So if you are a hoarder, stand up and be counted!!
This is my mother's stash (along with my youngest sister). They just moved the room so forgive the boxes and stacks of material in front of the shelves. Now, my sister folded all of this material...doesn't it look awesome (I hate to tell her that she has more to fold).
The next is a mess,, only because my mother and sister have been in and out of these shelves to show me their finished quilt tops.....totally amazing. I think they said there are 14 quilts to be quilted....and that is just my mother's, my sister has most of her finished quilt tops at her home.
Is this a disease? My mother and sisters have it, I have it, do you have it?
So all you hoarders, stand up and be not ashamed!! Maybe we should make a national hoarders day?
I have the disease and I LOVE it!!
Holey Shamokin!!!! I guess I can't be counted....mine looks like an ant hill compared to theirs :)
I love all the folding and the abundance is wonderful. I want to come and play in their room. I don't think Mary Jane has that much....or maybe she does...LOL.
So if I need a partacular green for a leaf....and I only need a smidgen....I know where to call :)
Hugs to you and to them....and may your day be wonderful and all of those boys call today and tell you how much they love you.
Isn't it funny that if this were a room full of just about anything else, I'd be wanting to call the show "Clean House" to have it fixed, but because it is a room full of fabric it is one of the loveliest sites I've seen! (Does that mean I have the disease?)
I have this disease, too. I live in a 34' travel trailer with my husband, in which I have devoted one cabinet, 1/3 of the wardrobe closet, and bought a wicker trunk for the living area, because you know we needed a coffee table, {snicker} but it is entirely full of FABRIC!
What a beautiful stash-Barb
Yes I am a fabric collector- I have many boxes full and some in bags on a bed upstairs. I keep trying to organize it but quilting gets in my way.VBG
I am a fabricaholic and there is not much hope for a cure.
There is always more beautiful fabrics to covet. Sometimes I go on line and window shop- the shipping costs prevent me for going totally crazy.. LOL
Sometimes I go to our local LQS and add to the stash- a little retail therapy is always fun. If I need to behave myself, because my bank account says I must, then I stay away from both and play in my stash.I figure there are worse addictions!
Looks like your mom is making progress organizing her stash. It is a never ending battle as a quilter.
What can I say? I've got it and I'm proud of it!
I am guilty BUT this is a necessary part of being a quilter. When I stopped quilting I gave away most of my stash. When I started quilting again, the first thing I did was "build my stash". It was a necessity! That is my story and I am sticking to it !!
Happy Mother's Day, Barb.
Oh my Goodness, your Mom sure has a stash a BIG ONE!!!! Happy Mothers Day to the Both of You You are sooo lucky to have your Mom, I wish I still had mine, I especially need her now. My DH has a brain tumor and will have surgery at Johns Hopkins either this coming Friday or Mon or Tues the 17th or 18th. Please pray for him.
That is a nice collection - not hoarding - so neatly stacked and folded!!!! :>)
wow, I am impressed.
Hello, My name is Gene and I am standing up to be counted....OUCH...a pile of fabric just fell on me!
I stand up to be counted :-D what a fabulous stash.
I guess I'm only a wanna be hoarder. I couldn't even fill one section of those bookcases with my stash. When my stash of fabrics start taking over the house, I stop shopping until I use at least half of the stash.
Oh, yes...I am standing up to be included in this wonderful, creative group of folks!!!
I'm standing tall!!!! Happy Mother's Day.
Barb, I was already standing when I read your blog. Maybe we can have a new show named after us, quilting hoarders.
I find I come from a line of hoarder's. I am not sure it is a good thing. At least I only hoard fabric. Hate to cut into it, but am slowly but surely.
I wish I had somebody to fold my fabric! Some days it seems I don't have enough and others like I have too much. Wish I was as great at organizing.
Yep, I have it, too! And I do not want to be cured of it! I love to buy fabric, fold fabric, look at fabric, fondle fabric, cut fabric and sometimes....sometimes...I even sew some.
Yes Barb, do I have to admit it?? I've been cleaning my sewing room the past week and it's looking good. Yeah!! I'm a fabriholic for sure.
Yes, Barb I am a hoarder too...can't stay away from fabric!
I have the disease too but not as bad as your Mum and sister has. Wow...theirs is awesome and I would love to come and play there for a while :) So inspiring!
OK OK pit me on your list. I don'y have as much as your mom and siter but I have only been quilting for 2 and 1/2 years. Give me a few ,ore years. LOL
wow what a stash, I could get lost in there for years.......
Wow that's some stash!!
Hi Barb, yes I have it I spent the day reorganising my fabrics...and parted with a little...grin ...for the local hospitals craft group...Hugs Lyn
Wow! I dream of one day having a stash like that! Love it!
Thanks for the pictures! I am going to have to show it to my husband when he tells me I have a lot of fabric. I am a project hoarder. I have so many projects and patterns organized. Unfortunately, there is only 1 of me and so many of them.
I have it, quilting for 30+ years will do that to you.
*standing up shouting* I'M A HOARDER AND PROUD OF IT.......I have the disease and I forgo treatment.
Oh I'm proud that I have narrowed down my hoarding to just one room of the what if I have over 600 hundred pounds of fabric...
the rest of the house is neat and tidy.......but beware in my sewing could get crushed by falling stacks of fabric!
Happy Sewing
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