Thursday, June 30, 2011


So.....I am going on a trip and I was given one of these "Beam N Read" lights to review and try out...... now I can't find it..... I am sure you have been to the other bloggers that have posted about this light and how they use it is how I use mine....that is....when I can find it.

So here is a picture of what it looks like....

This is what it looks like when it is off... It has a red lens for night vision when you are switching from lighted to dark conditions.

Where is this light?

I used it to thread this needle.....boy did it make a difference. I also have the magnifying lens that fits right on it for extra help......(now some do not come with this magnifying lens so you need to be sure you know which one you want and which one you are getting).

The light in my pfaff does not work sometimes so I just put this Beam N Read around my neck (it has an adjustable strap so you can have the light where you need it most) and problem is solved. You hardly know you are wearing it, that is how light it is.

Let me see......I was reading in bed the other day......maybe it is upstairs? Hummmm where can this light be?

Can you believe that people actually make houses with no lights in the I was using my Beam N Read light to see my stash. Yes, I know, it does look like a tornado blew threw.....what can I say???

I just hang that Beam N Read light around my neck and my hands are free to compare fabrics......hummmm maybe it is lost in the fabrics? Now, wouldn't you want to be a Beam N Read light be lost in fabrics....oh...the smell.....the feel..... This truly is a quilters delight if it loves fabric.

So my son used it to work on his computer....I wonder if he hid it from me?

This is not a joke David.....Where is that light!!!!

I guess I need to stand in line to use why? It is my light!!!

I know I used it to give me more light in marking the center of this stitchery.....

I must have the light for my will be great to read in the car, change CD's......and if I can't sleep in the hotel I can do some stitchery and not bother anyone or walk to the bathroom without tripping over people's luggage or shoes....(now that will be a first).

Can you guess where my light was?

Give you one guess, be creative and tell me where you think I found it. As you know, I am giving away one of these lights to one of you out there. So won't you help me find it? No wrong worries about shipping.

Susan over at Hanging on by Needle and Thread is also reviewing and giving away a Beam N Read light go over and see if she knows where hers is....maybe she will loan it out to me?

If you just can't wait to see if you have won one, you can always go over to Kelly's, I have a Notion and purchase one or get more info. I know there are different versions and prices, so go take a look see.

Thanks Kelly for this fun blog hop and all of you hoppers out there. A special thanks to Bob, marketing manager of Beam N Read.

Friday Patsy Thompson and Kelly at I Have a Notion are giving their thoughts on this awesome light.

I just had to add that this light truly is a delight to travel with. It doesn't take up much space, is light to have around your neck, you can adjust it to where you need the light to be and it doesn't bother anyone else in the process. I made this post before traveling in case I didn't get back in time...but I used this light on my trip and I do believe it will be my traveling companion for now on. Thinking of getting my mother one and my older friend who has trouble seeing (she will love the magnifying glass and the extra light).

I will chose a winner Saturday. was also great because I wanted to buy fabric in the hotel, husband was asleep, really wanted the got my little Beam N Read out....oh yes....this Beam N Read really does like fabric, it is enabler.

Comments is closed...thanks for coming by.


Penny said...

Looks like I'm the first in my neighborhood to sign on and sign up. I really should be getting some sleep!! I'm enjoying finding new blogs to follow and seeing everyone's quilts.

Yvonne said...

Your light is around your neck. Thanks for this lovely story and the give-away. Have fun with the searching, hahah.....

Sheila said...

Cute post and this light really intrigues me , I suspect you had already packed the light in your suitcase for your trip ;=)

Sparky said...

I followed the light, I found I think the Beam N Read was around your neck all the time illuminating my way... and I am just hear to cheer you I will follow the light to..Susan's...pip pip cheerio.

Betty said...

That is so cute and what a great idea.

Vickie said...

I would say you hid it under your pillow so no one would find it not even you! I am glad you found it for your trip, though! I am gonna buy one if I don't win one! Thanks for a fun post and giveaway!

Rhonda the Rambler said...

My guess is that the light is either (a) around your neck or (b) in the bag already packed for your trip. Both of these options seem like something I would do. LOL thanks for sharing.

Jeanne said...

I would say the light was in your bag. Thanks for the giveaway.

Susan said...

I would probably give you just about anything, but if you want my BNR Light you are going to have to come and take it from me! ;o)

MaryBeth said...

I'm guessing you're like me and packed it in your stitching bag and forgot you put it there! Do I speak from experience?????

Frog Quilter said...

I'll bet it's in your sewing room buried under something. LOL.

Sallie said...

I'm guessing it was already packed so you wouldn't forget it. Thanks for the giveaway!

KatheG said...

Cute - maybe bathroom to test it out or around your neck. Good luck finding it and have a great trip. Thanks for giveaway.

Ruth said...

I'm guessing it's in your bag. This looks great and would be good for me while stitching in our camper. The lighting isn't really good enough for my cross-stitching project.

hetty said...

I'm thinking it was around your neck. At any rate it was in the last place you looked.

Unknown said...

This looks like something I have to get...where do I find them? Thanks for the tip and the giveaway.
I haven't got a clue where you left it...I can't find half my stuff...let alone

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Did you find your light under the stitchery you were working on? Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway :)

Quiltbug said...

I don't think I need this light to enable me to buy fabric. I already do that very well. I'm hoping to win the light so I can see better with my 'older' eyes.

Renea said...

If your house is anything like my house when my kids were all living at home I would have to say your son "borrowed" the light, set it down somewhere and now he can't remember where he laid it. I would check his room! Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Since it is so light it is probably hanging around your neck! Did you check? See I told ya 8-) lol

DebrafromMD said...

The light is probably in one of the places you have already checked. That is what always happens to me. I would guess it is hanging out at your sewing machine hidden by your latest project.

DebrafromMD said...

The light is probably at your sewing machine hidden under your latest project. For me, the lost object is alway somewhere that I've already looked.

onlymehere said...

I think it's in the fridge since on occasion someone I know (not saying who) absentmindedly puts things in the fridge that shouldn't be there!

swooze said...

I vote for around your neck!

Teresa F. said...

I guess you've already been "mugged" and the light is somewhere in your house but not in your sewing room.

IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Well....did you take it off before you jumped in the shower and leave it on the bathroom counter? I hope you didn't shower with it on...LOL


Teresa F. said...

I bet someone has already taken it away from you, and it's having lots of fun with it.

ooglebloops said...

Am I too late ?- that would be a very handy little item to have - I can never read at night (even on the nights I can stay awake) because DH has to get up early in the morning for work.
I would think your little light is in the least likely place! That's where I always find my missing items!!

Debi said...

I think you found it in the bathroom!

gmaofthree said...

If you're anything like me, it was right where you left it....around your neck!


WoolenSails said...

I was thinking you might have already packed in your trip suitcase, that is something I would do, lol.


Lisa England said...

I think the light was in your son's room. I know when I misplace something I always try to blame it on the kid instead of my confused mind! Entertaining post, thanks for the chuckle.

Deborah in Atlanta said...

If you're like me, it's probably hanging around your neck. I do that all the time with my pin cushion. I have one that goes on my wrist. And I'll walk around and around looking for it, only to discover it's already on my wrist. Duh!

Barbara said...

Well, if you are anything like me, you might have left your Beam N Read in with your stash. I think I could lose a small child in there sometimes! I am interested to see where you left your light. Let it shine free I say! Thanks for the chance to win a Beam N Read and I would love to have one with the magnifying lens, eyes just aren't what they use to be.

LizA. said...

I think your son took off with it. I so need one of these lights. I never have enough light for sewing when we go camping in our VW bus.

Needled Mom said...

I DO NOT need another fabric enabler!!! Did you find it in the bathroom??? Just a guess.

Cori Lewis said...

My thought was around your neck too... or it's already in your project bag.

Lady of the Cloth said...

I think the Beam and Read was around your neck. I don't know how many times I have looked for my keys and they were in my hand or pocket. I would love to win one of these, it looks great and my eyes are not too good so that magnifier would be icing on the cake. Carline

Kathy MacKie said...

Had a good chuckle reading your post and sometimes one really needs that. Thanks for the giveaway.

StitchinByTheLake said...

If it were at my house it just might be in the "reading room" right next to the toilet paper holder. :) blessings, marlene

PDXPam said...

Perhaps it's under your bed, or between it and whatever is next to the bed?

Love the post, needed a laugh this morning!

Jean said...

I think you found it in with the cleaning supplies...we all know how important it is to clean regularly and make sure we get EVERY speck of dirt! :)

Robbie said...

Great story. Enjoyed reading it. My guess would be in the suitcase ready to go on the trip or in the bathroom where you had used it to make sure your makeup and other things were perfect for the trip.

Vail said...

What a fun post:) This light would be great to have.

vail in tn

Deb said...

Your light is around your neck...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Donna~~ said...

Well if you are like me, the light is so light you forgot it was there, pulled off your shirt before bed, and tossed it all into the dirty clothes hamper. Or maybe it is under your pillow waiting to help you read tonight? Looks like a great light--if you can just train it to be where you need it!

BR said...

In my house one of the dogs would most likely have made off with it. Do you have a dog? I would love one of these lights, especially if it had the magnifier. I'm not sure what these profiles are so I hope you receive this!!!!
TTFN B. Ryan

Catskill Quilter said...

Is the light around your neck?

Anonymous said...

At first I was tempted to say that your light was hanging around your neck, enabling you to look in all of those places. Then I read how it enabled you to sneak out while your husband was sleeping so that you could buy some fabric that you really, really liked.

I figured out that if I had used one to do buy fabric, and who doesn't need more, the first thing that I would do when I got back to the hotel room would be to set it down amongst the new fabrics to look at them adoringly, dreaming about what I'd do with them. It therefore must still be with your newest fabric acquisitions because your hubby woke up and you grabbed everything to hide it all in the bag so he wouldn't see what that light enabled you to buy! Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! I hope that it leads me to win one of those wonderful lights! lol

Vesuviusmama said...

I believe that your light, so anxious to go on this trip with you, was already in the car, adjusting the presets on the radio and honking the horn to tell you to get your butt in gear!

Seams to Sew and Quilt said...

Hey Barb, I bet you will find it in the last place you look :-)

It sounds like a handy little light, I have never heard of it but now I want one. Have a great day.

sewfunquilts said...

Cute post, as always..Barb. AND where was your light? It was around your neck 'cause you were afraid of losing it and not remembering to take it with you.

WAAAAAAAAAA! I wanna win one of these lights.

Carol C said...

I think you probably put it in your bag. This light sounds fantastic. So many uses. Thanks for the giveaway.

NanaNor's said...

Hi there, I have just read about this light and because I often sit and hand quilt at night I would love a chance to win one. I'm starting a new quilt next week. Thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

This light sounds wonderful. My eyes are 70 years old and I am really beginning to tell it. Anyway I think you found it in your suitcase. You had already packed it but forgotten. At least that is the way things happen at my age.

JudyCinNC said...

The Beam and Read must be with your car keys - which, for me, are usually lost also. Happy hunting and thanks for the input and opportunity. Judy C in NC

Nanbon44 said...

I would say the light is around your neck...

VickiT said...

I think you found that light in the pantry where you were hiding out in the middle of the night. You got up to potty and those fabulous chocolates you bought on clearance after Easter were calling your name from inside the pantry where you'd hidden them from everyone. You snuck down quiety using your light to guide the way and snacked on all those yummy chocolates. But.oops, you forgot and left the light there.

Quilts And Pieces said...

The more I read about these lights the more I need one! I know where that light is! It had to be around your neck! So like me looking for my keys when the whole time they are in my pocket!

pinsandneedles said...

Did you find it in your cosmetic case? Last used to put on your makeup before going out? Glad your found it...

stitchinpenny said...

My husbandis a flash light fanatic and has numerous headlamps which are great for many things, but This would be fantastic for doing bindings or ripping out quilting errors.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

In the medicine cabinet. You were trying to read the pill bottles.....grin.

Gmama Jane said...

This light is on my wish list for sure!! Have you looked in your sewing room???
Gmama Jane

Gmama Jane said...

OOps, I think I lost my last comment so if you get TWO from me you will know I didn't have a BNR to light my way as I posted this?? Around your neck is where that pesky little booger is...betcha!
Gmama Jane

Linda said...

Hmm, I was going to say around your neck, but someone already said that. Then I was going to say in the bathroom, but someone already said that too so...everywhere I thought of someone said so I'll just agree with them all! I'm liking the sound of this thing though. I hope I wi

Lynn said...

I do believe you found your Beam and Read hanging from your rear view mirror in your car. You never know when you need to grab it an go when you are on an outing!

tich said...

Hi Barb!! Your light is on the floor at the side of your bed. That means you can sneak up during the night, without disturbing your husband and finish the project you are working on. this sounds like the best use for your light. Why didn't i think of that? Enjoy!!

Brita said...

Oh, no! Not around your neck?!?! I already "lose" my glasses, my scissors, and my Zune around my neck!!! But I really, really need this light, so when you find it, send it to me :-)

Barb said...

Jerre Rae has tried several times to comment and couldn't, so I am entering her name for her. You can find her comment on facebook.

Barb said...

Tracy States has tried to comment also but was unable to, so I am doing it for her.

Marcia W. said...

Should I win, this light will be renamed beam-n-sew as that is what will use it for.... Glad you found yours

Patricia Lessell said...

I think you found it underneath your son's bed just where he hid it because even though he's young he needs it as much as I do and I'm way older than you! Because if I had it I could stitch or sew at night and even use my Kindle comfortably as I am getting older my eyes aren't great anymore and I really need a great light like this. Thanks so much for the chance to win and I too have seen the light though I don't think from you because your son, being the devil that he is, has hidden it again. Good luck in finding it.
Patti xxx

Beth said...

I think your son used it while on his computer & he thought it was so cool he took it to his room to read. Thanks for the chance to win one.

Barb said...

Contactec by Marie Powell Evans, she was not able to post so I am posting for her.

corina said...

I think it's in your son's closet, hidden in the corner. There's no way he's giving it up.

matate10 said...

I'm guessing it is around your neck or in your stash. Thanks for the chance to win.

Wendy said...

Oh what a delightful post! Everyone's guessing that it's around your neck ... so I'd have to say it's gotta already be packed in your suitcase so you're ready to go on your trip and you won't forget (or lose it) when you leave! Thanks so much for this chance!!

kc said...

Well, just like everyone else (how'd they get here so fast???), I'm guessing it was hanging around your neck, so light, you didn't even know it was there! Either that, or you'd already packed it. Glad to hear you found it tho, and were able to use it!! Hope I get lucky!

(blogger hates me & I'm not really anonymous! Please send email to kcallander989(at)gmail(dot)com

Patty said...

Was it hiding under your pillow?

sandra said...

I have much the same problem with my glasses and they are usually on top of my head but I guess the light is to heavy for that, my second guess would be that you already packed it. This is something I really need but I hope I won't loose it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the ones that said it was still around your neck - you did say that it was very light!! Would love to get one with the magnifier!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Jacque in SC

Zlaty said...

What a fun mystery! I hope you found it , was it around your neck? :)))

I hope you are having a delightful trip!

Gene Black said...

I see several people guessed my first thought "around your neck" but I have to ask WHY did you put it in the refrigerator?

Linda in PA said...

I figured that it was probably around your neck. Your post was really cute. Thanks for a chance to win a light.

Sherill said...

What a mysterious trail! I'm hoping you found it around your neck! What fun!

The Village Queen said...

I bet your son has it, kids are notoruous for using things and then not putting them back. Hope you found it!

Kim D. said...

I hope I can help you find it, I think it's hiding on your nightstand with the book or around your neck. Thanks for the chance Barb, I would love this light, especially with the magnifier.

Nancy B said...

Don't you know everything lost is always in the LAST place you look? I'm sure it is right in plain sight. Enjoyed your post and thanks for the give-away.

Susan Entwistle said...

Like the glasses on my head, my first impulse is to say your light is around your neck. Wherever it turned up, I know it got a workout on your trip.

Janet said...

Oh I like that - using it to see to buy fabric online in the middle of the night when everyone is asleep. I've done that before, but without good lighting :) I think that you found your light in your suitcase or your purse, right where you had put it. Thanks for a chance to win.

JJ said...

I am thinking that maybe you left it in the car, in the glove box or the arm rest thingy. Hope you found it.

QuiltSue said...

My first thought was that it was round your neck, but other people have said that too. So I think it's ..... already in the post on the way to my house!!

Lee said...

In our house when somethings lost the kids say look under dads pillow but I am sure its lost in the stash somewhere...thanks for the review and giveaway!

rebecca said...

I suspect the light was around your neck? Great review.

Kathy H said...

At first I thought it would be around your neck but then thought you probably packed it in the car trip things already. I have done that many a time.

Quilt n Queen said...

I think the light is already packed in your travel bag....your can't leave home without it bag. Thanks for the chance to win a Beam n Read. ....have a wonderful 4th of July holiday....(o:

Laine said...

I know someone else has already said this but my guess was that it was around your neck. I wear glasses (sometimes) but can't wear them when I am on the computer so I put them on top of my head. I can't count the times I am running around looking for my glasses and they are right there with me on top of my head.

This light would be so wonderful when working on my embroidery work at night or when reading in bed. I am hoping to be a winner.

Darlene B said...

I think you had already packed it! I do that all the time....Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Linda E in NM said...

I'm wondering if you left it in the bathroom since that is a great place to do some quiet reading....

Michele T said...

My guess is that you have it packed already! Thanks for the chance!

Jean said...

Don't you remember? When you were searching through your stash (instead of cleaning up the kitchen, like your husband thought), you heard your husband out in the hallway...quickly you doused the light, tucked it between your pile of red fabrics, waited until the coast was clear, then carefully tiptoed back to the kitchen, and splashed some water and flour on your face (to emphasize how hard you were working). As your husband entered the kitchen, you let out a moanful sigh, declaring how tired you were, as you poured yourself a glass of wine and sat down to rest! (Look in the pile of red fabrics for your light!)

Janet said...

Around your neck most likely. What a handy gadget- i need one for every room and the car. Have a safe weekend.

quiltmom anna said...

Perhaps it is under your pillow where you were last reading late at night - or in your stash, shining its light on all those lovely fabrics.
Thanks for the chance to win such a nice beam of light..
Warmest regards,

SewCalGal said...

Very cute post. Love how you used it to select fabric. I should have thought of that one last night, when I was wondering about thread selection. Great idea.

I'll be curious where you found your Beam N Read Light. By your nightstand?


Jeanne said...

Were you already wearing the light? I've done that with my reading and sun glasses. :-)

Anne said...

I'm guessing it tucked inside your needlework bag. Thanks for the giveaway!

Kathleen said...

I would love to own this many uses...

Becky said...

I am guessing that it was next to your sewing machine. Thanks for the fun post!