Today I had the mother lode of all headaches, couldn't sleep, rest, so I just sewed....and this is what I did? I just love how it turned out. Wish I had a better picture for you...this tends to be alittle dark. I added the extra row of blocks and finished the border. Now I just need backing material...hummmm
So what did I bake from scratch?
This table runner.
Not a good picture either (needs to be straightened...).... So in the process of using my scraps from the above quilt, I have baked up my own table runner design.....not such a bad day inspite of my headache from beyond. I did made alot of mistakes, I did tare out alot and I didn't work as fast but is a done deal!!! husband came in and asked why I was making a fall runner....hummmmm, scraps I said, scraps....he did like it but wants a spring one (oh..more fabric you says?.....I can fix that!! No problem)....
All this Moda goodness was curtesy of Inchworm Fabrics. You have your Aster manor by Three Sisters, your Civil War Homefront by Barbara Brackman, and Shangri-la by 3 Sisters....I think I snuck in a Kona bay as well....just love these fabrics and was delighted to put them all into one quilt.
You did all that in one day..with a headache? dang girl. I'm impressed.
Terrific use of Moda fabbies!
They are both very pretty!
I didn't notice the quilt was bowties at first. Cool layout!
You are amazing to have got all that done with a bad headache, I would have had to go to bed. Great border on the top.
All in one day? Sick?
Goodness you are very productive with a headache!! Lovely projects :0)
God Barb you work fast.
Since fall are my favorite colors I do love the runner.
Guess you better go shopping for some spring fabrics.LOL
I *think* you made the fall one on purpose, knowing hubbie would ask about a spring one!! I see that plan!! Used it myself a couple of times!! lol!! Love the bowtie quilt, it really looks cool!
Beautiful quilt! Love the table runner too! :0)
Hmm... I have an idea for the schnibbles quilt. BUT I really wanted to use up some precuts on it. Maybe I will go "shopping" thru my stash again.
Oh, and I suppose I NEED to buy some background fabric.
hahahaha....all of this on a slow, sick day....little wonder why you make TONS of stuff on a day you are NOT feeling sick!!! Love these two projects, of course.
I'm sorry to hear you were suffering from a headache, but you sure a lot of beautiful work while you were feeling bad. I love the pieced border you've put on your little quilt.
Both are gorgeous. Hey, who doesn't love to work with fall colors. Yeah, I like Joanne's comment about your "plan".
They are just gorgeous! I love them both, such warm and cozy colors! And I love the design on the runner that you made. I am so impressed, headache and all, wow! Just lovely.
I thought it was pretty after the first photo, but the border is definitely the icing on the cake!
Wow these turned out great! And the fabrics are so delicious.
Love your quilt. You inspire me to get my bowtie quilt blocks put together!! And all this with a headache - I'm impressed.
What? You don't have that quilted yet? Slowpoke! Just kidding. It looks great. Love the table runner too. Wow, you were productive!
Wow~ great job! I love them both. Great way to trick the DH into new fabric! LOL :-)
Your Schnibbles came out great! I bought 3 patterns and have fabric for one but just can't find the time.
Barb. So sorry to hear you had a killer headache all day...not fun. I hope you are feeling better now. Drink plenty of water!
I'm amazed how much you create. Can I hire you to work on my hugh list of UFOs? I do love your bowtie quilt and have added it to my wish list to make!
I like the finish to the bow tie, the single row of squares, and then framed by the solids works well. Your table runner is inspiring, too. Gee, I get a headache, and want to lay down!
My Barb! I only dream of getting that much done in a day. Very beautiful!
I just heard that there is a tsunami warning for American Samoa again...I hope all is ok there!
It looks gorgeous, Barb, I just love the colors and the table runner looks fabulous too.
Barb, You really got a lot done. Wow, your quilts look wonderful.. Heard about the Tsunami and thinking about you and hoping everything is okay and you are safe. Thoughts and prayers going up for you..
You did all that with a headache!
we'll start calling you wonder woman!
Thinking of you Barb..I hear there's another tsunami warning..
Take care .
Julia ♥
Barb, you are a fast the Bowtie quilt.
Guess the quilting took your mind off your head ache and the tsunami!! Hope you are okay!
I like the extra row of blocks. Good job!
Love your quilts...sorry about your headache. I can get pretty bad migraines too, but wow, you sure do work through it. Also checking in on how you are doing with the tsunami. They mentioned American Samoa on the news. Hope everything is ok.
Barb, I definitely need one of those 'slobber rags'....I'm drooling at that quilt...the border is just perfect!!!
If you can do that with a motherlode of a headache....wowwwwwwwwww!!!!
XX sugary hugs
Wendyb :O)
wow! so much for a are pretty productive and the quilts are soo pretty....
Your Sunday Best looks terrific! The table runner is beautiful. It must feel nice to use up the scraps in the same day. Hope your headache has gone by now.
Wow! Look at what I missed by being off the computer for a few days! I love your added rows to the Schnibbles quilt. Fantastic!
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