I say BATIKS.....
So we go and look at the fabrics.
I am standing there caressing the batiks....trying hard not to slobber all over the fabrics....
you know you slobber you buy.
So I bat my eyes at my husband (he can't resist that)....and say..
"You won't deny me".....
"Will you"....(bat...bat...bat)...
and this is what I get...

It is not that I was 20 pounds over in luggage and most of it was fabric or swap towels.....It is not that I pay all that money to get my overage to Samoa.....and that I spent a ton of money in Texas.....and yet.....the fabric glutton wants more.
Of course, I take my enabler along (my husband)...bat a few eyes and smile so sweetly.....how can he resist....and keep in account that he has missed me terribly....I know when I have it good...I am like a snake, I know when it is good to strike.....and I stuck good.
Actually, my husband is very good to me, even when I am undeserving.
Your fabrics are stunning. I really like the one one the left with the flower medallion.
See this is why you are my idol as far as quilting goes.
The new fabric is GORGEOUS!!! What a sweet hubby you have there :)
Love those batiks! The orange is just beautiful! :0)
Great idea to pick up a few things before you head home!! Just beautiful!!!! Have a safe trip.
OH the Batiks are beautiful! You did good! A snake huh? LOL That is just too funny thanks for the laugh! :)~
you are deserving. You make beautiful creations and you deserve the fabrics for the beautiful things you create and lovingly share with others.
I may have to bat my lashes a few more times. Thanks for the idea Barb.
Very nice. Where did you shop? When I was in Honolulu I was on a mission for Hawaiian prints. I should have looked for batiks...now I need to go back :)
I so completely understand being a fabric glutton. I went thru one of my storage drawers looking for "extra space" to put some Fat Quarters. Yikes! I found stuff I didn't know I had. Then I re-organized some other fabric and found MORE that I forgot buying. Sheesh.... I don't need an enabler, I need an intervention!
Or better yet a month off work to sew and use some of it up!
SO are you going to put those in his luggage....lol
I am so extremely jealous that you got to go to Hawaii - I miss it there so much, and they do have some GREAT fabrics :) :)
Oh my gosh, I am soooo lusting after that piece on the left hand side of your pic! Beautiful!!! My friend Deb went to Hawaii (again!) two years ago and brought me a few FQs of Hawaiian batiks. I love them so much and haven't used them yet.
I wish all I had to do was bat my eyes at my hubby...I have to promise "favors" to get stuff. :o)
P.S. My hubby really is good to me too...he hardly ever tells me no, although he really should sometimes!
Sweet hubby....where can I find one like him? On second thought, I think I will stay single....I can get away with anything and no one cares but my credit card!
I really must work harder to improve my eyelash fluttering! Love those batiks.
What a wonderful blessing to have such a thoughtful husband. I mean he did ask you if you needed anything. What else could he have been thinking of. He's a keeper!
You definitely have a sweet hubby. Mine would have had me committed! I need to learn how you bat your eyes. Can you share a tutorial on that feminine trick?
You are soooo funny, but I have told you that before. The batiks are beautiful, I like the orange on right side of picture
Beautiful fabrics!
I like the fabric in the center.
I love fabric shopping with Hubby. All I have to do is caress the fabric and he tells me to buy it :o)
hi Barb, Oh I love batiks,just bought several on ebay and also from local fabric shop. aren't they great! Glad you have such a sweetie for a husband who indulges your cravings for fabric. i'm lucky to have one as well.
sounds like you are BOTH enjoying a wonderful holiday.
your not undeserving....and i'd bet he would say the same thing....
My hubby lets me (over)buy, too!!! LOL For some reason, I thought you were traveling from Texas back to A.S. alone...as I knew your hubby had already gone back. I guess this time tomorrow, you'll be back on the island. Your batiks are lovely. (Maybe you could stuff them in your bra so you won't have more "overage" on your luggage on this leg of the trip??? hahahaha)
Oh nice job - you sure know how to play that game! Love the fabrics. Whatcha gonna make?
Beautiful fabric! You did good!!
ROFL, eye batting....men are such simple creatures :o)
Bat bat bat....is my eye fluttering working for when you get home to your new cutter???? lmao Actually, just came to say I hope your ears were burning about 5 or 6 hours ago...for I was in my local fabric/craft store (Spotlight) and I was telling my friend all about your Accuquilt cutter....hee hee hee She said to say congratulations on them choosing such a deserving person....and I agree totally. Hugs and hope you're enjoying all the extra baggage you've had to pay to take home! Naomi xx
HAWAII!! Jealous here a bit! Hee! Glad you were able to take homes some wonderful treasures...even if "they" don't look at it that way! Enjoy the day!!
Hawaii must be beautiful, and your fabrics are just lovely! We are all fabric gluttons, but isn't it fun?
Love the fabric. Next time you travel, you take an EMPTY suitcase.
Oh Barb, you are too funny.....of course our eyelashes were made especially for sticky situations....hehehehehehehe
Beautiful batiks Barb and you definitely deserve them.. Sounds like you have a sweet hubby. I bet you can't wait to unpack those bags.
If a few battings of your eyes works, then all I can say is "Go for it!"
My poor hubby hasn't been able to deny me much either. Poor guys, they never know what hit em. I can see why you were willing to pay to get those batiks home. Gorgeous!
I am hearing more and more about how awful it is to fly now. Makes me want to tour the USA in my Chevrolet...only I don't drive a Chevy, but you know what I mean. Dang gone airlines!! Dang overage charges. I got nailed with that a couple of years ago. $25.00 for five pounds over. I'm guessing it's worse now. Next trip I had purchases shipped home. Worked out real nice.
Love your batiks! And when I was reading your post, batting my eyelashes fast at my cats...(didn't do a thing for them) I really expected to see oodles and oodles of new fabrics..yards and yards.... in your picture. You were very conservative..really.
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