Sunday, November 11, 2012


So the other night I was laying in bed and I thought I heard something!

My heart stops…..

I wait to breathe in case I hear something else.

I get brave and force my eyes open and this is what I saw.  Please tell me you can see it!
Okay….take another look!!


Can you see it?????? Oh my goodness….my hands are shaking…but…

Good thing I have my Beam N REad


My trusty gun…. beside my bed.


I yell out…Who goes there!!!  Stop or I will shoot!!!

So I grab my gun, grab my Beam N Read (hoping I would blind whoever was there)…..

and what do I see????


Oh what a relief!!!

  Shewee….can’t figure out how Connie Monkey got on top of the lamp shade…but lucky for my Beam N Read….because I could have blown off Connie’s head or
put a hole in my husband’s suit.

In all seriousness….I love my Beam N Read.  I take it with me when I leave town.  I also like to have it beside my bed because I am so lazy at night, I don’t want to get up and turn the light off or reach over and turn off the lamp.  All I have to do is turn my Beam N Read off and lay it to the side.  Yep…..height of laziness!!!

If you want to know all about the Beam N Read go here!

If you do not want to wait to find out if you win you can always buy one at I Have A Notion!

Now for the giveaway!

It would be wonderful if you were a follower or if you went  and Like Beam N Read on facebook....

but I am only going to ask for a comment telling me who you would give the Beam N REad to and why.

That is it, thanks for coming by.

Thanks Bob from Beam N REad for this opportunity!

My side bar has all of the blogs that are giving away a Beam N sure to go by....


SewCalGal said...

Too funny. I initially thought your pictures hadn't uploaded to your blog correctly. Then I realized you didn't have your Beam N Read Light on. Certainly helps the monkey have more fun.


luv2quilt2 said...

I'm afraid I would be quite selfish and keep the Beam N Read all for myself. I'm always the one up late, reading, working Sudoku or hand sewing. So I guess I'm the only one in my household who needs one!

Mystica said...

Thanks for sharing and yes I would love to be counted in.

Debbie said...

Are you a write, too, in addition to quilting? Great story, Barb! Honestly? I would give the light to me! I don't have one and I could really use it.

QuiltSue said...

Because I am feeling selfish, I would give it to ME!!

Jacqueline said...

LOL... funny post. Hmm I think I would keep it for myself seeing as how I never turn the light on either when I get up every night to use the bathroom.. hang over habit from not wanting to wake others in the house..

Heather said...

Well, I could give it away to my DIL for those times when the baby wakes in the night but I might just make it a gift to me! :-)

Sherry VF said...

I would give it to my daughter who likes to read late at night in bed. Thanks for the giveaway.

Sherry VF said...

I would give it to my daughter who likes to read late at night in bed. Thanks for the giveaway.

Terry said...

You're blog posts are always so much fun! LOL Thanks for the chance to win a beam-n-read. I have to say I'd probably keep it for myself so I can see better when I'm stitching and reading. I need all the help I can get! LOL

Lynette said...

Hey there :D I am a follower, but I would give the Beam N Read to my oldest daughter who's at college sharing a bedroom with a roommate who has different sleeping hours.

Frog Quilter said...

I would give it to myself of course. I am very,special LOL!

Teresa in Music City said...

I would give it to ME!!! Then I would probably buy another one and give it to my mom :*)

Needled Mom said...

The Beam and Reads lights are fantastic!!! I would give one to my husband so he will leave mine alone ;) They really are the best light out there for your work. I had an OTT that was nowhere near as good.

Jean said...

I am a follower, and this looks like a great lamp. I would give it to my hubby so we could turn off the bedside light!

Bridget B said...

Sure glad you didn't shoot. I would love a beam and read and I think I would be selfish and keep it myself. Thanks for hosting a giveawy.

Sallie said...

I would keep it for myself because I love to read in bed. That would be a gift for my husband because I wouldn't have to have my lamp on while he's trying to sleep. Thanks for the giveaway!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

O I definitely give Beam and Read to my 15 year old grandson who constantly has his nose in a book!!
Great Post.
What kind of gun is that? Does it shoot bullets? I have never seen anything like it. Off o Google I go!!

Joanne Lendaro said...

hahaha!! you crack me up!! Haven't seen one of those guns for a while!!

I'm a follower and I'd give the light to my eldest son who reads like crazy. Perfect for those late nights curling up with his latest book!

thanks for the fun!!

Beezus said...

Well, I'd probably give it to my sister. She crochets in her bedroom, and the lighting in there is atrocious!

grandmatomato said...

My husband because he reads a lot. Usually he is the last one to bed
this would even help him to walk through the house as he turns off all the lights.

Sandy K

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Of course, I would give it to 'myself'....grin. Love the post!

Winona said...

I have wanted one of these for a while, so I would keep it and share it with dh. I have thought about buying one of these, and will probably buy one if I don't win. :) Thanks. I am a follower.

sandy said...

Hey you sure had my attention, even had to put my glasses on to see if I could see "it". I would love to have that light so I could read in bed and not hear my husband belly aching about the light being on, or sit in my chair and be able to see my hand work, or, or, or. Great idea.

barbara woods said...

i am the reader in this house so i would keep it my self thanks

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Sou seguidora.Ficaria para mim,para hexágonos pretos e ponto cruz a noite...minha pobre visão agradeceria

Kathy in GA said...

hmmm, I think I'd have to give it to I can test it out before passing it along...lots who I'm sure would battle to take it off my hands! Thanks for the chance to win one

Sally said...

I'd keep it. Reading and quilting are my passions (and love it when I can blend them by reading about quilting, quilts or novels with quilt themes!!) Thanks for opportunity!

ritainalaska said...

enjoyed the read today! i'd keep the beamer myself ... i read 'til late and hate getting up to turn the light off. thanx for the chance to win one!

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

After straining my eyes last night trying to sew on binding I would love to keep it for myself...thanks for the chance :o)

ShirleyC said...

LOl! Do I have to give it away! I am a flashlight nut, and take one with me anywhere we travel. It's dark in some of those hotel rooms at night, and especially on a cruise when I can't use my cell phone.
This looks wonderful! I will have to check them out. Already a follower.

Marjorie said...

You are so funny - I can see you stalking the prowler right now. I keep my headlamp beside the bed and take it with me when I'm traveling. It really is nice. And of course, someone in the family borrows it from time to time.

Bonnie58 said...

I would use it when I read late into the night (in bed, of course) so that I don't annoy my DH. Thanks for the opportunity on the draw.

Robin said...

I would give it to my daughter, who is away at college. Some of her classes go until late and I'd love for her to be able to light her way home.

Patty said...

I would give it to my mother who has macular degeneration and I think this could help her out. Look easy to operate.

retdairyqueen said...

Oh Barb You are so funny
I think I would keep it for myself

Joanna said...

I would definitely keep it. I needed one when we lost electricity during Hurricane Sandy. Cute post. Thanks.

Kathy H said...

I enjoyed your funny story. I would give the light to my daughter who is in a community band.

cpup40 said...

Funny story. I would have to keep it for myself. My kitty likes to sneak around and make noises at night. With this I would be able to see where she is. Thank you for the chance to win.

Missy Shay said...

I would give it to my mom, she is having a hard time seeing her cross stitching. Thank you for the chance to win!

Mom C said...

I would give it to myself as a gift for my husband so he won't have to try to sleep with my bedside lamp on or wake up in the night because I couldn't get to sleep and decided to read a little so I could get tired enough to sleep. I also have noticed that the lights for hand sewing are getting dimmer and dimmer. And I did have my eyes checked and there nothing wrong with them that less age wouldn't cure. Thanks.

Tangos Treasures said...

LOL your too funny!! I'm lazy too & sleep with the light on a lot!! Thanks for the chance!!

Unknown said...

Hi! Nice post i just like your trusty gun very much.

Villas for Rent in Italy

BizyStitches said...

Loved your blog story. I would give it to my hero brother who is in a nursing care home. He has a hard time seeing and he loves to do crossword puzzles, so I think this would be just what he needs.

Ruth said...

I would give it to myself! I love to embroider and this would enable me to do it anywhere. When we are visiting our kids, they don't have any decent light for doing handwork.

swooze said...

I would probably give it to my mother who I infected with the quilting bug!

Stitches said...

Cute story.....I would love to win the Beam and Read, at this point in my life, I would give it to myself...I really need it...

Shar said...

That is such a fun story. I would love to give on to my son. He loves to hike around at night on our property. He loves to look for animals.

Jennifer Scantlebury Vienneau said...

Love your blog entry announcing this give away! I would give it to my sister who knits long into the night. Thanks for the opportunity to enter this contest!

Bev S said...

Boy could of sure used the light the other night when the lights went out while I was feeding the grand baby. Oh well lucky for me it was only out for a little bit.

Carla G said...

What a great story to introduce the Beam n Read. I would give this light to my son who loves to read in bed & when the light is poor. Thanks for a chance to win! :) And I'm already a follower of your blog! :)

Anonymous said...

my daughter is a single young mom. she is on disability for several disabilities. Crafting helps her forget her chronic pain but she cannot do her favorite at night, when she has insomnia, because she needs better light to do her beading. I would give this light to her.

Unknown said...

I want to be the first in my neighbourhood to have one@

imebears said...

I would give it to my daughter for Christmas. She does a lot of beading at night and this would be very helpful. Thank you very much.

paulette said...

I would definitely gift that baby to ME!! Who knew that such a thing existed!! My dogs are always getting up in the night...and you guessed who gets up with them!! Yup, ME!! I feel around in the dark until I get to the hall and a light switch. I would Beam anything in my path...including two very annoying dogs!! Thanks for the chance to win one!
PS Of course I follow!! Silly girl!

Unknown said...

Hi. I would love to give the 'Beam And Read' to myself. Reason being, with the 'Bean And Read' for myself, I can make more crafts and gifts which would be a blessing to many others. I recently got a new room, but it's too dark. I have a standing lamp but it does not help much. A 'Beam And Read' would be perfect as it would be up close as I work with my crafts. (: Thank you for having this giveaway.

Nancy said...

This has been on my wish list all year, so I guess I'd have to keep it for knitting at night.

Knittingdancer on Ravelry said...

I would like to keep it for myself to use to knit when the power goes off.

I would give it to my sister who knits and reads in a poorly lite apartment.

Anna said...

I'd give it to my mother. She lives in Alaska and it's getting pretty dark out, like usual. It'd really help to have the extra lighting!

StitchinByTheLake said...

I wouldn't dare give it away - I'd keep it all for myself. Selfish? Yes I suppose but in a good way. :) blessings, marlene

Dawn McCreary said...

I'd love the chance to win the Beam and Read because I'm chronically ill and live in an area that loses power every time it storms. This would be very helpful in finding my meds as well as making sure I'm taking the right ones. It's not easy withdrawing meds into a syringe and injecting by candle light!!

Thank you for this opportunity.
Dawn McCreary

sewpatsy1 said...

This is a super gift idea for all of the readers in the family, such as my 94 yr old MIL. Also I am a quilter.

Sheila said...

Thanks for the chuckle , your blog is always a fun place to visit. If I won I would love to keep it as I have difficulty seeing well at night . Thanks for the chance .

Julie said...

Thank you! I would gift this to myself because with my aging eyes, it's becoming much harder for me to see my craft work. It would be such a help to me!

Emily C said...

I would give it too my mother in law. She likes to read in bed at night.

Cloud 9 said...

I would give it to my daughter. She has Asperger's and gets anxious during storms that the power will go out and we'll be stuck in the dark.

Cloud 9 said...

I would give it to my daughter. She has asperger's and gets anxious during storms that the power will go out and we'll be stuck in the dark.

dragonswing said...

I would like to keep this light for myself. I need a bright light to continue making my crafts. My eyes have deteriorated a lot lately.

nicolesender said...

I would love to win this amazing light. I would use the light so I could read in bed at night and also to be able to sew without the aid of daylight.

Deb said...

I would give it to my husband, because he would let me borrow it!

Unknown said...

Looks like a great item. I'd give it to my mom so she could do her needlework at night

starfishalley said...

Wow, this looks like a great light. I really would have to give it myself so I could test it and make sure it would be a good gift for my family!

Unknown said...

Oh I have to be honest here and tell you I would have to keep it for myself because like your heading, I am the one who goes bump in the night.....and of course I follow you...take care

vwlady said...

I would probably keep it for myself as I'm always up at night not being able to sleep. This would be great so I don't disturb my DH. I'm a new follower! Such a cute story!

Julie said...

I would give it to hubby, who reads anywhere and everywhere.

NancyB85374 said...

I am kind of selfish...and I am the one who NEEDS the Beam-n-Read. I would keep it for myself.

NancyB85374 said...

I am kind of selfish...and I am the one who NEEDS the Beam-n-Read. I would keep it for myself.

OhioLori said...

Loved your Story!! Way fun!! :) I don't think I could give it away...I could read into the wee hours, without botherin' my Husband...but I would share with my Sweetie! Sometimes! lol

I follow your Blog, thru Google Friend Connect. (I don't do FB)Thanks for chance to win your drawing!! :)

Anonymous said...

I would give it to my husband because then I could "borrow" it whenever I wanted to work on a crochet or knitting project in the evening when there wasn't enough light.
Thanks for the great giveaway and the chance to win.
(supermomnocape at yahoo dot com)