how fun,
Today my phrase is "ONE DAY"!
One day, I am going to get an embroidery machine like yours,
One day, I am going to do small applique.
One day, I am going to do a Dear Jane quilt.
One day.............................................
So why not today?
You are asking why? Do you need to ask why???
Because there needs to be a whole army of me to get done all the things I want to do.
Could you imagine the state the world would be in if there were an army of me? Sheweeeee that is a bad thought.
Right now....I am going to share something with you that I should be totally embarrassed about...but........I had a clean room when I came home....still haven't put away my 20 pounds of overage from traveling....
So...one day, I am going to get to this.....
and clean it all up!!
Piles of stuff beside the sewing machine and behind the surger...piles I say...
Piles on the floor.....(do you hear me crying)...
This is on top of the Chester drawers....(do you see me pulling out my hair)
Why isn't it cleaned up yet?
I told you, I need an army of me...marching around picking up after me.....cleaning my house, entertaining, answering the phones, sleeping, eating, and singing for me (yes...I sing around the house, no comments please).
I have so many items that I need to post about. I let a quilt go out the door yesterday without taking a picture for you.....does that sound like me?
I do need an army of me because I am going to have to make today happen and get some things out of the way so I can concentrate on the "One Day".....
You call that messy? I say it looks creative! I don't need more of me (heaven forbid) just a 48-hour day!
What we need is a maid, cook and gardener and then we would have time to do the stuff on that "one day" list!
Lovely! :)
LOL! One day
I will have a clean sewing room too, let me know when you find a army to clean up after you, I'll get them to change sides.
Barb, you are very brave!
Am army of Barbs would be scary indeed lol.
There are just too many fun and amazing things out there to make. Plus, everyone keeps coming up with new things, yikes!
Great post. Definitely like your "one day" attitude and having an "army of me". But you do get so much more done than I do.
LOVE IT!!!! What a fantastic post!! Can I have an army for me too???
Nothing wrong with a messy sewing room!!!! My husband always tells me, "When your sewing space is messy, I know it's getting used! I get worried when it's TOO clean!"
See, you're just a busy sewing woman, that's why there's piles :) :) :)
I, too, have let some quilts out the door without pictures...breaks my heart!
Good luck with getting things done "one day" :) :) :)
Barb, take one day at a time and tackle or organize things by priority. Don't let it overwhelm you or you will not enjoy iy. You create such beautiful items , so pick a few hours or minutes and organize here and there.
You re so funny even when your serious!! Your very creative and you can not be that way and keep order just doesn't work and to stop at the end of what you have finished and put away---------no you goto the next item and continue. YOur the best don't worry be happy!!!!Hugs, Marie
When you figure out how to create that army, please pass the information onto me. SIGH!!!!
Ah, I would feel right at home in your "mess" because my mess looks just like it. (except maybe messier!)
My head is also in a tail spin! I was at the farm chicks show this weekend and I came home with so many ideas, I have a headache!!! So much to do, so little time and most of all so little room that's cleared.....to work on it! lol ps don't worry about one quilt not photographed....we know you do wonderful work...just keep posting...I have missed them.
I so hear you on all of this, Barb! I've got a serious case of "One Day" myself. Catch up? Clean sewing room? Ha! Not happening here...never.
To borrow a saying from my son years ago about taking a bath....Why so I take a bath when i;m just going to get dirty again? Maybe you should just apply this policy to your sewing room... Why clean it up when it just going to get messy again. :^)
Hi Barb...I made up my mind that the floors will just need to be swept again...the carpets will need vacuumed again...dusting happens again and again. I started my Dear Jane recently, because when I am finished, it will stay done, and I will have done something with my time that will leave a legacy. Enjoy your journey!
A sewing room is only messy when there isn't any room left to sew. That's when I start tackling the piles, when I haven't got any room left to work. They don't all have to be tackled at once either, just as long as you can clear enough space to work a bit.
Don't look for a picture of the mess in my sewing room on my blog!!
Oh yes, ONE DAY is almost here for me. I've had to empty out my quilt room to get the floors refinished. But, you should see where I have had to put everything until they get finished. Eeessshhh
I saw you used the "c" word, it really distressed me. I will never die so I can do everything I want to do.
Now...again, I ask....why should YOU be any different from the rest of us....messy sewing room...other chores left undone....several UFO's.....rushing to get promised projects done and out the door?? And there IS no army to help, because they are all in their own houses creating their OWN messes!!! :)
Oh please! That is clean compared to my room. Yes once again a tornado went thru it. SIGH!
I hear ya! The only reason my sewing room is still clean is that I just got back from vacation last night and my machine is still at the repair shop having it's annual check-up. I have thought that it would be great to have a clone or two of myself, then decided that the world is probably much better off with just one of me! LOL!!!
I think we could all relate to your same problem Barb...never enough time!...yes a cook and a maid would be nice..
Julia ♥
That's not a mess~ that's being creative! ;-) If you find that army, let me know how you did it! I need help too. ;-)
Ha ha I need an army too.... very creative....
Those look like creative piles to me!
Neater than my sewing space!
I need and army too and that is all I will say about that...
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