A Binder Bobbin.... she handed it to me and I said "WHAT"....now I vaguely remember hearing about something of this sort on Gene's blog.....So she explained it to me....I am a little slow.
Here is an empty spool, I usually throw them away but just threw it to the side yesterday.... Glad I didn't throw it away....
great for those small bindings......
Only wish I had another empty spool.....hummmmm...Chop Suey anyone?
This past week my sister Jeanette sent me this fabric...I was at her home and saw this, truly loved it but passed on buying any.......until....
I saw this.....and OHHHHHHH WOW!!!! Here is her shop addy here

Now I changed my mind....don't think I am going to do any binding today but glad they are ready....want to go onto something more fun...Binding on Monday (maybe)...
What a neat tool! Beautiful fabric.
I haven't tried a binding bobbin yet but will think twice before throwing away another spool. Thanks for the reminder.
Ha ha...yes, you did see me using a cardboard roll/tube as a binder bobbin. I have also used prescription pill bottles in a pinch. I need to save a few spools for this too. I saw these on some site and said, "hmmm, I can improvise one of those and save my $$ for fabric!" and that is what I did.
oooh!! Wow - that peacock is beautiful!
I love to repurpose things like that. I used a paper towel spindel to hold my clothes line after I wrap it for making those coil bowls....you could use it for binding too I suppose. Now I don't want to see any TP spools with wonderful fabric on it...somehow that just doesn't cut it...lol.
Like the binder bobbin. So nice to have you binding secure instead of dragging along the floor like mine usually is. Think I may have to invest in one or perhaps the chop stix! Love the fabric. Nola
Hello Barb, love the binding bobbin...I usually the cupboard from the paper towel roll...Regards, Lyn
What a clever idea.
I've put binding and bias stips for vines on the cardboard rolls from tp and paper towels :0) Love that asian fabric!!
The binder bobbin is a good idea but too expensive for me. I use a toilet paper card board roll with yarn through the middle. I tie it around my neck like a necklace and my binding stays very nicely and rolls off very easily without kinking up or going on the floor.
Well, and whew!, I've had computer problems so catching up on your week's activities....how do you do it? I'm exhausted just seeing what you've done this week. Wonderful, wonderful, and the spool thing is awesome.
Your binder bobbin looks so much better than my empty cardboard paper towel and bathroom tissue rolls. LOL!
Never thought to use one...hhmmm...now I want one!
I've seen the binding buddies but I'm still old school. I like my binding to lay on the floor at my feet and get all twisted and covered in dog fur and thread snippets 'cuz I'm weird that way.
Great idea! I saw a blog where they store them in the CD spindle cases (100 CDs come on them.) I want to try that as well!
That is a really neat tool....and how great to repurpose all of those empty thread spools...I usually throw them away, too! (Well, they do also make good cat toys!)
Beautiful fabric your sister sent you...how great to have a sister that has a fabric store! :o)
I like the spool idea. I wrap mine around an empty roll of toilet paper.
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