I had to wait until my daughter in law told everyone she wanted to tell but Vance and I are going to be grand parents.... Do I hear a WHOOT!!!
All these years of my whinning and crying and wishing everyone well when they had a grandbaby and deep down wanting one of my own.
So this morning....as I was looking at all of my projects I need to complete.....
I just sighed.....
until an idea popped into my head!!
Just popped...right there!!!
I am going to make my own quiet book!!
here is the beginning idea.... do you know what I am having?
I had thought to buy a pattern, then looking at all of the books and ideas on line, I thought...
I can do that myself. I can make my own.
Would it be easier to have a pattern??? YES
Am I cheap? YES
Will it be fun to make it my own??? YES
So....looking online and getting an ideal of size and how I wanted to attach each page,
I cut 9" x 18"
I plan to sew right down the middle of the page to attach it to the book cover.
I cut out ten, I was going to cut just a page at a time but you know us quilters.....I will dream of another project and see that white fabric and go....OHHHH I will use that.
Then when I needed another page....OOOPS>>>> so no chance for that happening.
I will use some felt but I want to make a book that will be very durable....so I am sure through
trial and
create a fun book.
I actually have more than six months....but at least I have a start.
So....hopefully, I can share my book as it progresses.