Well....I am not happy....infact, if I was to let myself, I would be very very unhappy. My husband is flying out to Hawaii without me (on business)...but that is not the worse part. He is going to see one of my sons.....my heart longs to see this one son. Yes, I could go but................. I am sporting a new Mr. Pfaff (I wonder if my husband knows that I will be alone for 4 days with Mr Pfaff)? We also are trying to go to the US in December. We thought the government had promised us a trip home during our 3 years here but...as it seems that was a promise not given...so the expense will be on us. AND.....................as you all know, we just came from the states in June...what an expense. So, yes, I could go but if I want to go in Dec, and I want to take my one son in Hawaii with us.....soooooooo...I need to stay...sob...sob...sob...
Which leads me to this. It is up to all of you to make me happy....what a responsibility that is for you. So leave me a comment and as you do, I will add a gift each day. I will announce a winner on Friday after my husband returns...well...maybe Saturday....Friday will be so busy with different things, sewing, lunch with a friend, and a social that night.

So this is the first of five items....this is a 2" INCH FUSIBLE. Have you ever used this product? All you do is cut out, I think 2 1/2 inch squares and iron them on the fusible and then sew...it is awesome. I think you will like this. Leave me a comment...I need someone to make me laugh, make me smile and help me pass this four days with ease.
Barb - I used the quilt fuse last year to design a wall hanging for a friend for Christmas. It was neat the waty it goes together.
I used this to make that "landscape" heart-shaped small quilt a couple of months ago. It's pretty fun to use. Of course, I'd like to be entered in your giveaway. I'm so sorry about the false promise of the trip back home AND about you not seeing your son in Hawaii this week. BUT....you know how time seems to fly once September rolls around...and it seems Christmas is here in NO time, so just try to remember that and keep yourself busy with Mr. Pfaff in the meantime!!!
I have not used this but would love to try it :)
Barb I just want to comment. I am trying not to use much fusible anymore since it drives my BSR batty. Be positive , keep busy and your trip will become a reality.
So hubby goes to Hawaii and he comes back with batting??
Oh Barb don't be sad, the week will pass quickly and he'll be back. Just think of all of you going home in Dec. Am enclosing a really big cyber hug!!!!!
Oh goody a giveaway that will have oodles of prizes and since I'm rather oodless at this time, I'm in. I know very well about missing children, I only get to see mine every 6 months or more.
Crispy (oodless is one of those weird verification words that Google comes up with and I've been dying to find a reason to use it) LOL
Oh my, I would love to make your day and visit your blog each day and leave a comment each day and and and whatever else I need to do. lol
Getting a present from you would make my day, that`s for sure :)
Nice prize, haven't used it, but it is always fun to do something different!
Sorry to hear about you not going, maybe you should make that son a quilt while hubby is gone, since you are thinking of him?
This is fabulous stuff - especially for the watercolor quilts.
Sorry that you can't be in Hawaii, but I know that you will have a great time with Mr. Pfaff. A few days all alone to do whatever you want....how sweet!
Hmm, I can't remember if I've used it or if it was something else I used.~ :-o Did I just say that!? Where did my mind go? :-)) Sorry you have to stay home~ but the end goal sounds good. You should give ol' pfaffy a name.. preferably a man's name, so you can just tell everyone you'll be spending the week with ____ 'stud muffin'? LOL :-) Smile! Sewin' will make the week go fast! :-))
Barb, I know staying home must be so hard, but it is the right thing to do and think how wonderful it will be in December to have everyone together! You and Mr Pfaff enjoy each other~!
I've seen the quilt fuse but haven't actually tried. I was actually going to go and see if they still sell it later this year. I have a baby quilt I have been dreaming about that I think would work perfect for this product.
Barb I promise that I will NOT tell your husband about you and Mr Pfaff. But if I were you I would certainly get all cozy with Mr Pfaff and have a fun evening just pushing all his buttons and making him purr. And maybe even see if he knows any new tricks you haven't discovered yet. Hmm.....
oh btw, that is one man that comes with a MANual. LOL.
I will have to do some research on that Quilt Fuse, it sure looks interesting. Count me in.
I just read all about the Quilt Fuse at http://www.quiltersreview.com/article.asp?article=/review/product/000821_a.asp
and I am really wanting to try it. I also found a review there on various HST (half square triangle) porducts and learned a new trick to use with the Thangles I already have. Yaay!
So sorry that you will not get to see you son on this trip. But think about the next one :-) Plan your work and then work your plan - make some great gifts on Mr Pfaff. Make it a date, so you will have special time to work on Christmas projects :-)
Awwwwwwwww I'm sorry you are sad. But the thought of 'going to Hawaii'.... well, from PA it sounds very exotic LOL
Funny thing about Hubby leaving is 4 days go back so quickly. ... especially with such good company as Mr. Pfaff with you! That being said, Im in the same boat as you, but in the opposite manner...my children are much younger and I long for just 4 HOURS all alone...and on the same hand, I KNOW I am not to wish this time away with young, beautiful loving children at my feet all day long! So my cheerful note to you is keep all things in perspecitve...keep your eye on the prize and your visit in December in mind. Give yourself a mini goal each day ... new recipe, new exercise, new hairstyle...and the time will be up before you know it!
Thanks for the giveaway.
Krousegirl2 at aol dot com
I think keeping busy the whole time he is gone will make the time go fast! Plan something special for each day for YOURSELF!
I envy you to be with Mr Pfaff!, I'm sorry you're staying at home, at least you'll have time for yourself, well I never used the quilt fusible before, I'm ready to take the challenge!, lol, please count me in, cyber hugs for you and your family
Yes, I have used it many times for watercolor quilts & used to buy it by the yard to put in my watercolor quilt kits I sold. Sorry you can't go...but You and Mr. Pfaff are going to have a torrid week affair, am sure!
Sorry you don't get to go with your husband to visit your son. However, there's nothing like a little time alone to get a few projects done.
I always want to make your day!!! Problem is I'm short on flour, yeast, sugar, and eggs. Would you mind if I made your day using playdough instead? Or glue and noodles....perhaps popsicle sticks and Elmers? Geez....I'm trying to make it....but I'm not such a good maker :)
Oh, I hear ya about the promise of a tour home in between the assignment....many promises broken during our years serving. I'm bummed for you...
Haven't use the fusible grid myself yet, but would love to try my hand at a watercolor quilt. Now, go play with Mr. Pfaff!
I've not used it before - looks interesting though.
Sorry you don't get to go on the trip - but you get to stay home and make mischief - so start thinking up more things to get into and the time will fly.
Now, I'm sad. I want to go to Hawaii, too!
Hi Barb,
I'd love to win and try my hands on fusible, but regardless, here's a story to put a smile on your face. When I was in grad school, I befriended a fellow student who had just moved to town. She quickly found out that her house was infested with mice - not only does she not like mice, she's also allergic to pet hair. She moved to a new place, which seemed to be fine, but then when she was doing field work over the summer, she was at a field station that was overrun with mice, and worst of all, that area is known for mice carrying some kind of virus whose name I forgot, but it's not a nice thing to get - it is transmitted through mice droppings. Needless to say, she did not have a good summer. When she finished her degree and started the next one in a new city, there was of course an apartment. After one week I had a call: she had rats, live ones, dead ones that fell into a cleaning bucket under her sink and couldn't get back out - very smelly, very scary, very unclean... She eventually moved out, into an apartment on the 4th floor - less likely to have rodents. Well, last week she called. It was her second night at her new place and she woke up in the middle of the night to find a bat flying overhead. Can you believe it??? I told her to consider moving carefully, as she's bound to have pigeons in her next place ("rats of the skies"). She said she'd heed my advice... as soon as she gets through her rabies shots ;)
Hope that made you smile, it sure has made me roll on the floor in fits of laughter - I guess you have to know her for that :)
Barb, Just think of all the sewing you're going to catch up on. With hubby gone you won't need to cook much, What a Bonus. I love that fusible and was thinking recently I need to buy some more. It would work so well to make a baby quilt or doll quilt with scrap pieces. ~ Please enter me in your drawing.
Ooh! I used some of that quilt fuse a few years back. The 1" stuff. But I forgot to change my presser foot to 1/4" for the first half-a-gazillion squares, so all of the seams were fat. Finished size was the size of a bobbin! I named it "The Insanity Quilt".
I love it, but hooo-EE, once is enough!!
Barb, I have never used that product, but I am sure I can find a way to mess it up! Where in the States are you planning on coming in December??? We would love to have you in DFW.
I'm in on giving the quilt fast fuse a try..
Mr PFAFF!!! What a guy..I've been singing right along with you..and laughing too.
Sorry you could not go on the trip. Tell Mr. Pfaff I said hi.
Mr. Pfaff gets around a bit - he's been hanging out at my house as well! I just found your blog and would love to be entered into your giveaway! Looks like a fun place to visit again.
Cathie Berkley
My friend Liz and I were just talking about this product. I would love to win it for this special project we are thinking of doing. Cheer up, it will be Dec soon!
I've never heard of that fusible ... I'll have to check it out. Please throw me into the pot. thanks.
Hmm..I have a pattern for fused turtles...
I have used a fuse two inch to make a quilt 30 X40 squares colorwash. It worked great and I loved that it would stick but you could still move the pieces until you ironed them.
I am sure Mr.Pfaff will be wonderful to hang out while your husband is gone. Just think, you can hang out in bed late and eat bonbons- read your favorite trashy novel and not worry when you have dinner.
Regards from a Western Canadian Quilter,
Barb, I hope you enjoy your time alone with Mr. Phaff, since one must make the best of what life hands us, grin. What a lovely time of solitude, even if you do miss getting to see your son, you could make him something special during this special time to just enjoy yourself and sew. Your time will come.
Enjoy the quiet time and make the most of it, the time will fly and you will be reunited soon, all the sweeter for the time apart.
Thanks for offering such great prizes.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
I wish I could send you a hug... ready ((((( HUG ))))) ok so I know that really did not help much. I am dreading when my children leave home. Hopefully you will get to see your dear son soon. Until then enjoy your time with your new "man"
Dear Samoan Queen, I shed tears for you, because I know how precious our boys are to us.
I am way behind. I just today, Thursday, discovered you are having a giveaway. Now, how did that happen? Where Have I BEEN?
I can make your day, wanna make mine?
I haven't used this, it sounds easy and you can get something completed in a short time. My type of sewing.
I've never used this stablizer. I'd love to give it a try.
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