 80 this month, she's a vivit quilter and dyes her own fabric, but when she' s in the closet looking for her dyes or her fabrics, she's missing light. She does have light above, but she blocks it when she's hovering over the boxes.
i'd love it for myself so i can get rid of the headaches i get from straining my eyes! have a great day!
I would give the light to my daughter-in-law to see well when studying to finish up her college degree.
I would give this light to my son, who loves to read at night & doesn't have a proper light. Thanks for a chance to win! :)
I'd gift it to my sister who likes to do hand work at night.
I would use the beam and read with my students. I teach reading to struggling readers and this would be a great tool to use to encourage focusing on text.
Oh wow what a great wouldn't my mother in law just love this? Seems she always needs a little extra light these days for most reading and sewing.
thanks for the chance to win and Happy sewing!
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