Who's numbers are these???
Is one of them mine?
Quit playing games.....out with it!
Here are the winning numbers....hummmmm...no one has their tickets?
Well....I decided not to post the names until.....each of the above ladies have their post ready.....oh...................am I bad or what? So....I am sad to say that if you have not been contacted yet....you are not one of the finalist.... I say this with all sincerity.....I am sorry....I wanted all of you to have a "GO" cutter.....
If all of you could do the following as a big thank you to Accuquilt and who knows, you may have a chance to win one???
1) become a fan/like AccuQuilt on Facebook. As AccuQuilt periodically gives away free GO!s to FB fans, when they reach certain mile stone #s. They are close to having 5,000 fans and they'll be giving away 5 AccuQuilt GO!s when they do (6 when they get to 6k). They also giveaway free patterns every so often, as well as have unique contests for Facebook fans (e.g. Heart pattern this past February).
2) gO sign up for the AccuQuilt newsletter as they give away a gift certificate everymonth to someone from their newsletter distribution list.
3) they have some great specials to buy AccuQuilt bundled
Thanks to Accuquilt for this opportunity.
Oh, well...no email from you....so in this case, no news IS bad news!!! LOL
ladies? no men????
you are killing folks here! And I am not even in the running!
I have to agree with Pat - no news is bad news:(. Ah well, such is life!
Yep... no news is bad news... number generators seldom pick number 1. Oh well... maybe one day I will actually get picked to win something.
Life has been so hectic here and I am so far behind in my blog reading that I didn't even know that you were giving a Go Cutter away! Wow, someone is going to be very happy with your announcement, but I guess it won't be me. ;o)
Congrats to the finalists...Thank you Barb and Accuquilt for the give away!
i am so crying over here........oh my goodness......my hope is gone.....haha come on ladies start posting, i want to know who the 5 are
Rats! No email for me! But a huge congratulations going out to the winners - what a dream prize this is!
You didn't send me a email so I'm a Loser but I had fun learning about the Go and I think I am sending you my material to cut. I still have your address so look for it in the mail. Just kidding had to say it for the last time. Enjoy yours and I hope the winner enjoys thers also. Can't wait to read more of your blog Have a great day
Boo Hoo..reckon won't me either ;-(
Oh well on with the fun! Can't wait to read the gals fun posts as to WHY they need it!
Secretly waiting for a last minute email from you, ;), LOL, congrats to the 5 ladies, they won against the random generator!!
Ok so you didn't write me :O( see this very sad face!!!! Well I am sending good wishing to one of the lucky five ladies... good luck in winning one of these lovely items :)
Thank you again for the chance to play along at the last minute :)
bummer, no e-mail in my inbox, but I am looking forward to the stories and voting!!
Another loser here :( I guess I will have to earn my own Go! cutter than.
How much more must I go through in attempting to win a GO!
Barb, this has been more fun following your AccuQuilt GO! saga.
We can't wait to read what these lucky five finalists have to say to win our vote ! ! ! !
Love following your blog.
Hugs & ♥♥♥s.
Oh well, what can we say??? Congratulations to the finalists.
Awwwwww......I didnt get an email from you Barb :( very sad face.....But who ever won it...congrats :)
Wow, you narrowed it down to five? Intereting....I want to see if they have to mud wrestle to win it ....ROFL.
well shoot. I keep hoping for some huge email delivery mix up and that a note from Barb will be popping up any time now. Well Congrats to the 5! I'm off to keep harrassing the accuquilt people.
Another late loser over here! Congrats to all the 5 happy winners!
Crying big tears here :-( I do not do facebook, so I guess there will be NO GO for me :-((
I am so sad....and now I see Pat won one on facebook....boohoo....I really wanted to win onw.....
I would've be willing to mud wrestle to win!
I guess since I'm just hearing about this, then it's no news for me too. Good luck for the finalists!
Congrats to ALL the finalist! ! ! Maybe next time I will be one.
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