Monday, June 15, 2015


I had to wait until my daughter in law told everyone she wanted to tell but Vance and I are going to be grand parents....  Do I hear a WHOOT!!!

All these years of my whinning and crying and wishing everyone well when they had a grandbaby and deep down wanting one of my own.

So this I was looking at all of my projects I need to complete.....

I just sighed.....

until an idea popped into my head!!

Just popped...right there!!!

I am going to make my own quiet book!!

here is the beginning idea.... do you know what I am having?

I had thought to buy a pattern, then looking at all of the books and ideas on line, I thought...

I can do that myself.  I can make my own.

Would it be easier to have a pattern???  YES

Am I cheap?  YES

Will it be fun to make it my own???  YES

So....looking online and getting an ideal of size and how I wanted to attach each page, 

I cut 9" x 18"

I plan to sew right down the middle of the page to attach it to the book cover.

I cut out ten, I was going to cut just a page at a time but you know us quilters.....I will dream of another project and see that white fabric and go....OHHHH I will use that.

Then when I needed another page....OOOPS>>>> so no chance for that happening.

I will use some felt but I want to make a book that will be very I am sure through

trial and 



create a fun book.

I actually have more than six months....but at least I have a start.

So....hopefully, I can share my book as it progresses.

Friday, June 12, 2015


This is just a small topper made with Island Batik fabric from the Black Opal SS Grouping. 

These two fabrics are just gorgeous......  

As you can see, these are just half square triangles.  I cut out 3 1/2 squares of each fabric and sewed around the outside of the fabric on all four sides 1/4 inch.  Then I cut them on the diagonal both ways.  Giving me 4 half square triangles.  Easy...then I trimmed the half square triangles down to 2".

Here is an easy you tube to watch to see how this method is done.

Lots of fun working with these awesome fabrics.

Then a few days ago I finished this flimsy

Fun Huh???

Saturday, June 6, 2015


It has been busy over here at Bejeweled Quilts....

Between making this pattern (and tons of mistakes)

I used the honey comb fabrics I got from Marshall Dry Goods.   I just love this fabric, and yes, it does look busy but I put the oval rings on a plain white background and it just didn't do it for me.

So here it is...

I have made almost 100 chocolate chip cookies for my husband and I have a batch of snicker doodles waiting to be baked.

So....what I need is some help naming this pattern.....any ideas?

Monday, June 1, 2015


Here is my strawberry patch in rain gutters.  My husband was kind enough to create this for me.  I have had to replace quite a few plants due to all of the rain we have been having.

 Here is Thirteen gallons of blackberries.....Dodging the rain to pick them.

Even today I had to come in because of the rain..(you know sugar melts).....but I did get the green bowl filled.

I saw the funniest sight today.  During all of my berry picking and nature walks I have never seen any small animals.  Deer only.  Today I had the two dogs with me and noticed a small creature a few yards from me.  Well...the dogs noticed it too and before you know it this little creature has it's tail up and is chasing the dog.  This lasted for a good five minutes.....the dogs chasing chasing the dogs, in fact, you would think the skunk would give up and go but it stuck it out. you can guess we have some pretty smelly don't come to the back entrance of my house because unfortunately it stinks.

Here is some quilty goodness.  The siblings are making a signature quilt for my mother.  I am having to do five squares and six if my daughter in law doesn't have time.

Here are four.

I have made a quilt, kitchen towel, two round toppers and two wall hangings which I can not show as of yet.  I will be on Henry Glass & Co. blog.  The Desire to inspire which features about the last week of this month.   I have really enjoyed doing this and if you like to create and want a chance at free fabrics do go and apply for a chance to be on their blog.

Then in July Island Batik is having another blog can't show you that either.