Wednesday, October 10, 2018


I have to tell you that I love love this pattern.

My sister, Jeanette, from Inchworm Fabrics, sent me the Quick Curve Ruler.

We decided to to our November project for Island Batik together using this ruler.

I don't think I have had this much fun in a long time.

Finished my November Project and then started another project.

This Metro Ring quilt.

Did I need to start another one?

Do I have other projects that need to be done?'


Fabric I used is Paisley Dots by Island Batik.

I will be honest, I did not use my first two squares.   Later when I ran out of fabric and was scrounging for more I tried to use my first two but........

For some reason measuring out the way she showed me did not give me consistent squares.   I am talking about when the ring was made, you have to re size it and then sew the two halves together.

Well....I figured out for myself, how to cut and get consistent halves, if that makes sense.  A lot easier for me at least.

Finally finisfed my ballerina quilt and am quilting it as we speak.

Trying to get  a lot of projects done, I have two blog hops coming up.


  1. Stunning quilt. Gorgeous design, batiks, colors. You did a fantastic job.

  2. OK - I watched the video - and her way does seem a bit convoluted - I'm curious how you figured out for yourself how to cut and get consistent halves - ;))

  3. I love the QCR and want to make so many of their patterns. I bought the mini recently.

  4. The tutorial does make that pattern look interesting. I just don't want to add any specialty rulers to my arsenal at this point.
    Your quilt looks great though.

  5. I think it turned out great. I've got that ruler, but have not attempted it yet.

  6. A beautiful quilt, Barb! I can see why you like it so much. I have to admit though, I’m not like “most people” mentioned in the video. It’s not on my quilt “to do” list, but only because I waited too long. My big quil-Making days are behind me. I’ll watch your progress instead. :)

  7. Your metro ring quilt is beautiful and can't wait to see the ballerina quilt all finished . Hmm those blog hops sound like fun too 😁

  8. I've been tempted by the Metro Rings quilt but have resisted so far. Your quilt is beautiful - love the colors.

  9. It DOES look like fun! Might just have to put that ruler on my Christmas wish list!

  10. What is the Virtual Cookie Exchange Blog hop?

  11. I would love to know how you did the two halves to make them come out correctly.


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