This is the magazine I got it out of... mother has come and gone and so I have a funny story to tell you or maybe you would have to be there?
My mother has health issues...and the running joke between us girls (all four of us) is that nothing is going to happen to our mother...."Not on my watch"..... All I wanted to do was hand her over to the next person while she was in good health.
So....the night before she left she took a shower. I heard a bang in the bathroom....and my heart skipped a beat....I ran up the stairs and asked if she was okay. She said yes.... Sheweeeeeee Well....she comes down stairs and I said...
I am mad at you"...all I want to do is hand you over to your friend Mary tomorrow in one piece, like handing a baton to the next runner. No one wants to get left holding the baton.
My husband drove part way to meet her friend Mary....before we handed her over my husband took a picture of her with her friend. Just to show the sisters that yes we did indeed hand her over, she was standing upright, smiling.....and in one piece.
I am working on things but none of which I can show you...which really stinks because I am excited about all three projects I am working on. So I left you with a picture of a quilt I did in Amerika Samoa....
Have a wonderful Day,
Barb, that is a lovely quilt. Glad you handed your mother over without and booboos. (grin) I am sure she enjoyed her time with you. Have a blessed Sunday.
Such a funny story. I can picture you girls handing off your Mother one by one lol. You're safe for this round!
I have that magazine and have always liked the pattern. I think it is because of the picket fences. I've always been a fan of white picket fences.
Beautiful colours on your quilt..and thanks for the chuckle!
Passing the baton - cute. And thank goodness she wasn't hurt! blessings, marlene
I love your "Mom" story.
lol!! :)
Glad to hear that your mom is all in one piece after her visit! LOL
Glad she was handed over in good shape! LOL.
Glad she was handed over in good shape. LOL.
Glad it was a successful stay!
Cute quilt and cute Mom story. What are you working on? Inquisitive, prying minds want to know.
Love the quilt!
You're too funny! Does Mary know the "rules" about turning your mom over to next person in good health?
I have to tell you that my sisters and I have the same feeling about my mother & her welfare. When she is with one of us, it is our mission to keep her healthy and safe until the NEXT sibling has her. So far, so good! I have warned her that if she even thinks about breaking a hip I will rush her to my sister's house!
The "not on my watch" story is one I use with the boys. Sounds like you had a nice visit. I can't wait to see what you are working on.
Love your quilt. Thanks for the story that made me smile. I know what you mean! I got a chuckle out of your husband taking the picture of proof! Glad your mom is on her way and healthy. Hugs!
I totally understand the Mom thing. I am the same way! Nothing is going to happen to Mom on my watch either, if I can help it.
Are you pattern testing?
Oooh I like your quilt - much better than the picture in the magazine, in fact. Your picket fence shows up better than theirs ;)
Funny story about your mom. Glad she's still in one piece (because of or despite your care?).
Glad that you made your goal of handing her over in one piece. Do you think our kids will be doing the same thing one day?
HAHAHAHA! I know what you mean. Good job! BTW, I like your quilt better than the one in the magazine.
My mom is "on my watch" all the time - she lives with us!!
Love your quilt and the story!!
Oooh the quilt is lovely... well done.... I had to laugh at your story about your sisters and your mom..... how funny ... I am glad she is well and it's great you all get to enjoy time with her...
So glad the visit, and the handoff, was successful.
Oooh...secret projects. Intriguing.
Too funny Barb!! I'm sure this give your Mother plenty of insentive to stay healthy :0)
I remember seeing that quilt when it came in the magazine and I didn't like it. It looks great with your color scheme. Isn't it amazing what color can do.
What a crack up...I like the idea of passing her in one piece...I know of what you speak.
Very funny, and I can totally relate with my parents still with us in their 90's. We are always on the edge of our seats!
Delightful Mom story. Love your little quilt. Nola
Great Mom story...does she know about this or is this just a private thing between you and the sisters?
Your quilt is so cute and I like the pillow and the little wall hanging for your bathroom. Now, you know you can't blame your addiction on everyone else!
Glad you had a 'safe' visit with your Mom...she sounds like a kick! Can't wait to see your secret projects!
Great story Barb!
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