I didn't think I was going to have time today but we had a tropical storm and so I was homebound. So here is what I did.
It is called Checkerboard Cherries out of the Thimbleberries book that Gene sent me. Yes, I know, that was not what I showed I was going to do...can't a woman change her mind?
Well here is theirs....
Here is mine....
So...as I am doing the binding, I am having the dickens of a time with Mr. Pfaff..it just won't run....so I checked the needle, checked the feed dogs....and it still gave me fits, I literally had to force the material through, so my seam do not look that great....well.....well.....here is the rest of the story.....my feed dogs were down....I checked.....maybe I should wear my glasses while I sew....am I going to take it out and do over.....no way Hosae.....
Hope all of you that joined us will check in and let us see what you have done. Crazy bout Quilts, she did a few things....she really got into the swing of things today!!
Hope you can join us next month!!
Very cute cherries! Perfect for Spring! :-)
Very cute cherries! Perfect for Spring! :-)
Hi Barb,
I love the cherries quilt. It's a really cute project.
Barb it looks great and the colors are perfect for Valentines.
I wish I had time ti join your group but I do not see how I could stay caught up.
That looks great Barb. Those feed dogs, I know just what you mean. I think they should just KNOW what I want to do, don't you?
cute project! you are on a roll....
Very cute Barb. Yes, a girl CAN change her mind....it's what we do best LOL.
I love your little quilt....sorry about the feed dog mix-up. *sigh* It happens to all of us at one time or another, though.
Super cute, I just love cherries !!
Those dogs can be troublesome.
About the same trouble as leaving your machine in reverse and trying to sew forward. Not an especially easy task.
Cute Cherries Checkerboard ! ! !
Cheery-o there dahhling...;-)
Looks good! That should have really brightened up that cloudy day!
Love yours!
i love what you made, looks great!
hope every thing is good!
take care!
That looks great.It`s really a lovely projects.
Cute little quilt....love it!
Very cute cherry quilt! I may join you next month. And...of course a girl can change her mind!
Barb I LOVE your interpretation. Too cute, very Cheery or is that cherry? Anyhow, nice job!
Your fabric choices were great! They really make the quilt dance :)
Love your little quilt! You always choose such fun fabrics.
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