I won a giveaway over at Creativity Amongst Chaos Let me tell you first off that this picture does not do it justice..... This pillow totally "ROCKS".....I wish you could see the details.....the wonderful craftmanship.....I am in love....
What I like most about it, it is girly, I love girly....... My husband was so amazed that someone would give this lovely away. Thanks sooooo much Cori!!!

So...my husband comes in my sewing room, looks around.... says "you cleaned up some"....hummmm oh yea!.....then he looks at my stash and he says "We have to get you by a fabric shop, your stash is going down"..... I am busy but look up and say," for now on, I am only buying what I need"....
He leaves the room laughing. Laughing....what is up with that? What does he think? I have no self control?
Hey if he's buying we will all come over and help you with you stash
That pillow is beautiful, Barb.
By the way, A true quilter always buys more and more and more. lol I'am glad you can have self control, because I surely haven't been able to for over 50 years. lol
Self control? What's that? lol
Men laugh at the oddest things. He just doesn't realize the dent you will be putting in his wallet once you move state-side and no long have to worry about how you will get your fabric purchases home :0)
Wow that's beautiful!
Congratulations on winning!
tee hee I think your hubby knows you well!!
LOL! Buy just what you need...sure Barb. The pillow is adorable and now I have another blog to follow. How do you find such cute ones?
I love when my hubby looks at my stash and says it's time to go shopping lol.
I wonder how long you could control your "need" to fabric shop? I think if you didn't do any online shopping you might make it a.....week? lol
I too love girl things....I know about the all guy thing too Barb. Do you have grand-daughters yet? I'm hoping someday.
My hubby would never suggest I purchase more fabric....he wants to see me use what I have I guess. But he doesn't see it all!! Hee!!
Barb, the pillow is lovely!!! You have a fabulous husband. Just wait till you move to the states!!!! A shoppping you will go. LOL
What a sweet looking little pillow, and as you said, very girlie!
Barb, you must not disappoint your husband. If the man wants to buy you fabric you must let him, just force yourself to accept it. Hubby works hard and doesn't need stress at home. lol
The pillow is beautiful.
Lucky YOU! I love that pillow!
And as for the sewing room-husband comment...
I was waiting for the punch line!... or at least you saying it was "all a dream." Have fun shopping! ;-)
That pillow is darling! I can see why you love it!
Funny, my husband also laughs when I say I'm not buying fabric. Hmm...
My hasband has the same reaction. I wonder why.
What a gorgeous and girly pillow!
What a beautiful pillow! I don't think I could have given that away either.
Your husband is so funny. Take advantage of it. SHOP!!!!
What a sweet Husband to even offer! You'll have to stock up on the Samoan fabric before your move too.
What a pefect husband! He brings home sewing machines and then says, let's get you to a fabric store! I can't believe it! Where did you find him!!!!
Ooooh, what a beautiful little pillow! It is so girly and sweet -- I love it! Congrats on your win!!!
If my husband ever came into my sewing room and told me I needed to get to the fabric store, I would be out of the house so fast his hair (what's left of it) would catch on fire! LOL!!! But I understand you are trying to whittle down your stash for the move. Just remind him of his "offer" once you get to your new location! :o)
I read this as "I have to get you a fabric shop" not TO a fabric shop. Either way...what a sweety!
Love the win! Excellent. I could quilt off my stash for the rest of my life. Seriously.
LOL! What a sweetheart you have. You must have really wiped out your stash.
How lucky you are to have won such a beautiful pillow. Congratulations on your win. As for hubby, he sounds just like mine. I am so thankful for mine, he supports and encourages me with my crafts.
Congrats on winning the sweet pillow and having such a great husband. A win-win all the way around.
the pillow is adorable, and I'd laugh too!!
Nothing wrong with girly. It's gorgeous!
That is a most darling pillow Barb!!! Lucky duck you are to have won it!!! Very nice!!! 8-)
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